NE DOUTEZ PAS (See English version below)
Mercredi 25 avril
La Bible dans une
année : Actes 6-9
Mémorisez : Et
immédiatement que Jésus a étend en avant sa main, et l'a attrapé, et lui a dit,
O toi de peu de foi, pourquoi a tu douté ? Mattieu 14:31
Lisez : Job 19:25
- 26
… S'il y avait
quelqu'un qui a su la famine, c'était Job. Il a éprouvé la famine pratiquement
dans chaque secteur de sa vie. Les différents domestiques sont venus lui
apportant des mauvaises nouvelles. À un point, il n'entendrait plus parce que
tout ce qui est venus était un rapport mauvais. D'une mauvaises nouvelles à
l'autre encore, après qu'il ait semblé avoir perdu tout, y compris l'appui de
son épouse, il a admis son espoir dans la parole de Dieu. Il a dit :
Car je sais que
mon Rédempteur vie, et qu'il se tiendra au dernier jour sur la terre : Et
cependant après que les vers de ma peau détruisent ce corps, pourtant en ma
chair je verrai Dieu : Job 19:25 - 26
Dans cette
situation insupportable de famine, Job a admis la parole de Dieu qu'il a su et
dans la finalité a déclaré que malgré tout il allait voir Dieu. La parole de
Dieu donne l'espoir et l'espoir multiplie la foi. Il l'a admis et il a vu des
beaux jours. Il a vécu des années supplémentaires pour le permettre de jouir le
salut de Dieu. Dans cette situation de famine, espérez dans la parole de Dieu
et admettez-la. Parlez franchement au sujet de vous-même et de la situation
dans laquelle vous êtes, la parole vous sauvera.
Une leçon
essentielle de la famine en Samarie (2 Rois 6:25 - 30) est que quand les hommes
parlent au sujet d'une situation, rien de positif peut ne pas se produire, mais
quand Dieu parle, le changement commence. Ainsi au lieu de se plaindre à
plusieurs reprises au sujet d'une situation, pourquoi ne pas parler à Dieu à
son sujet et il provoquera le changement. Savez-vous que vous pouvez changer ce
chef impossible par des prières et pas en se plaignant au sujet de lui ? Vous
pouvez changer votre épouse ou mari par la prière et pas en se plaignant ou en
harcelant. Le partage de votre fardeau avec le Seigneur dans la prière peut
être tout ce que vous devez faire afin de voir sa fin. En outre, douter la
parole de Dieu ou de la prophétie peut avoir des conséquences négatives. Il
peut voler le douteur sa bénédiction. Le douteur peut voir d'autres participer
à la bénédiction sans tirer bénéfice personnellement d’elle. Il peut également
détruire le douteur comme vu dans 2 Rois 7:17 - 20 où le ministre des finances
et de la planification économique a rencontré une mort prématurée parce qu'il a
douté la parole de Dieu. Cessez de douter la parole de Dieu !
doute et l'incroyance sont des dérives de la foi par des divers niveaux. Vous
ne pouvez pas entrer dans votre terre promise si vous permettez un d'entre eux.
Wednesday April 25, 2012
Bible in one year: Acts 6-9
Memorise: And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt? Matthew 14:31
Read: Job 19:25-26
... If there was someone who knew famine, it was Job. He experienced famine virtually in every area of his life. Different servants came bringing him evil news. At a point, he would hear no more because all that came was evil report. From one bad news to the other yet, after he seemed to have lost everything, including the support of his wife, he confessed his hope in God’s Word. He said:
For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth: And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall l see God: Job 19:25-26
In that unbearable famine situation, Job confessed the Word of God He knew and in finality declared that in spite of everything he was going to see God. God’s Word gives hope and hope breeds faith. He confessed it and he saw good days. He lived extra years to enable him enjoy God’s salvation. In that famine situation, hope in God’s Word and confess the Word. Speak positively about yourself and the situation you are in. the Word will rescue you.
A vital lesson from the famine in Samaria (2 Kings 6:25-30) is that when men speak about a situation nothing positive may happen, but when God speaks, change begins. So instead of repeatedly complaining about a situation, why not speak to God about it and He will bring about change. Do you know that you can change that impossible leader through prayers and not by complaining about him? You can change your wife or husband by praying and not by complaining or nagging. Sharing your burden with the Lord in the place of prayer may be all you need in order to see its end. In addition, doubting God’s word or prophecy can have negative consequences. It may rob the doubter of the blessing. The doubter may see others partake of the blessing without personally benefiting from it. It can also destroy the doubter as seen in 2 Kings 7:17-20 where the minister of finance and economic planning met an untimely death because he doubted God’s Word. Stop doubting God’s Word!
Doubt and unbelief are drifts from faith by varying degrees. You cannot enter your promised land by entertaining any of them.
Wednesday April 25, 2012
Bible in one year: Acts 6-9
Memorise: And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt? Matthew 14:31
Read: Job 19:25-26
... If there was someone who knew famine, it was Job. He experienced famine virtually in every area of his life. Different servants came bringing him evil news. At a point, he would hear no more because all that came was evil report. From one bad news to the other yet, after he seemed to have lost everything, including the support of his wife, he confessed his hope in God’s Word. He said:
For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth: And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall l see God: Job 19:25-26
In that unbearable famine situation, Job confessed the Word of God He knew and in finality declared that in spite of everything he was going to see God. God’s Word gives hope and hope breeds faith. He confessed it and he saw good days. He lived extra years to enable him enjoy God’s salvation. In that famine situation, hope in God’s Word and confess the Word. Speak positively about yourself and the situation you are in. the Word will rescue you.
A vital lesson from the famine in Samaria (2 Kings 6:25-30) is that when men speak about a situation nothing positive may happen, but when God speaks, change begins. So instead of repeatedly complaining about a situation, why not speak to God about it and He will bring about change. Do you know that you can change that impossible leader through prayers and not by complaining about him? You can change your wife or husband by praying and not by complaining or nagging. Sharing your burden with the Lord in the place of prayer may be all you need in order to see its end. In addition, doubting God’s word or prophecy can have negative consequences. It may rob the doubter of the blessing. The doubter may see others partake of the blessing without personally benefiting from it. It can also destroy the doubter as seen in 2 Kings 7:17-20 where the minister of finance and economic planning met an untimely death because he doubted God’s Word. Stop doubting God’s Word!
Doubt and unbelief are drifts from faith by varying degrees. You cannot enter your promised land by entertaining any of them.
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