? (See English version below)
Lundi 30 avril
La Bible dans une
année : Lévitiques 11 -13
Mémorisez : Et
Dieu fait deux grandes lumières ; la grande lumière pour ordonner le jour, et la
petite lumière pour ordonner la nuit : il a fait les étoiles également. Genèse 1:16
Lisez : Genèse 1:14
- 18
Avant que Dieu
vous ait créé, il a su qu'il allait faire quelqu'un appelé « vous » avec
tous vos antécédents. Connus à Dieu sont tous ses travaux du commencement du
monde. Actes 15:18
C'est possible
seulement parce qu'il est l'alpha et l'Omega. Apocalypse 1:8 indique : Je suis
alpha et Omega, le commencement et la fin, dit le Seigneur, qui est, et qui était,
et qui sera, le Tout puissant. En d'autres termes, il est le passé éternel, le
présent et le futur éternel. L'existence dans sa totalité est enveloppée en lui.
Tout se réunit ensemble en lui par conséquent, Colossiens 1:17 indique : Et il
est avant toutes les choses, et par lui toutes les choses consistent.
D'ailleurs, notre
Dieu est Dieu de but et d'ordre. Par exemple, dans Genèse 1 : 16-18, il a créé
le soleil pour ordonner le jour et la lune pour ordonner la nuit. Savez-vous que
Dieu n' pas fait une erreur en l'arrangeant dans cet ordre ? Le soleil a été
assigné le jour tandis que la lune était nommée pour la nuit. Tout sur la terre
tourne autour de la lumière. Si vous suivez l'histoire de la création
soigneusement, vous observerez qu'avant Dieu a commencé à créer n'importe quoi,
il a dit d’abord : Le “ qu’il y ait la lumière ”. Il a voulu voir ce qu'il
faisait. Pendant qu'il continuait, il a fait plus de lumières ; le soleil,
la lune et les étoiles, aucun merveille Dieu est la lumière. Le soleil a été
assigné le jour de sorte qu'il puisse aider des personnes à exécuter
effectivement. Quand vous voyez la lune, si vous ne pensiez pas au sommeil
avant, vous désirerez se retirer au lit. Quelques lumières mates ont une
manière de vous faire dormir tandis que quelques autres lumières vous remuent
dans une plus grande conscience. C'est un but du soleil. Le soleil est un encourager.
Quand il brille, vous êtes encouragé à effectuer votre travail. Si vous êtes à
la maison et il y a coupure électrique la nuit, elle prendra un grand courage
pour que vous lisiez ou de s'engagez toujours dans les activités. Mais
immédiatement l’électricité est restauré, vous sera encouragée à travailler. Le
soleil permet chacun sous lui voient clairement. Le soleil inspire. Rien ne
peut être caché sous le soleil pendant qu'il expose tout. Le soleil affecte
tout sous son influence. Jésus a dit que vous êtes la lumière du monde et donc,
vous devriez affecter chacun sous votre dominion pour le bon. Comment billez-vous
en avant ? Comme le soleil ou comme la lune.
Seigneur, puisque vous êtes le Soleil de la justice, m'aident à briller comme
SUN OR MOON? Monday April 30, 2012
Bible in one year: Leviticus 11 -13
Memorise: And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also. Genesis 1:16
Read: Genesis 1:14-18
Before God created you, He knew He was going to make somebody called you with all your antecedents.
Known unto God are all his works from the beginning of the world. Acts 15:18
This is possible only because He is the Alpha and Omega. Revelation 1:8 says: I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty. In other words, He is the eternal past, the present and the eternal future. Existence in its totality is wrapped up in Him. Everything meets together in Him hence, Colossians 1:17 says: And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.
Moreover, our God is a God of purpose and order. For instance, in Genesis1:16-18, He created the sun to rule the day and the moon to rule the night. Do you know God did not make a mistake in arranging it in that order? The sun was assigned day while the moon was appointed night. Everything on earth revolves around light. If you follow the creation story carefully, you will observe that before God started creating anything, He first said: “Let there be light”. He wanted to see what He was doing. As He continued, He made more lights- sun, moon and stars, no wonder God is light. The sun was assigned the day so that it can help people perform effectively. When you see the moon, if you were not thinking of sleeping before, you will desire to retire to bed. Some dull lights have a way of causing you to sleep while some other lights stir you into greater consciousness. That is one purpose of the sun. The sun is an encourager. When it is shinning, you are encouraged to do your work. If you are at home and there is power outage at night, it will take great courage for you to still read or engage in activities. But immediately power is restored, you will be encouraged to work. The sun enables everyone under it see clearly. The sun inspires. Nothing can be hidden under the sun as it exposes everything. The sun affects everything under its influence. Jesus said you are the light of the world and therefore, you should affect everyone under your dominion for good. How are you shinning forth? Like the sun or like the moon.
Lord, since you are the Sun of righteousness, help me to shine like you.
Bible in one year: Leviticus 11 -13
Memorise: And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also. Genesis 1:16
Read: Genesis 1:14-18
Before God created you, He knew He was going to make somebody called you with all your antecedents.
Known unto God are all his works from the beginning of the world. Acts 15:18
This is possible only because He is the Alpha and Omega. Revelation 1:8 says: I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty. In other words, He is the eternal past, the present and the eternal future. Existence in its totality is wrapped up in Him. Everything meets together in Him hence, Colossians 1:17 says: And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.
Moreover, our God is a God of purpose and order. For instance, in Genesis1:16-18, He created the sun to rule the day and the moon to rule the night. Do you know God did not make a mistake in arranging it in that order? The sun was assigned day while the moon was appointed night. Everything on earth revolves around light. If you follow the creation story carefully, you will observe that before God started creating anything, He first said: “Let there be light”. He wanted to see what He was doing. As He continued, He made more lights- sun, moon and stars, no wonder God is light. The sun was assigned the day so that it can help people perform effectively. When you see the moon, if you were not thinking of sleeping before, you will desire to retire to bed. Some dull lights have a way of causing you to sleep while some other lights stir you into greater consciousness. That is one purpose of the sun. The sun is an encourager. When it is shinning, you are encouraged to do your work. If you are at home and there is power outage at night, it will take great courage for you to still read or engage in activities. But immediately power is restored, you will be encouraged to work. The sun enables everyone under it see clearly. The sun inspires. Nothing can be hidden under the sun as it exposes everything. The sun affects everything under its influence. Jesus said you are the light of the world and therefore, you should affect everyone under your dominion for good. How are you shinning forth? Like the sun or like the moon.
Lord, since you are the Sun of righteousness, help me to shine like you.
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