PENSÉES(see English version below)
Mardi le 17 avril 2012
La Bible dans une
annee : Isaïe 7-9
Mémorisez : Et la
paix de Dieu, qui passe tous la compréhension, gardera vos coeurs et esprits
par le Christ. Philippiens 4:7
Lisez : Philippiens
4:7 - 8
Les plus grandes
batailles de la vie se produisent au coeur. Si vous n'êtes pas défait dans
votre coeur, il sera assez difficile que n'importe quel ennemi externe vous
défasse. Pourquoi ? Si votre coeur est pur, Dieu remplira facilement ce coeur
et sera avec vous. En conséquence, n'importe quelle bataille qui vient à votre
rencontre aura Celui sur votre intérieur à faire face. Mais quand vous êtes
controlé par des pensées impures, Dieu est mis à coté , laissant des démons d’avoir un jour de meivelleux (actes 5 : 3). Pour être
triomphant au-dessus de vos
pensées, soyez très prudent au sujet du genre de pensée que vous permettez des
maintenant. Dites ‘non’ à n'importe quelle pensée qui ne passe pas le teste de
Philippiens 4 : 8. Si une idée adapte à n'importe quel iota de mensonge ou de
malhonnêteté, n'insistez pas là-dessus. S'il est impur ou injuste, rejetez-le
énergiquement. S'il n'est pas bon ou ne peut pas glorifier Dieu, rejetez-le. Si
c'est une pensée qui pourrait causer la honte si votre coeur étaient exposé
pour que tous voient, il faut l'éviter. Si c'est une pensée qui alimenterait la
convoitise de la chair, rejetez-la.
toute la façon de pensée visiterait votre coeur. Dans le royaume d'esprit, le
royaume satanique projette des milliards de pensées mauvaises qui se déplacent
comme dards par l'atmosphère. Quand il vous frappe, vous avez la puissance de
dire « non ! je te rejet au nom de Jésus », citez alors une écriture
sainte qui pare l'intention de cette pensée juste comme le Seigneur Jésus
faisait quand il a été tenté. C'est pourquoi vous devez remplir votre esprit
avec le parole. Il y a une parole pour chaque dard de pensée mauvaise jeté à
vous du puits de l'enfer mais vous devez les découvrir, les savoir et affirmer
la puissance en eux. N'ouvrez jamais la porte de votre coeur à la pensée
mauvaise parce que dans peu du temps, ils grandisseront et vous débarqueront
dans l'ennui. La pensée mauvaise ne devrait pas avoir le dominion au-dessus de
vous. En outre, s'il y a un endroit ou une activité qui donne la naissance à la
pensée mauvaise en vous, coupez-la. Découpé des mauvais amis, des incroyants en
particulier. Gardez une distance de sécurité des « soi-disant croyants »
qui essayent de vous influencer dans le mal. Si les programmes télévisés vous
affectent négativement, découpez d’eux ou observez-les sélectivement. Si vous
ne pouvez pas résister surfer l'occultisme ou les emplacements pornographiques,
ou l'emplacement a commandité par les prophètes faux etc. ; évitez l'Internet
pendant un moment ou employez-le dans un environnement de la responsabilité
tandis que vous accumulez le caractère de votre homme intérieur. Passez plus de
temps avec la parole et pensez là-dessus. Également priez et jeûnez pour
apporter votre chair sous le contrôle de votre esprit.
ACTION : Le contrôle de vos pensées et les
imaginations est une manière d'affirmer votre victoire donnée par Christ sur la
Tuesday April 17, 2012
Bible in one year: Isaiah 7-9
Memorise: And the peace of God, which passeth all
understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ. Philippians 4:7
Read: Philippians 4:7-8
The greatest battles of life occur in the heart. If you are not defeated in your heart, it will be pretty difficult for any external enemy to defeat you. Why? If your heart is pure, God will easily fill that heart and be with you. As a result, any battle that comes your way will have the One on your inside to contend with. But when you are controlled by impure thoughts, God is at the sideline, leaving demons to have a field day (Acts 5:3). To be triumphant over your thoughts, be very cautious about the kind of thought you permit henceforth. Say No to any thought that does not pass the test of Philippians 4:8. If an idea accommodates any iota of lie or dishonesty, don’t dwell on it. If it is impure or unjust, reject it vehemently. If it is not good or cannot glorify God, reject it. If it is a thought that could cause shame were your heart exposed for all to see, shun it. If it is a thought that would feed the lust of the flesh, reject it.
