English version below)
Mardi mai 22.2012
La Bible dans une
annee : 1 Samuel 8-10
Mémorisez : Ainsi,
aimé, voyant que vous recherchez de telles choses, soit diligent que vous
puissiez être trouvé de lui dans la paix, sans tache, et irréprochable. 2 Piere
Lisez : 1 Rois 19:19
- 21
Les personnes paresseux
aiment de dormir. Le proverbes 19:15 de indique que la paresse amene le
paresseux dans le sommeil profond. Aussi bon que le sommeil est, il est mauvais
de dormir quand vous devriez travailler. Si vous vous trouvez donné à beaucoup
de sommeil, observez-le, la paresse pourrait ramper dans votre vie. Le
paresseux peut dormir à n’import quel moment donné. Dieu déteste la paresse
avec une passion. Si vous êtes paresseux, vous ne serez pas dans les bons
livres de Dieu. Vous n’apprécierez pas la faveur de Dieu si vous êtes
paresseux. Malgré le volume de travail disponible dans le royaume, Dieu n'a
aucune tâche pour le paresseux à moins qu'ils se livrent d'abord de la paresse.
Dieu va par tout afin de trouver l'assidu. Dans la lecture d'aujourd'hui, Dieu
a vu Elisé très occupé dans sa ferme et a dit a Elie de l'appeler et Dieu
n'était pas déçu.
Êtes-vous un
professeur assidu ? Dieu a une place pour vous. Êtes-vous industriel et de
but-obtention ? Dieu vous recherche. Êtes -vous un commerçant très
consciencieux, le travailleur ou le décapant ? Dieu a une place pour vous. Dieu
recherche l'assidu. Si vous êtes une personne assidue, vous êtes un peu comme
Dieu parce que Dieu est très assidu. Il a beaucoup réalisé pendant six jours
avant qu'il a pris un repos le septième (Genèse 1 & ; 2). Si vous êtes un
accomplisseur, une personne créatrice ou quelqu'un qui peut rester actif la
nuit pour travailler, Dieu a une place pour vous. Si vous n'avez pas reçu le
Jésus-Christ comme Seigneur et Sauveur personnel, faites le tellement aujourd'hui
parce que n'importe comment assidu vous êtes, s’il y a est un péché dans votre
vie, il vous éliminera de l'utilisation de Dieu. Combien assidu êtes-vous ? La
paresse est le fléau de la foi chrétienne aujourd'hui. Mais pendant que nous
faisons un pas dans des seuils des derniers jours, Dieu recherche ceux qui
tournera le monde à l'envers, qui conquerra des villes pour le Christ, et
ceux qui sera disposé à verser n'importe quel prix juste pour plair à Dieu.
Comment manipulez-vous la tâche donnée à vous dans la maison de Dieu ? Le
faites-vous face avec l'esprit de la perfection ou avec la nonchalance ?
plus grandes menaces pour l'evangelisation efficace du monde sont aujourd'hui la
crainte et la paresse. Si vous ne pouvez pas conquérir ces deux ennemis, vous
allez nulle part.
Tuesday May 22,2012
Bible in one year: 1 Samuel 8-10
Memorise: Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot, and blameless. 2 Peter 3:14
Read: 1 Kings 19:19-21
Lazy people love to sleep. Proverbs 19:15 says slothfulness casts the slothful into deep sleep. As good as sleep is, it is bad to sleep when you should be working. If you find yourself given to much sleep, watch it, slothfulness might be creeping into your life. The slothful can sleep at any given time. God hates laziness with a passion. If you are lazy, you will not be in God’s good books. You will not enjoy God’s favour if you are lazy. In spite of the volume of work available in the Kingdom, God has no assignment for the lazy unless they first deliver themselves from laziness. God shops around for the hardworking. In today’s reading, God saw Elisha very busy in his farm and told Elijah to call him and God was not disappointed.
Are you a hardworking teacher? God has a place for you. Are you a goal-getting industrialist? God is looking for you. Are you a very conscientious trader, labourer or cleaner? God has a place for you. God is looking for the hardworking. If you are a hardworking fellow, you are a bit like God because God is very hardworking. He achieved so much in six days before He took a rest on the seventh (Genesis 1 & 2). If you are an achiever, a creative person or someone who can stay up at night to work, God has a place for you. If you have not received Jesus Christ as Lord and personal Saviour, do so today because no matter how hardworking you are, if there is sin in your life, it will disqualify you from being used of God. How hardworking are you? Laziness is the bane of the Christian faith today. But as we step into thresholds of the last days, God is searching for those who will turn the world upside down, who will conquer cities for Christ, and those who will be prepared to pay any price just to please God. How do you handle the assignment given to you in God’s house? Do you face it with the spirit of perfection or with nonchalance?
The greatest threats to effective evangelization of the world today are fear and laziness. If you cannot conquer these two enemies, you are going nowhere.
Tuesday May 22,2012
Bible in one year: 1 Samuel 8-10
Memorise: Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot, and blameless. 2 Peter 3:14
Read: 1 Kings 19:19-21
Lazy people love to sleep. Proverbs 19:15 says slothfulness casts the slothful into deep sleep. As good as sleep is, it is bad to sleep when you should be working. If you find yourself given to much sleep, watch it, slothfulness might be creeping into your life. The slothful can sleep at any given time. God hates laziness with a passion. If you are lazy, you will not be in God’s good books. You will not enjoy God’s favour if you are lazy. In spite of the volume of work available in the Kingdom, God has no assignment for the lazy unless they first deliver themselves from laziness. God shops around for the hardworking. In today’s reading, God saw Elisha very busy in his farm and told Elijah to call him and God was not disappointed.
Are you a hardworking teacher? God has a place for you. Are you a goal-getting industrialist? God is looking for you. Are you a very conscientious trader, labourer or cleaner? God has a place for you. God is looking for the hardworking. If you are a hardworking fellow, you are a bit like God because God is very hardworking. He achieved so much in six days before He took a rest on the seventh (Genesis 1 & 2). If you are an achiever, a creative person or someone who can stay up at night to work, God has a place for you. If you have not received Jesus Christ as Lord and personal Saviour, do so today because no matter how hardworking you are, if there is sin in your life, it will disqualify you from being used of God. How hardworking are you? Laziness is the bane of the Christian faith today. But as we step into thresholds of the last days, God is searching for those who will turn the world upside down, who will conquer cities for Christ, and those who will be prepared to pay any price just to please God. How do you handle the assignment given to you in God’s house? Do you face it with the spirit of perfection or with nonchalance?
The greatest threats to effective evangelization of the world today are fear and laziness. If you cannot conquer these two enemies, you are going nowhere.
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