English version below)
Mardi 24 avril
La Bible dans une
année : Actes 3-5
Mémorisez : À qui
la fin est une destruction, dont le Dieu est leur ventre, et dont la gloire est
dans leur honte, qui s’occupe des choses terrestres. Philippiens 3:19
Lisez : Philippiens
3:17 - 19
A part des
pensées impures, un autre secteur que vous devriez exercer votre autorité plus
d'est des désires du corps. Comme chrétiens, il ne devrait y avoir rien que
votre corps désire que vous ne pouvez pas faire en dehors. Quand vous vous
trouvez obtenir sérieusement attaché à une chose terrestre, tellement de sorte
qu’elle devienne presque une hantise, alors c’est le temps de jeûner d'une
telle chose. Le Philippiens 3:19 parle de certains qui sont ainsi emporté par
les désires de leur corps qu'ils ont commencé à les adorer. Votre ventre est-il
votre Dieu ? Pour certains, il est. Si vous ne pouvez pas jeûner parce que vous
ne voulez pas sauter un ou plusieurs repas, observez-le ! Votre ventre est
entrain de devenir votre Dieu. Certains sont ainsi habituelles à la nourriture
qu’à moins qu'elles dorment, vous les trouvera manger quelque chose. Ceci a
fait beaucoup mener obèse amenant des problèmes de santé et à plusieurs
complications. Un proverbe africain indique : « Il n'y a aucun idole comme
le ventre parce qu’il reçoit le sacrifice quotidiennement». Ne permettez
pas la nourriture que vous mangez de former un mur de cloison entre vous et
Un autre désire
que vous devriez éviter est l'amour pour le sommeil. Si vous ne pouvez pas
prier la nuit en raison de la manière que vous vous sentez dans votre corps, évitez-le,
il devient votre Dieu. Parfois les sentiments dans notre corps servent comme la
voix de la chair. S'il y a une chose que vous devez comprendre au sujet de Dieu,
c'est le fait qu'il ne lute pas avec ce qui bat pour sa place dans votre cœur.
Par conséquent, il dit que vous ne pouvez pas servir Dieu et le Mammon (Luc 16:13).
Tellement aussi, vous ne pouvez pas servir Dieu et la nourriture. Aujourd'hui, beaucoup
de personnes sont entrées dans le ministère ou ont établi une église comme
inspiré par leurs ventres, pas le Saint-Esprit. Qui pensez-vous direct une
telle église ? Le Saint-Esprit ? Non ! Leurs ventres naturellement ! Le
Saint-Esprit ne présidera pas au-dessus d'une église qu'il n'a pas inspiré son
établissement ; et vous ne pouvez pas suborner ou mettre une laine au-dessus de
ses yeux l'un ou l'autre. Votre ministère est-il de Dieu le Saint-Esprit ou de
dieu le ventre ?
ACTION : Jeunez
sur n'importe quel désire que votre corps ne peut pas faire en dehors.
Tuesday 24 April
Bible in one year: Acts 3-5
Memorise: Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things. Philippians 3:19
Read: Philippians 3:17-19
Apart from impure thoughts, another area you should exert your authority over is cravings of the body. As Christians, there should be nothing your body desires that you cannot do without. When you find yourself getting seriously attached to an earthly thing, so much so that it’s almost becoming an obsession, then it’s time to fast off such a thing. Philippians 3:19 speaks of some people who are so carried away by the cravings of their body that they have began to worship it. Is your belly your God? For some people, it is. If you cannot fast because you do not want to skip one or more meals, watch it! Your belly is becoming your God. Some people are so used to food that except they are sleeping, you will find them eating something. This has made many obese leading to health problems and several complications. An African proverb says: “There is no idol like the belly because everyday, it receives sacrifice”. Don’t allow the food you eat to form a wall of partition between you and God.
Another craving you should watch is the love for sleep. If you cannot pray at night because of the way you are feeling in your body, watch it, it is becoming your God. Sometimes the feelings in our body serve as the voice of the flesh. If there is one thing you must understand about God, it is the fact that He does not strive with what contends with His place in your heart. Hence, He says you cannot serve God and mammon (Luke 16:13). So also, you cannot serve God and food. Today, many people have gone into the ministry or established a church as inspired by their bellies, not the Holy Spirit. Who do you think will direct such a church? The Holy Spirit? No! Their Bellies of course! The Holy Spirit will not preside over a church He did not inspire its establishment; and you cannot bribe or put a wool over His eyes either. Is your ministry of God the Holy Spirit or god the belly?
Take a fast on any craving your body cannot do without.
Tuesday 24 April
Bible in one year: Acts 3-5
Memorise: Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things. Philippians 3:19
Read: Philippians 3:17-19
Apart from impure thoughts, another area you should exert your authority over is cravings of the body. As Christians, there should be nothing your body desires that you cannot do without. When you find yourself getting seriously attached to an earthly thing, so much so that it’s almost becoming an obsession, then it’s time to fast off such a thing. Philippians 3:19 speaks of some people who are so carried away by the cravings of their body that they have began to worship it. Is your belly your God? For some people, it is. If you cannot fast because you do not want to skip one or more meals, watch it! Your belly is becoming your God. Some people are so used to food that except they are sleeping, you will find them eating something. This has made many obese leading to health problems and several complications. An African proverb says: “There is no idol like the belly because everyday, it receives sacrifice”. Don’t allow the food you eat to form a wall of partition between you and God.
Another craving you should watch is the love for sleep. If you cannot pray at night because of the way you are feeling in your body, watch it, it is becoming your God. Sometimes the feelings in our body serve as the voice of the flesh. If there is one thing you must understand about God, it is the fact that He does not strive with what contends with His place in your heart. Hence, He says you cannot serve God and mammon (Luke 16:13). So also, you cannot serve God and food. Today, many people have gone into the ministry or established a church as inspired by their bellies, not the Holy Spirit. Who do you think will direct such a church? The Holy Spirit? No! Their Bellies of course! The Holy Spirit will not preside over a church He did not inspire its establishment; and you cannot bribe or put a wool over His eyes either. Is your ministry of God the Holy Spirit or god the belly?
Take a fast on any craving your body cannot do without.
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