Usually, all manner of thought would visit your heart. In the spirit realm, the satanic kingdom projects billions of evil thoughts which move as darts through the atmosphere. When it hits you, you have the power to say “No! l reject you in the name of Jesus”, then quote a scripture that counters the intent of that thought just as the Lord Jesus did when he was tempted. This is why you must fill your mind with the Word. There is a word for every dart of evil thought thrown at you from the pit of hell but you’ve got to search them out, know them and assert the power in them. Never open the door of your heart to evil thought because within a short while, they will grow and land you in trouble. Evil thought should not have dominion over you. In addition, if there is a place or activity which births evil thought in you, cut it off. Cut off from evil friends particularly unbelievers. Keep a safe distance from so- called believers who try to influence you into evil. If television programmes are affecting you negatively, cut off from them or watch them selectively. If you cannot resist surfing occultism or pornographic sites, or site sponsored by false prophets etc; avoid the internet for a while or use it in an environment of accountability while you build up the character of your inner man. Spend more time with the word and think on it. Also pray and fast to bring your flesh under subjection of your spirit.
Control over your thoughts and imaginations are the way to assert your Christ given victory over the flesh.
Tuesday April 17, 2012
Bible in one year: Isaiah 7-9
Memorise: And the peace of God, which passeth all
understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ. Philippians 4:7
Read: Philippians 4:7-8
The greatest battles of life occur in the heart. If you are not defeated in your heart, it will be pretty difficult for any external enemy to defeat you. Why? If your heart is pure, God will easily fill that heart and be with you. As a result, any battle that comes your way will have the One on your inside to contend with. But when you are controlled by impure thoughts, God is at the sideline, leaving demons to have a field day (Acts 5:3). To be triumphant over your thoughts, be very cautious about the kind of thought you permit henceforth. Say No to any thought that does not pass the test of Philippians 4:8. If an idea accommodates any iota of lie or dishonesty, don’t dwell on it. If it is impure or unjust, reject it vehemently. If it is not good or cannot glorify God, reject it. If it is a thought that could cause shame were your heart exposed for all to see, shun it. If it is a thought that would feed the lust of the flesh, reject it.
Usually, all manner of thought would visit your heart. In the spirit realm, the satanic kingdom projects billions of evil thoughts which move as darts through the atmosphere. When it hits you, you have the power to say “No! l reject you in the name of Jesus”, then quote a scripture that counters the intent of that thought just as the Lord Jesus did when he was tempted. This is why you must fill your mind with the Word. There is a word for every dart of evil thought thrown at you from the pit of hell but you’ve got to search them out, know them and assert the power in them. Never open the door of your heart to evil thought because within a short while, they will grow and land you in trouble. Evil thought should not have dominion over you. In addition, if there is a place or activity which births evil thought in you, cut it off. Cut off from evil friends particularly unbelievers. Keep a safe distance from so- called believers who try to influence you into evil. If television programmes are affecting you negatively, cut off from them or watch them selectively. If you cannot resist surfing occultism or pornographic sites, or site sponsored by false prophets etc; avoid the internet for a while or use it in an environment of accountability while you build up the character of your inner man. Spend more time with the word and think on it. Also pray and fast to bring your flesh under subjection of your spirit.
Control over your thoughts and imaginations are the way to assert your Christ given victory over the flesh.
This is great but try to include Pastor E.A. Adeboye as the author of the Open Heavens Devotional