(PARTIE 1). See English version below
Jeudi 5 avril
La Bible dans une
année : Isaïe 37-39
Mémorisez : Et
ils l'ont vaincu par le sang de l'agneau, et par la parole de leur témoignage :
et ils n’ont pas aimé leurs vies jusqu’à la mort. Apocalypse 12:11
Lisez : 2 Rois 1:9
- 12
Dieu est le père
des lumières selon le Jacques 1:17 et lui-même était appelé la lumière dans 1
Jean 1 : 5. La lumière est une du peu de choses utilisé en décrivant l'essence
de Dieu dans l'écriture sainte. Une étude de la lumière blanche devrait donc
nous donner la perspicacité énorme à qui Dieu est (le blanc suggérant la pureté
de Dieu). De la physique nous comprenons que quand la lumière blanche est
passée par un prisme en verre, le blanc sera divisé en sept couleurs de
l'arc-en-ciel. Les sept couleurs ont été encapsulées dans la lumière blanche et
chacune est indicative de l'essence de la lumière blanche. Nous jetterons un
coup d'œil aux couleurs individuellement.
Le rouge est la
couleur du sang. Le rouge représente la vie parce que la vie des animaux est dans
leur sang (Lévitiques 17:11). Le rouge représente également le salut. 1 Jean 1:7
indique que le sang de Jésus nettoie des taches du péché. Le rouge représente
également l'affranchissement parce que Apocalypse 12:11 montre que vous pouvez vaincre
par le sang de l'agneau ; et l’exode 12:13 indique ; tant que le sang est
là, vous échappera le mal projeté contre vous. Ainsi c'est la couleur de la
victoire. Le feu est également rouge et il représente la purification. Malachie
3:2 - 4 indique que le seigneur est comme le feu d'un raffineur et celui que Dieu
acceptera doit d'abord être purifié. Pour cette raison Dieu promet de baptiser
ses enfants avec le feu de l’Esprit Saint. Pas de purification, pas de l’acceptation
divine. Le feu est également un agent de destruction. Avez-vous été attaché par
les forces sataniques mais êtes-vous sûr que vous êtes né du nouveau et baptisé
dans le Saint-Esprit ? Ces choses qui vous attachent maintenant seront rôties
au nom de Jésus. Quand elles ont empaqueté et ont jeté le trio hébreu dans le
four ardent brûlant de Nebuchadnezzar en Daniel 3:22 - 25, c'était les cordes
qui les bondissent qui ont été obtenu brûlées. L'incendie de l'esprit est censé
pour détruire sélectivement. Il brûle des ennemis et chaque instrument que les ennemis
emploient contre les enfants de Dieu. Cette saison, chaque instrument, corde,
camp, des instruments surveillant et armes que les ennemis emploient contre
vous, votre famille ou le destin sera rôti par le feu du Saint-Esprit au nom de
Jésus. Dans 2 Rois 1:9 - 12, quand quelques ensembles de soldats sont venus
pour arrêter Elie, il a simplement demandé au feu du Saint-Esprit d’effectuer
son travail. Au nom de Jésus, car vous marchez avec le Saint-Esprit, chaque
agent satanique envoyé pour vous arrêter sera rôti.
ACTION : Père, relâche
à nouveau le feu du Saint-Esprit sur chaque département de ma vie.
Thursday April 5, 2012
Bible in one year: Isaiah 37-39
Memorise: And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony: and they loved not their lives unto the death. Revelation 12:11
Read: 2 Kings 1:9-12
God is the Father of lights according to James 1:17 and Himself is said to be light in 1 John 1: 5. Light is one of the few things used in describing the essence of God in scripture. A study of white light therefore should give us tremendous insight to who God is (with white connoting the purity of God). From physics we understand that when white light is passed through a glass prism, the white will be divided into the seven colours of the rainbow. The seven colours were encapsulated in the white light and each is indicative of the essence of white light. We will take a look at the colours individually.
Red is the colours of blood. Red stands for life because the life of animals is their blood (Leviticus 17:11). Red also stands for salvation. 1 John 1:7 says the blood of Jesus cleanses from the stains of sin. Red equally stands for deliverance because Revelation 12:11 shows you can overcome by the blood of the lamb; and Exodus 12:13 says as long as the blood is there, you will escape the evil projected against you. So it is the colour of victory. Fire also is red and it stands for purification. Malachi 3:2-4 says the Lord is like a refiner’s fire and the one God will accept must first be purified. For this reason God promises to baptise His children with the Holy Ghost fire. No purification, no divine acceptance. Fire is also an agent of destruction. Have you been tied up by satanic forces but you are sure you are born again and baptized with the Holy Spirit? Those things tying you now shall be roasted in Jesus name. When they bundled and threw the Hebrew trio into Nebuchadnezzar’s burning fiery furnace in Daniel 3:22-25, it was the rope that bound them that got burnt. The fire of the Spirit is meant to destroy selectively. It burns enemies and every gadget enemies are using against God’s children. This season, every instrument, rope, cage, monitoring gadgets and weapons the enemies are using against you, your family or destiny shall be roasted by the fire of the Holy Ghost in Jesus name. In 2 kings 1:9-12, when some sets of soldiers came to arrest Elijah, he simply asked the fire of the Holy Ghost to do its work. In the name of Jesus, as you walk with the Holy Spirit, every satanic agent sent to arrest you shall be roasted.
Father, release afresh the fire of the Holy Spirit upon every department of my life.
Thursday April 5, 2012
Bible in one year: Isaiah 37-39
Memorise: And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony: and they loved not their lives unto the death. Revelation 12:11
Read: 2 Kings 1:9-12
God is the Father of lights according to James 1:17 and Himself is said to be light in 1 John 1: 5. Light is one of the few things used in describing the essence of God in scripture. A study of white light therefore should give us tremendous insight to who God is (with white connoting the purity of God). From physics we understand that when white light is passed through a glass prism, the white will be divided into the seven colours of the rainbow. The seven colours were encapsulated in the white light and each is indicative of the essence of white light. We will take a look at the colours individually.
Red is the colours of blood. Red stands for life because the life of animals is their blood (Leviticus 17:11). Red also stands for salvation. 1 John 1:7 says the blood of Jesus cleanses from the stains of sin. Red equally stands for deliverance because Revelation 12:11 shows you can overcome by the blood of the lamb; and Exodus 12:13 says as long as the blood is there, you will escape the evil projected against you. So it is the colour of victory. Fire also is red and it stands for purification. Malachi 3:2-4 says the Lord is like a refiner’s fire and the one God will accept must first be purified. For this reason God promises to baptise His children with the Holy Ghost fire. No purification, no divine acceptance. Fire is also an agent of destruction. Have you been tied up by satanic forces but you are sure you are born again and baptized with the Holy Spirit? Those things tying you now shall be roasted in Jesus name. When they bundled and threw the Hebrew trio into Nebuchadnezzar’s burning fiery furnace in Daniel 3:22-25, it was the rope that bound them that got burnt. The fire of the Spirit is meant to destroy selectively. It burns enemies and every gadget enemies are using against God’s children. This season, every instrument, rope, cage, monitoring gadgets and weapons the enemies are using against you, your family or destiny shall be roasted by the fire of the Holy Ghost in Jesus name. In 2 kings 1:9-12, when some sets of soldiers came to arrest Elijah, he simply asked the fire of the Holy Ghost to do its work. In the name of Jesus, as you walk with the Holy Spirit, every satanic agent sent to arrest you shall be roasted.
Father, release afresh the fire of the Holy Spirit upon every department of my life.
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