SOIN ! (See English version below)
Lundi 28 mai
La Bible dans une
année : 2 Chroniques 4-6
Mémorisez : Car
si Dieu n’épargnait pas les branches normales, prenez l'attention de peur qu’ils
ne vous épargnent pas également. Romains 11:21
Lisez: Romains 11:17
- 23
Dieu est le
potier et nous sommes l'argile. Allant par Jérémie 18:1 - 4, vous pouvez l'un
ou l'autre rendre vous-même complètement à lui le laissant faire ce qu'il
veuille avec votre vie, ou il peut changer votre destin complètement. Puisque
les enfants d'Eli ont refusé de rapporter entièrement à Dieu, il a changé
d'avis au sujet du futur glorieux en avant d’eux (1 Samuel 2:30). Au
commencement, il les a voulus pendant qu'une lignée prêtre-productrice, mais
plus tard, Dieu disait que les survivants de la génération d'Eli seraient des
mendiants. Leurs destins ont été changés d'être des pères de la nation en
domestiques et des mendiants. C'est une chose terrible pour résister à Dieu !
Le résistez-vous aujourd'hui ? Y a-t-il une instruction qu'il vous a donnée que
vous n'avez pas encore satisfait ? Repentisse-vous et restitue vos manières !
Cessez de jouer avec le fil nu qui porte le courant à la tension ! Vous
pourriez être électrocuté parce que notre Dieu est le feu consumant (Hébreu x12:29).
Bien que l’Hébreux 9:27 parle d'un rendez-vous avec la mort pour chacun sur la
terre, cependant, Proverbes 10:27 indique que le jour est mobile. Cela signifie
que si vous vous conformez aux ordres de Dieu, vous pouvez vivre plus longtemps
mais si vous vous conduisez mal, Dieu peut ramener vos années de 90 à 50.
Vous devriez
savoir que votre demain est dans les mains de deux personnes - Dieu et
vous-même. Comme l’Alpha et Omega, il contrôle demain (Apocalypse 1 : 8). Si
vous rapportez avec lui correctement, alors selon les paroles du prophète
Isaïe, il sera bien avec vous. Cependant, le même Isaïe dit que malheur au méchant
car il sera mal avec lui (Isaïe 3:11). Si seulement vous pouvez l'obéir dans
chaque secteur, votre demain sera une question réglée ; mais si vous décidez de
choisir ce que vous voulez faire, votre demain est dans l'ennui. Comment
vivez-vous aujourd'hui ? Vivez-vous pour Dieu ou pour l'homme ou même pour
vous-même ? Permettez-vous toujours le péché dans vos pensées ? Vivez-vous dans
le péché secret ? Y a-t-il une rancune contre quelqu'un ? Êtes-vous impliqué
dans un certain genre de déception ou de mensonges ? Votre service de royaume
est-il maintenant purement pour des gains commerciaux ? Observez-le ! Suivez le
chemin droit de sorte que le feu qui a été censé vous protéger ne se retourne
pas contre vous.
travaux après que vous soyez né de nouveau sont si puissants qu'ils puissent
récrire le plan de Dieu pendant votre vie et affecter votre destin. Faites
attention à ce que vous faites !
Monday 28 May
Bible in one year: 2 Chronicles 4-6
Memorise: For if God spared not the natural branches, take heed lest he also spare not thee. Romans 11:21
Read: Romans 11:17-23
God is the Potter and we are the clay. Going by Jeremiah 18:1-4, you can either yield yourself completely to Him letting Him do whatever He wants with your life, or He may change your destiny completely. Because Eli’s children refused to fully yield to God, He changed His mind concerning the glorious future ahead of them (1 Samuel 2:30). Initially, He wanted them as a priest-producing lineage, but later, God said the survivors of Eli’s generation would be beggars. Their destinies were changed from being fathers of the nation to servants and beggars. It is a terrible thing to resist God! Are you resisting Him today? Is there any instruction He has given to you that you have not yet complied with? Repent and restitute your ways! Stop toying with naked wire that is carrying current at high voltage! You could be electrocuted because our God is the Consuming Fire (Hebrew 12:29). Although Hebrews 9:27 speaks of an appointment with death for everyone on the face of the earth, however, Proverbs 10:27 says that day is movable. That means if you abide by God’s commands, you can live longer but if you misbehave, God can reduce your years from 90 to 50.
You should know that your tomorrow is in the hands of two people –God and yourself. As the Alpha and Omega, He controls tomorrow (Revelation 1:8). If you relate with Him correctly, then according to the words of prophet Isaiah, it shall be well with you. Yet, the same Isaiah says woe to the wicked for it shall be ill with him (Isaiah 3:11). If only you can obey Him in every area, your tomorrow will be a settled matter; but if you decide to select what you want to do, your tomorrow is in trouble. How are you living today? Are you living for God or for man or even for yourself? Are you still accommodating sin in your thoughts? Are you living in secret sin? Is there any grudge against someone? Are you involved in some kind of deception or lies? Is your Kingdom service now purely for commercial gains? Watch it! Follow the right path so that the fire that was supposed to protect you does not turn against you.
Your works after you are born again are so powerful that they can rewrite God’s plan for your life and affect your destiny. Mind what you do!
Monday 28 May
Bible in one year: 2 Chronicles 4-6
Memorise: For if God spared not the natural branches, take heed lest he also spare not thee. Romans 11:21
Read: Romans 11:17-23
God is the Potter and we are the clay. Going by Jeremiah 18:1-4, you can either yield yourself completely to Him letting Him do whatever He wants with your life, or He may change your destiny completely. Because Eli’s children refused to fully yield to God, He changed His mind concerning the glorious future ahead of them (1 Samuel 2:30). Initially, He wanted them as a priest-producing lineage, but later, God said the survivors of Eli’s generation would be beggars. Their destinies were changed from being fathers of the nation to servants and beggars. It is a terrible thing to resist God! Are you resisting Him today? Is there any instruction He has given to you that you have not yet complied with? Repent and restitute your ways! Stop toying with naked wire that is carrying current at high voltage! You could be electrocuted because our God is the Consuming Fire (Hebrew 12:29). Although Hebrews 9:27 speaks of an appointment with death for everyone on the face of the earth, however, Proverbs 10:27 says that day is movable. That means if you abide by God’s commands, you can live longer but if you misbehave, God can reduce your years from 90 to 50.
You should know that your tomorrow is in the hands of two people –God and yourself. As the Alpha and Omega, He controls tomorrow (Revelation 1:8). If you relate with Him correctly, then according to the words of prophet Isaiah, it shall be well with you. Yet, the same Isaiah says woe to the wicked for it shall be ill with him (Isaiah 3:11). If only you can obey Him in every area, your tomorrow will be a settled matter; but if you decide to select what you want to do, your tomorrow is in trouble. How are you living today? Are you living for God or for man or even for yourself? Are you still accommodating sin in your thoughts? Are you living in secret sin? Is there any grudge against someone? Are you involved in some kind of deception or lies? Is your Kingdom service now purely for commercial gains? Watch it! Follow the right path so that the fire that was supposed to protect you does not turn against you.
Your works after you are born again are so powerful that they can rewrite God’s plan for your life and affect your destiny. Mind what you do!
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