SOYEZ PLEIN D'ESPOIR (See English version below)
Mercredi 2 mai 2012
La Bible dans une annee : Exode 8-10
Mémorisez : Heureux est il qui a Dieu de Jacob en tant que son aide, dont l'espoir est dans le SEIGNEUR son Dieu. Psaumes 146:5
Lisez : Psaumes 146:3 - 7
Au milieu du désespoir, Dieu vous commande d'être plein d'espoir. Ainsi, si Dieu vêtent ainsi l'herbe du champ, qui est la aujourdhui, et au lendemain est moulé dans le four, doit il pas beaucoup plus vous vêtir, O vous de peu de foi ? Mattieu 6:30 . Mais parfois, vous pouvez se demander s'il le vaut espérant contre l'espoir. Oui, il le vaut si votre espoir est ancré sur le Créateur du ciel et de la terre. En Luc 5:1 - 5, Piere étaient dans le puits du désespoir ayant épuisé toutes sa sagesse, expertise d'affaires et force sans avoir quelque chose à montrer. Il a déjà stoppé quand le Maître de l'univers a intervenu et lui a dit d’espérer un crochet des poissons de la même eau qui était improductive tout au long de la nuit. Une leçon de ceci est que Dieu utilise des méthodes différentes pour répondre aux besoins de ses enfants. Dans 2 Rois 8:1 - 2, le Seigneur a demandé à la femme qui traversait une famine de deplacer ailleurs avec sa famille, mais dans le cas de Piere, il lui a demandé de faire un autre effort dans le même fleuve ; et les deux cas ont donné de bons résultats.
Quand certains abordent des difficultés dans des affaires particulières, elles les abandonnent pour des autres. Ceci peut nécessairement ne pas être la meilleure chose à faire. Même lorsqu'elle semble désespérée, juste saisissez la parole de Dieu concernant la situation, obéissez et attendez le résultat. Pour résoudre un problème ou un défi particulier, ce n'est pas nécessairement le nombre de tentatives faites qui compte, mais qui facilite votre tentative. Piere avait essayé tant de fois sans crochet cette nuit mais la seule tentative il a fait avec le support du Seigneur lui a fourni une moisson au delà des espérances. Le défi principal que les croyants passant par le chemin du désespoir est qu’ils manquent la parole de Dieu sur leur situation. Quand il n'y a rien de Dieu sur un cas, l'état de désespoir sera plus mauvais. Mais si Dieu a dit un mot sur la matière, le cas est aussi bon que fermé en votre faveur. Êtes-vous dans une situation désespérée ? Prenez du temps de lire et étudier la bible, demandant à Dieu de vous donner un mot pour cette situation. Dieu a toujours quelque chose à dire au sujet de votre situation mais êtes-vous prêt à l'entendre ?
POINT CLÉ : Peu importe ce qui se produise, n'abandonnez jamais votre espoir pour un meilleur demain. La vie sans espoir n'est pas intéressant a vivre.
Wednesday May 2, 2012
Bible in one year: Exodus 8-10
Memorise: Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the LORD his God. Psalms 146:5
Read: Psalms 146:3-7
In the midst of hopelessness, God commands you to be hopeful.
Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith? Matthew 6:30.
But sometimes, you may ask yourself if it is worth it hoping against hope. Yes, it is worth it if your hope is anchored on the Creator of Heaven and earth. In Luke 5:1-5, Peter was in the pit of hopelessness having exhausted all his wisdom, business expertise and strength without having anything to show for it. He was already calling it quits when the Master of the universe stepped in and told him to hope for a catch of fishes from the same water that was unproductive throughout the night. One lesson from this is that God uses different methods to meet the needs of His children. In 2 Kings 8:1-2, the Lord asked the woman facing famine to relocate elsewhere with her household, but in the case of Peter, He asked him to make another effort in the same river; and both cases yielded good results.
When some people meet with difficulties in a particular business, they abandon it for another. This may not necessarily be the best thing to do. Even when it appears hopeless, just grab God’s Word concerning the situation, obey and wait for the result. To solve a particular problem or challenge, it is not necessarily the number of attempts made that matters, but who is aiding your attempt. Peter had tried so many times without a catch that night but the only attempt he made that had the backing of the Lord delivered to him a harvest beyond expectations. The major challenge believers going through the path of hopelessness face is that unlike Peter, they lack the Word from God on their situation. When there is nothing from God on an issue, the state of hopelessness will be worse. But if God has spoken a word on the matter, the case is as good as closed in your favour. Are you in a hopeless situation? Take time to read and study the Bible, asking God to give you a word for that situation. God always has something to say about your situation but are you ready to hear it?
Whatever happens, never give up your hope for a better tomorrow. Life without hope is not worth living.
Wednesday May 2, 2012
Bible in one year: Exodus 8-10
Memorise: Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the LORD his God. Psalms 146:5
Read: Psalms 146:3-7
In the midst of hopelessness, God commands you to be hopeful.
Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith? Matthew 6:30.
But sometimes, you may ask yourself if it is worth it hoping against hope. Yes, it is worth it if your hope is anchored on the Creator of Heaven and earth. In Luke 5:1-5, Peter was in the pit of hopelessness having exhausted all his wisdom, business expertise and strength without having anything to show for it. He was already calling it quits when the Master of the universe stepped in and told him to hope for a catch of fishes from the same water that was unproductive throughout the night. One lesson from this is that God uses different methods to meet the needs of His children. In 2 Kings 8:1-2, the Lord asked the woman facing famine to relocate elsewhere with her household, but in the case of Peter, He asked him to make another effort in the same river; and both cases yielded good results.
When some people meet with difficulties in a particular business, they abandon it for another. This may not necessarily be the best thing to do. Even when it appears hopeless, just grab God’s Word concerning the situation, obey and wait for the result. To solve a particular problem or challenge, it is not necessarily the number of attempts made that matters, but who is aiding your attempt. Peter had tried so many times without a catch that night but the only attempt he made that had the backing of the Lord delivered to him a harvest beyond expectations. The major challenge believers going through the path of hopelessness face is that unlike Peter, they lack the Word from God on their situation. When there is nothing from God on an issue, the state of hopelessness will be worse. But if God has spoken a word on the matter, the case is as good as closed in your favour. Are you in a hopeless situation? Take time to read and study the Bible, asking God to give you a word for that situation. God always has something to say about your situation but are you ready to hear it?
Whatever happens, never give up your hope for a better tomorrow. Life without hope is not worth living.
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