Mercredi 9 mai 2012
La Bible dans une anneé : Exode 32-34
Mémorisez : Et étant non faible dans la foi, il n’a pas
considéré son propre corps maintenant mort, quand il était environ cent ans, ni
pourtant l'inactivité de l'utérus de Sarah : Romains 4:19
Lisez : Romains 4:17 - 19
Les patriarches de l’ancien étaient souvent des périodes
confrontées avec des situations très frustrantes et désespérées pourtant ils
ont surmonté. Est-ce que vous êtes dans une situation désespérée, cette
situation désespérée demand-il actuellement, où est votre Dieu ? Vous surmonterez.
L’un de tels patriarches était Abraham. Il a attendu environ 25 ans pour voir
l'accomplissement de la promesse de Dieu au sujet d'Isaac. Gar ! Ce n'était
aucune plaisanterie. À l'âge de 75, Dieu a fait la promesse. Même à ce moment-là,
il y avait très peu que l'homme pourrait faire, pourtant Dieu a permis à des
choses de se dégénérer à un point de – désespoir total quand il était de 100
ans et son épouse 90 ans. Le cas d'Abraham était très mauvais. L'écriture
sainte indique que son corps ne répondait plus et ainsi n'était l'utérus de son
épouse. Pour que son espérance produise le résultat, il a refusé de permettre
les circonstances négatives actuelles les entourant pour l'affecter. Il a su
les problèmes et les limitations qu'il était revêtement mais il ne les a donné
aucune voix.
Quelques croyants ont peur pour aller pour le teste médical – en particulier un type complet parce qu'ils
ne veulent pas être dits qu'ils ont une maladie ou une autre. C'est l’ignorance.
Beaucoup de croyants sont prématuré mort pour qu’ils n’ont pas su leur état de
santé de sorte qu'ils puissent savoir comment prier sur leurs besoins
spécifiques de santé, et ajuster leurs styles de vie pour vivre les vies plus
saines. Le manque de repos ou d'exercice en a mené à une tombe tôt, laissant
leur tâche inachevée. Abraham a su son état de santé et cela de Sarah ; et
puisqu'il n'y avait rien, humainement parlant, qui pourrait être fait ; il a appliqué
sa foi et a espéré en Dieu. Il n'a pas feint au sujet du problème. Il a su que
pour qu'un couple ait des enfants, le corps de l'homme doit être avec les cellules
vivantes et l'ovaire de l'épouse doit
être vivant, mais il a refusé ces problèmes une voix. Il avait utilisé sa foi
pour fermer la voix de l'inactivité de l'utérus de Sarah et de son propre corps
mort. Vous aussi pouvez savoir votre état de santé mais fermez la voix de
n'importe quel problème avec votre santé par votre foi en Dieu. Cette saison,
on accordera votre bonne espérance.
ACTION : Allez pour le contrôle médical une fois ou deux
fois par an, de préférence complet si vous pouvez l’aborder. Priez et prenez
les mesures pratiques sur les résultats.
Wednesday May 9, 2012
Bible in one year: Exodus 32-34
Memorise: And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was about an hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sarah’s womb: Romans 4:19
Read: Romans 4:17-19
The patriarchs of old were often times confronted with very frustrating and hopeless situations yet they overcame. Are you in a hopeless situation, is that hopeless situation presently asking, where is your God? You will prevail. One of such patriarchs was Abraham. He waited for about 25 years to see the fulfilment of God’s promise concerning Isaac. Boy! That was no joke. At the age of 75, God made the promise. Even at that time, there was very little that man could do, yet God allowed things to degenerate to a point of total hopelessness – when he was 100 years and his wife 90 years. Abraham’s case was a very bad one. The scripture says his body was no longer responding and so was the womb of his wife. For his expectation to produce result, he refused to allow the prevailing negative circumstances surrounding them to affect him. He knew the problems and limitations he was facing but he gave them no voice.
Some believers are afraid to go for medical check up –particularly a comprehensive type because they do not want to be told they have one sickness or another. That is ignorance. Many believers have died untimely for failing to know their health status so that they can know how to pray on their specific health needs, and how to adjust their lifestyles to live healthier lives. Lack of rest or exercise has led some to an early grave, leaving their assignment incomplete. Abraham knew his health status and that of Sarah; and since there was nothing, humanly speaking, that could be done; he applied his faith and hoped in God. He did not pretend about the problem. He knew that for a couple to have children the man’s body must be with living cells and the wife’s ovary must be alive, but he refused these problems a voice. He used his faith to shut the voice of the deadness of Sarah’s womb and his own dead body. You too can know your health status but shut the voice of any problem with your health through your faith in God. This season, your good expectation shall be granted.
Go for medical check up once or twice a year, preferably a comprehensive one if you can afford it. Pray and take practical steps on the results.
Wednesday May 9, 2012
Bible in one year: Exodus 32-34
Memorise: And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was about an hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sarah’s womb: Romans 4:19
Read: Romans 4:17-19
The patriarchs of old were often times confronted with very frustrating and hopeless situations yet they overcame. Are you in a hopeless situation, is that hopeless situation presently asking, where is your God? You will prevail. One of such patriarchs was Abraham. He waited for about 25 years to see the fulfilment of God’s promise concerning Isaac. Boy! That was no joke. At the age of 75, God made the promise. Even at that time, there was very little that man could do, yet God allowed things to degenerate to a point of total hopelessness – when he was 100 years and his wife 90 years. Abraham’s case was a very bad one. The scripture says his body was no longer responding and so was the womb of his wife. For his expectation to produce result, he refused to allow the prevailing negative circumstances surrounding them to affect him. He knew the problems and limitations he was facing but he gave them no voice.
Some believers are afraid to go for medical check up –particularly a comprehensive type because they do not want to be told they have one sickness or another. That is ignorance. Many believers have died untimely for failing to know their health status so that they can know how to pray on their specific health needs, and how to adjust their lifestyles to live healthier lives. Lack of rest or exercise has led some to an early grave, leaving their assignment incomplete. Abraham knew his health status and that of Sarah; and since there was nothing, humanly speaking, that could be done; he applied his faith and hoped in God. He did not pretend about the problem. He knew that for a couple to have children the man’s body must be with living cells and the wife’s ovary must be alive, but he refused these problems a voice. He used his faith to shut the voice of the deadness of Sarah’s womb and his own dead body. You too can know your health status but shut the voice of any problem with your health through your faith in God. This season, your good expectation shall be granted.
Go for medical check up once or twice a year, preferably a comprehensive one if you can afford it. Pray and take practical steps on the results.
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