DISPOSITIFS SATANIQUES (see English version below)
Vendredi 20 avril
La Bible dans une
année : Isaïe 16-18
Mémorisez : Qui
frustre les marques des menteurs, et rend des devins fous ; qui tourne les
sages en arrière, et rend leur connaissance idiote. Isaïe 44:25
Lisez : Isaïe 44:24
- 26
Celui que vous avez
comme père détermine le nombre de portes qui peuvent s'ouvrir à vous. Un ami à
moi venait d'Amérique pour assister à notre convention mais décidé à l'escale
au Kenya, pensant qu’il serait plus facile d'y avoir un visa. Dès l'arrivée, il
a été dit d’attendre trois jours. Il leur a dit que la convention qu'il allait
aurait fini d'ici là. Alors quelqu'un lui a demandée, « de quelle
convention vous parlent ? », « La convention de l'église chrétienne
rachetée de Dieu », il a répondu. Le dirigeant alors répliqué :
« Vous devriez avoir dit cela plus tôt ». Une heure plus tard, il a
obtenu son visa. Êtes-vous un véritable enfant de Dieu ? Si vous n'êtes pas,
donnez votre vie à Jésus aujourd'hui ! Une porte particulière que vous aviez frappée
a-t-il refusé de s'ouvrir ? Au nom du Jésus-Christ de Nazareth, je commande que
la bonne porte s'ouvrir à vous maintenant.
Une des responsabilités
les plus importantes d'un père à son enfant est de fournir la sécurité contre
l'agression externe. Notre père céleste en accomplissant ses responsabilités
promet de neutraliser n'importe quel genre d'arme qui a été fabriquée contre
nous - que ce soit spirituel, physique, psychologique ou intellectuel (Isaïe 54:17).
Dans Marc 9:17 - 27, un enfant a été apporté à Jésus avec une manifestation
démoniaque particulière. De l'enfance, ces démons têtus ont jeté l'enfant dans
le feu juste pour l'obtenir complètement rôti et à d'autres fois, il a été jeté
dans une eau superficielle pour le noyer. Il a été préservé par la vigilance
fine des personnes autour de lui qui l'a normalement sauvé mais il a été totalement
placé libre par la parole de Jésus. Il y a un utilisateur cette dévotion ;
quelque chose continue à vous tirer dans le feu. Même après que le feu vous
brûle légèrement, vous vous voyez toujours qu'a attiré à lui. Le Seigneur
entrain de vous libérer. Cette prise satanique au-dessus de votre vie est
cassée aujourd'hui. Je décrète l'hostilité entre vous et cet esprit de
destruction. Elle ne reverra pas votre direction de ce moment. Comme le Seigneur
effectue votre affranchissement, témoignent à sa gloire dans votre église.
Notre père neutralisera chaque dispositif contre vous et votre famille.
Chaque force négative - évidente ou invisible qui m’attire ou des membres de ma
famille dans la destruction, soit détruite maintenant au nom de Jésus.
Friday April 20, 2012
Bible in one year: Isaiah 16-18
Memorise: That frustrateth the tokens of the liars, and maketh diviners mad; that turneth wise men backward, and maketh their knowledge foolish. Isaiah 44:25
Read: Isaiah 44:24-26
The one you have as a father determines the number of doors that can open to you. A friend of mine was coming from America to attend our Convention but decided to stop over in Kenya thinking it would be easier to get a visa there. On arrival, he was told to wait for three days. He told them that the convention he was going for would have ended by then. Then somebody asked him, “which Convention are you talking about?”, “The convention of Redeemed Christian Church of God”, he replied. The officer then retorted: “You should have said that earlier”. An hour later, he got his visa. Are you a bona fide child of God? If you are not, give your life to Jesus today! Has a particular door you have been knocking refused to open? In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I command that good door to open to you now.
One of the most important responsibilities of a father to his child is to provide security from external aggression. Our Heavenly Father in fulfilling his responsibilities promises to neutralise any kind of weapon that has been manufactured against us - be it spiritual, physical, psychological or intellectual (Isaiah 54:17). In Mark 9:17-27, a child was brought to Jesus with a particular demonic manifestation. From childhood, these stubborn demons threw the child into fire just to get him completely roasted and at other times, he was thrown into a body of water to drown him. He was preserved by the sheer vigilance of the people around him who normally rescued him but he was totally set free by the word of Jesus. There is a user of this devotional; something keeps pulling you into fire. Even after the fire burns you slightly, you still see yourself attracted to it. The Lord is setting you free. That satanic hold over your life is broken today. I decree enmity between you and that spirit of destruction. It shall not see your direction again from this moment. As the Lord effect your deliverance, testify to His glory in your church. Our Father will neutralize every device against you and your family.
Every negative force -visible or invisible- pulling me or members of my family into destruction, be destroyed now in Jesus name.
Friday April 20, 2012
Bible in one year: Isaiah 16-18
Memorise: That frustrateth the tokens of the liars, and maketh diviners mad; that turneth wise men backward, and maketh their knowledge foolish. Isaiah 44:25
Read: Isaiah 44:24-26
The one you have as a father determines the number of doors that can open to you. A friend of mine was coming from America to attend our Convention but decided to stop over in Kenya thinking it would be easier to get a visa there. On arrival, he was told to wait for three days. He told them that the convention he was going for would have ended by then. Then somebody asked him, “which Convention are you talking about?”, “The convention of Redeemed Christian Church of God”, he replied. The officer then retorted: “You should have said that earlier”. An hour later, he got his visa. Are you a bona fide child of God? If you are not, give your life to Jesus today! Has a particular door you have been knocking refused to open? In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I command that good door to open to you now.
One of the most important responsibilities of a father to his child is to provide security from external aggression. Our Heavenly Father in fulfilling his responsibilities promises to neutralise any kind of weapon that has been manufactured against us - be it spiritual, physical, psychological or intellectual (Isaiah 54:17). In Mark 9:17-27, a child was brought to Jesus with a particular demonic manifestation. From childhood, these stubborn demons threw the child into fire just to get him completely roasted and at other times, he was thrown into a body of water to drown him. He was preserved by the sheer vigilance of the people around him who normally rescued him but he was totally set free by the word of Jesus. There is a user of this devotional; something keeps pulling you into fire. Even after the fire burns you slightly, you still see yourself attracted to it. The Lord is setting you free. That satanic hold over your life is broken today. I decree enmity between you and that spirit of destruction. It shall not see your direction again from this moment. As the Lord effect your deliverance, testify to His glory in your church. Our Father will neutralize every device against you and your family.
Every negative force -visible or invisible- pulling me or members of my family into destruction, be destroyed now in Jesus name.
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