English version below)
Jeudi 17 mai 2012
La Bible dans une
annee : Proverbes 19-21
Mémorisez : Celui
qui croit en lui n'est pas condamné : mais celui qui ne croit pas est déjà condamné,
parce qu'il n'a pas cru au nom du seul fils de Dieu. Jean 3:18
Lisez : Isaïe 28:18
– 21 …
Je viens d'une famille
où notre grand-grandpere était un guerrier puissant. Il a eu plusieurs esclaves ;
mâles et féminins. À un moment particulier quand son épouse était enceinte, il
a imbibé un de ses esclaves femelles également. Tandis que son épouse était
bien couverte, la fille esclave a été négligée ainsi elle a maudit la famille
disant qu'en raison de la manière qu'elle a été traitée, lorsqu'une femme dans
cette famille livre un bébé, et a goûté l’huile ou sel dans les 7 jours ou 9
jours si dans le cas d'un garçon, l'enfant mourrait. Ils se sont bientôt rendus
compte que la malédiction était devenue active dans la famille. Ainsi ils ont
assuré les femmes qui ont livré gardé à partir du sel et d’huile jusqu'à ce que
je suis devenu né de nouveau et tout a changé. Vous êtes un agent de changement
et vous êtes dans votre famille pour la tourner autour pour le bon. Que vous n’échoutes
pas Dieu en accomplissant son but dans votre famille.
malédictions sont en raison des efforts par des parents pour protéger leurs
enfants. Elles peuvent porter de tels enfants aux oracles pour la protection et
les enfants grandiront inconscients du fait que de tels engagements fonctionneront
contre eux (Josué 9). Une femme a eu quatre filles qui l'ont trouvé difficile
de trouver des maris ainsi elle les a amenées pour des prières. Le Saint-Esprit
nous a menés poser quelques questions par lesquelles nous avons découvert que
chaque fille avait été consacrée à l'oracle d'Ifa ce qui les a réclamées chaqu’une
en tant que sa mariée. Nous avons prié et ces engagements ont été détruits et
dans une année ils se sont tout mariés. Isaïe 28:18 indique :
Et votre engagement avec la mort sera annulé, et votre
accord avec l'enfer ne se tiendra pas ; quand le fléau de débordement
traversera, alors vous serez marché vers le bas par lui.
Avez-vous été
engagé à une certaine déité dans votre village, quand vous étiez jeune ? Vous
pouvez être libre aujourd'hui. Donnez simplement votre vie au Jésus-Christ et
admettez-le en tant que votre Seigneur et Sauveur. Renoncez délibérément à des
tels engagements faits entre vous et la déité, cassez les accords et demandez à
Dieu de vous placer libre. Chaque opération de malédiction dans votre vie,
venant des générations passées cessera aujourd'hui au nom de Jésus-Christ.
Demandez que chaque malédiction que vous avez placée sur vous-même soit cassée
Thursday May 17, 2012
Bible in one year: Proverbs 19-21
Memorise: He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. John 3:18
Read: Isaiah 28:18-21
... I come from a family where our great-grandfather was a mighty warrior. He had several males and female slaves. At a particular time when his wife was pregnant, he impregnated one of his female slaves also. While his wife was well catered for, the slave girl was neglected so she cursed the family saying that because of the way she was treated, anytime a woman in that family delivers a baby girl, and tasted oil or salt within 7 days or 9 days if in the case of a boy, the child would die. They soon realised that the curse had become active in the family. So they ensured women who delivered kept away from salt and oil until I became born again and everything changed. You are a change agent and you are in your family to turn it around for good. May you not fail God in fulfilling His purpose in your family.
Some curses are as a result of efforts by parents to protect their children. They may take such children to oracles for protection and the children will grow up oblivious of the fact that such covenants will work against them (Joshua 9). A woman had four daughters who found it difficult to find husbands so she brought them for prayers. The Holy Spirit led us to ask some questions through which we discovered that each girl had been dedicated to Ifa oracle which claimed them as its bride. We prayed and those covenants were destroyed and within a year they all got married. Isaiah 28:18 says:
And your covenant with death shall be disannulled, and your agreement with hell shall not stand; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, then ye shall be trodden down by it.
Have you been covenanted to some deity in your village, when you were young? You can be free today. Simply give your life to Jesus Christ and confess Him as your Lord and Saviour. Deliberately renounce any such covenants made between you and the deity, break the agreements and ask God to set you free. Every curse operating in your life, coming from past generations shall cease today in the name of Jesus Christ.
Ask that every curse you have placed on yourself be broken today.
Thursday May 17, 2012
Bible in one year: Proverbs 19-21
Memorise: He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. John 3:18
Read: Isaiah 28:18-21
... I come from a family where our great-grandfather was a mighty warrior. He had several males and female slaves. At a particular time when his wife was pregnant, he impregnated one of his female slaves also. While his wife was well catered for, the slave girl was neglected so she cursed the family saying that because of the way she was treated, anytime a woman in that family delivers a baby girl, and tasted oil or salt within 7 days or 9 days if in the case of a boy, the child would die. They soon realised that the curse had become active in the family. So they ensured women who delivered kept away from salt and oil until I became born again and everything changed. You are a change agent and you are in your family to turn it around for good. May you not fail God in fulfilling His purpose in your family.
Some curses are as a result of efforts by parents to protect their children. They may take such children to oracles for protection and the children will grow up oblivious of the fact that such covenants will work against them (Joshua 9). A woman had four daughters who found it difficult to find husbands so she brought them for prayers. The Holy Spirit led us to ask some questions through which we discovered that each girl had been dedicated to Ifa oracle which claimed them as its bride. We prayed and those covenants were destroyed and within a year they all got married. Isaiah 28:18 says:
And your covenant with death shall be disannulled, and your agreement with hell shall not stand; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, then ye shall be trodden down by it.
Have you been covenanted to some deity in your village, when you were young? You can be free today. Simply give your life to Jesus Christ and confess Him as your Lord and Saviour. Deliberately renounce any such covenants made between you and the deity, break the agreements and ask God to set you free. Every curse operating in your life, coming from past generations shall cease today in the name of Jesus Christ.
Ask that every curse you have placed on yourself be broken today.
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