English version below)
Vendredi Avril
La Bible dans une
année : Actes 13-14
Mémorisez : Mille
tombera à votre côté, et dix-milles à votre droite ; mais il ne viendra pas
près de vous. Psaumes 91:7
Lisez : Psaumes 121:3
- 8
Ce que fait un père
va un long chemin en affectant la vie d'un enfant. Notre père céleste
neutralise non seulement des armes conçues contre ses enfants, il les protège
également contre le mal. Dans les années
50’ s tandis que j’étais toujours très jeune, nous avons eu des activités
d'exploitation continuer dans mon village et les routes étaient très étroites.
Le Nigéria était toujours sous la domination coloniale. Normalement, les blancs
sont venus dans une jeep pour rassembler l'or que les mineurs ont obtenu. Ils
étaient si puissants en ces jours que les villageois ont cru que s'ils tuaient
votre enfant, vous devez leur dire “
merci ” de sorte que vous ne soyez pas envoyé à la prison. Pour cette raison
ils ont été redoutés. Un jour, ma sœur et moi retournaient de la ferme quand
nous avons soudainement entendu le bruit d'une jeep venant en haut vitesse. Ma sœur
a immédiatement saisi ma main et nous les deux sautées de sa part, débarquant
dans une mine vide. Nous avons à peine échappé à la jeep mais avant que nous puissions
avoir un soupir de soulagement, nous nous sommes trouvés devant un serpent.
Puisque notre père peut préserver les vies, j'ai vécu pour raconter l'histoire.
Jérémie 32:27 dit
parce qu'il est Dieu de toute la chair, il y a rien qu'il ne peut pas faire. Il
commande tous les humains et les animaux. L'ennemi tourmente-il votre vie en utilisant
un animal particulier : serpent, chat, gecko de mur, hibou, souris ou un oiseau enchanté ? Dieu de toute la
chair frustrera cet ennemi aujourd'hui. Luc 1:37 indique que toutes choses sont
possibles avec lui. Il y a quelque temps, un enfant moins de deux mois m'a été
amené. Les parents ont dit qu'il a eu un trou au cœur et des médecins ont été
placés pour effectuer une opération sur lui. Perplexe, j'ai demandé ; “ quel
genre de situation est celle-ci ? ”, juste avant que j’aie prié, Dieu m'a
rappelé qu'il peut faire n'importe quoi. Ainsi j’ai demandé au Seigneur de fermer
le trou ou donne à l'enfant un cœur tout neuf. Une semaine plus tard, j'ai été
informé que l'enfant était devenu normal. Gloire à Dieu ! En Luc 10:19, vous
avez été autorisé au-dessus des serpents et des scorpions - agents démoniaques
et leurs activités. Dieu vous protégera et défendra tout qui est à vous cette
saison. Est-ce que ceux autour de vous ont abandonné l'espoir pour votre survie
? Le seigneur interviendra et fera un chemin pour vous. Appel Jésus aujourd'hui
Père, selon Psaumes 121:7, préservez moi, ma famille et mon église de tout mal.
HE PROTECTS Friday April 27,2012
Bible in one year: Acts 13-14
Memorise: A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee. Psalms 91:7
Read: Psalms 121:3-8
What a father does goes a long way in affecting the life of a child. Our Heavenly Father does not only neutralize weapons designed against His children, He also protects them from harm. In the 50’s while l was still very young, we had mining activities going on in my village and the roads were very narrow. Nigeria was still under colonial rule then. Normally, white men came in a jeep to collect the gold that the miners got. They were so powerful in those days that the villagers believed that if they killed your child, you have to tell them “thank you” so that you will not be sent to prison. For this reason they were dreaded. One day, my sister and l were returning from the farm when we suddenly heard the sound of a jeep coming at top speed. My sister immediately grabbed my hand and we both jumped out of its way, landing in an empty mine. We barely escaped the jeep but before we could have a sigh of relief, we found ourselves before a snake. Because our Father can preserve lives, I lived to tell the story.
Jeremiah 32:27 says because He is the God of all flesh, there is nothing He cannot do. He controls all humans and animals. Is the enemy tormenting your life using a particular animal-snake, cat, wall gecko, owl, rat or any bewitched bird? The God of all flesh will frustrate that enemy today. Luke 1:37 says all things are possible with Him. Sometime ago, a child less than two months old was brought to me. The parents said he had a hole in the heart and doctors were set to perform an operation on it. Perplexed, I asked; “what kind of situation is this?” just before l prayed, God reminded me that He can do anything. So l told the Lord to either close up the hole or give the child a brand new heart. A week later, I was told the child had become normal. Praise God! In Luke 10:19, you have been empowered over snakes and scorpions - demonic agents and their activities. God will protect you and defend everything that is yours this season. Have those around you given up hope for your survival? The Lord will intervene and make a way for you. Call on Jesus today!
Father, in accordance with Psalms 121:7, preserve me, my family and my church from every evil.
Bible in one year: Acts 13-14
Memorise: A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee. Psalms 91:7
Read: Psalms 121:3-8
What a father does goes a long way in affecting the life of a child. Our Heavenly Father does not only neutralize weapons designed against His children, He also protects them from harm. In the 50’s while l was still very young, we had mining activities going on in my village and the roads were very narrow. Nigeria was still under colonial rule then. Normally, white men came in a jeep to collect the gold that the miners got. They were so powerful in those days that the villagers believed that if they killed your child, you have to tell them “thank you” so that you will not be sent to prison. For this reason they were dreaded. One day, my sister and l were returning from the farm when we suddenly heard the sound of a jeep coming at top speed. My sister immediately grabbed my hand and we both jumped out of its way, landing in an empty mine. We barely escaped the jeep but before we could have a sigh of relief, we found ourselves before a snake. Because our Father can preserve lives, I lived to tell the story.
Jeremiah 32:27 says because He is the God of all flesh, there is nothing He cannot do. He controls all humans and animals. Is the enemy tormenting your life using a particular animal-snake, cat, wall gecko, owl, rat or any bewitched bird? The God of all flesh will frustrate that enemy today. Luke 1:37 says all things are possible with Him. Sometime ago, a child less than two months old was brought to me. The parents said he had a hole in the heart and doctors were set to perform an operation on it. Perplexed, I asked; “what kind of situation is this?” just before l prayed, God reminded me that He can do anything. So l told the Lord to either close up the hole or give the child a brand new heart. A week later, I was told the child had become normal. Praise God! In Luke 10:19, you have been empowered over snakes and scorpions - demonic agents and their activities. God will protect you and defend everything that is yours this season. Have those around you given up hope for your survival? The Lord will intervene and make a way for you. Call on Jesus today!
Father, in accordance with Psalms 121:7, preserve me, my family and my church from every evil.
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