English version below)
Mardi 10 avril
La Bible dans une
annee : Isaïe 55-57
Mémorisez :
Gardez votre coeur avec toute la diligence ; car hors de cela sortent les questions
de la vie. Proverbes 4:23.
Lisez : Proverbes
4:20 - 27
Du Matthieu 5:8 nous
comprenons que la personne qui est pure au coeur est bénie. Êtes-vous
célibataire ou marié ? Êtes-vous marié mais votre partenaire est séparé de vous
par un endroit géographique ? À quoi pensez-vous quand vous allez au lit ? Vous
engagez-vous dans des pensées impures ? Savez-vous que certains aident le
tentateur ? Comment? Vous pouvez demander . Après avoir nouri leurs yeux avec des
articles induisant la convoitise pendant la journee, ils reposent pour les considérer
plus tard et peuvent se trouver
pratiquer de tels actes impures. À la fin, le blâme tombe sur le diable. Le
diable obtient habituellement tout le blâme quand les choses vont mal.
Apart d’être
bénie, les purs au coeur sont assuré de voir Dieu. De quelle utilisation est le
course chrétien si à la fin du voyage vous êtes nié le privilège de voir Dieu ?
La raison il est si essentiel votre coeur est pur est que : l'état de votre
coeur détermine le rendement de votre coeur.
Gardez votre coeur
avec toute la diligence ; car hors de cela sortent les questions de la vie. Proverbes
La plupart des
choses qui affecteront votre vie et
destin émanent de votre coeur. Matthieu 15:19 indique que les pensées mauvaises
qui défilent un homme procédent à partir du coeur. Si votre coeur est occupé avec
des pensées impures, un peu de temps, vous vous verrez pratiquer tels. Si vous
continuez à insister sur des pensées immorales, d'ici peu, vous sentirez une
force vous obliger à la masturbation, fornication, violer ou même de commettre
l'inceste. Certains même chouchent avec des animaux ou des personnes du même
sexe. Tout cela commence par une pensée. Un coeur pollué ne peut pas produire
le caractère pieux. Tant que le coeur est pollué, vos actions seront mauvaises
et vous perdrez le destin que Dieu vous a donné. Cependant, si vos pensées sont
pures, elles vous propulseront de vivre une vie sainte qui vous incitera à
accomplir votre destin. Vous finirez voir Dieu et vivez avec lui éternellement.
votre coeur est pur, vous verrez non seulement Dieu au ciel, mais voyez
également que Dieu manifestera vos désirs ici sur la terre.
Tuesday April 10, 2012
Bible in one year: Isaiah 55-57
Memorise: Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. Proverbs 4:23.
Read: Proverbs 4:20-27
From Matthew 5:8 we understand that the one who is pure in heart is blessed. Are you single or married? Are you married but your spouse is separated from you by geographical location? What do you think about when you go to bed? Do you engage yourself in impure thoughts? Do you know that some people assist the tempter? How you may ask? After they have fed their eyes with lust inducing items during the day, they recline to ponder over them later and may find themselves practicing such ungodly acts. At the end, blame falls on the devil. The devil usually gets all the blame when things go wrong.
Besides being blessed, the pure in heart are assured of seeing God. Of what use is the Christian race if at the end of the journey you are denied the privilege of seeing God? The reason it is so essential your heart is pure is that: the state of your heart determines the output of your heart.
Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. Proverbs 4:23.
Most of the things that will affect your life and destiny emanate from your heart. Matthew 15:19 says evils thoughts that defile a man proceed from the heart. If your heart is occupied with impure thoughts, given a little time, you will see yourself practicing such. If you continue to dwell on immoral thoughts, before long, you will feel a force compelling you to masturbate, fornicate, rape or even commit incest. Some even sleep with animals or people of same sex. It all starts with a thought. A polluted heart cannot produce godly character. As long as the heart is polluted, your deeds will be evil and you will lose your God-given destiny. However, if your thoughts are pure, they will propel you to live a holy life which will make you fulfill your destiny. You will end up seeing God and living with Him eternally.
When your heart is pure, you will not only see God in Heaven, but also see God manifest your desires here on earth.
Tuesday April 10, 2012
Bible in one year: Isaiah 55-57
Memorise: Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. Proverbs 4:23.
Read: Proverbs 4:20-27
From Matthew 5:8 we understand that the one who is pure in heart is blessed. Are you single or married? Are you married but your spouse is separated from you by geographical location? What do you think about when you go to bed? Do you engage yourself in impure thoughts? Do you know that some people assist the tempter? How you may ask? After they have fed their eyes with lust inducing items during the day, they recline to ponder over them later and may find themselves practicing such ungodly acts. At the end, blame falls on the devil. The devil usually gets all the blame when things go wrong.
Besides being blessed, the pure in heart are assured of seeing God. Of what use is the Christian race if at the end of the journey you are denied the privilege of seeing God? The reason it is so essential your heart is pure is that: the state of your heart determines the output of your heart.
Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. Proverbs 4:23.
Most of the things that will affect your life and destiny emanate from your heart. Matthew 15:19 says evils thoughts that defile a man proceed from the heart. If your heart is occupied with impure thoughts, given a little time, you will see yourself practicing such. If you continue to dwell on immoral thoughts, before long, you will feel a force compelling you to masturbate, fornicate, rape or even commit incest. Some even sleep with animals or people of same sex. It all starts with a thought. A polluted heart cannot produce godly character. As long as the heart is polluted, your deeds will be evil and you will lose your God-given destiny. However, if your thoughts are pure, they will propel you to live a holy life which will make you fulfill your destiny. You will end up seeing God and living with Him eternally.
When your heart is pure, you will not only see God in Heaven, but also see God manifest your desires here on earth.
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