Mercredi 4 avril
La bible dans une
année : Isaïe 34-36
Mémorisez : Ils
n'auront pas honte dans le temps mauvais : et en jours de la famine ils seront
satisfaisants. Psaume 37:19
Lisez : 2 Rois 6:25
- 29
Le désespoir est
un état de perte totale d'espérances. Habituellement il y a une augmentation du
sentiment du désespoir parmi la foule générale toutes les fois que l'économie d'une
nation passe par la diminution. Ceci a été expérimenté en Samarie dans les
jours d'Elisé. La ville a été assiégée ; complètement découpé des
approvisionnements alimentaires. Dès que des réservations ont été épuisées, il
n'y avait aucune manière de remplir de nouveau le stock. Elles ont été
confrontées à la famine. Dans cette condition actuelle, la tête d'un âne est
devenue très coûteuse. La consommation d'un âne qui a été interdit en vertu de
la loi mosaïque est devenue répandue juste pour amplifier les possibilités de
la survie. Pendant une famine, les gens prendront des mesures désespérées. Si
la tête d'un âne, qui a été vu comme la plus mauvaise partie à manger d'un animal,
était si coûteuse, seul Dieu peut dire combien les meilleures parties auraient
coûté. En outre, l'excrément des colombes est devenu produit précieux. Une ‘cabine’
était la plus petite mesure pour les nourritures sèches en Israël. On l'a censé
être le meilleur marché pour le plus pauvre pourtant la famine était si
mauvaise que même après avoir divisé une ‘cabine’ de l'excrément de la colombe
en quatre parties, chaque partie fût toujours au-dessus de la portée de beaucoup.
Vous n’éprouverez jamais tels au nom de Jésus.
Une chose est
certaine ici : la famine ou pas, Dieu est toujours Dieu. Avant la famine Dieu était
Dieu et ensuite, Dieu restera Dieu. Si Dieu pourrait répondre à des prières
avant la famine, il peut encore répondre bien au milieu de la famine.
Passez-vous par une situation de la famine actuellement ? Vos affaires ne
sont-elles plus de patronage ou de contrat? Est-ce que les propositions ne sont
pas plus approuvées ? Le Seigneur fera une sortie pour vous. Le trouvez-vous
difficile de comprendre ce qu'on vous enseigne à l'école ? Semble-t-elle comme
vous avez atteint un point de saturation ? Le Seigneur fera une sortie pour
vous. Je décrète une fin au siège qui est au-dessus de vos finances, affaires
et mémoire. Je réprimande chaque puissance qui opère dans votre situation pour
prendre leur sortie maintenant. Je commande la vie et l'abondance fraîches pour
succéder de votre situation maintenant.
Père, que chaque force assiégeante au-dessus de n'importe quel secteur de ma
vie, famille et l'église soit démantelée par votre centre armée céleste
Wednesday April 4, 2012
Bible in one year: Isaiah 34-36
Memorize: They shall not be ashamed in the evil time: and in the days of famine they shall be satisfied. Psalm 37:19
Read: 2 Kings 6:25-29
Hopelessness is a state of total loss of expectations. Usually there is an increase in the feeling of hopelessness among the general populace whenever the economy of a nation goes through downturn. This was experienced in Samaria in the days of Elisha. The city was besieged; completely cut off from food supplies. As soon as reserves were exhausted, there was no way to replenish stock. They were faced with starvation. With this prevailing condition, the head of an ass became very costly. The eating of an ass which was forbidden under Mosaic Law became prevalent just to boost the chances of survival. During a famine, people will take desperate measures. If the head of an ass, which was seen as the worst part to be eaten of an animal, was so costly, only God can tell how much the better part would have cost. Furthermore, the excrement of doves became precious commodity. A cab was the smallest measurement for dry foods in Israel. It was supposed to be the cheapest for the poorest yet the famine was so bad that even after dividing a cab of dove’s excrement into four places, each part was still above the reach of many. May you never experience such in Jesus name.
One thing is certain here: famine or not, God is still God. Before the famine God was God and thereafter, God remains God. If God could answer prayers before famine, He can still answer right in the midst of famine. Are you going through a situation of famine presently? Is your business no more receiving patronage or contract? Are proposals not being approved? The lord will make a way out for you. Are you finding it difficult to understand what you are taught in school? Does it seem like you have reached a point of saturation? The lord will make a way out for you. I decree an end to the siege over your finances, business and memory. I rebuke every power operating in your situation to take their leave now. I command fresh life and abundance to take over from your situation now.
Father, Let every besieging force(s) over any area of my life, family and church be dismantled by your heavenly host now.
Wednesday April 4, 2012
Bible in one year: Isaiah 34-36
Memorize: They shall not be ashamed in the evil time: and in the days of famine they shall be satisfied. Psalm 37:19
Read: 2 Kings 6:25-29
Hopelessness is a state of total loss of expectations. Usually there is an increase in the feeling of hopelessness among the general populace whenever the economy of a nation goes through downturn. This was experienced in Samaria in the days of Elisha. The city was besieged; completely cut off from food supplies. As soon as reserves were exhausted, there was no way to replenish stock. They were faced with starvation. With this prevailing condition, the head of an ass became very costly. The eating of an ass which was forbidden under Mosaic Law became prevalent just to boost the chances of survival. During a famine, people will take desperate measures. If the head of an ass, which was seen as the worst part to be eaten of an animal, was so costly, only God can tell how much the better part would have cost. Furthermore, the excrement of doves became precious commodity. A cab was the smallest measurement for dry foods in Israel. It was supposed to be the cheapest for the poorest yet the famine was so bad that even after dividing a cab of dove’s excrement into four places, each part was still above the reach of many. May you never experience such in Jesus name.
One thing is certain here: famine or not, God is still God. Before the famine God was God and thereafter, God remains God. If God could answer prayers before famine, He can still answer right in the midst of famine. Are you going through a situation of famine presently? Is your business no more receiving patronage or contract? Are proposals not being approved? The lord will make a way out for you. Are you finding it difficult to understand what you are taught in school? Does it seem like you have reached a point of saturation? The lord will make a way out for you. I decree an end to the siege over your finances, business and memory. I rebuke every power operating in your situation to take their leave now. I command fresh life and abundance to take over from your situation now.
Father, Let every besieging force(s) over any area of my life, family and church be dismantled by your heavenly host now.
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