POUR LA SAGESSE (See English version below)
Vendredi 25 mai
La Bible dans une
année : Romains 9-11
Mémorisez : De
peur qu'il y ait n'importe quel fornicateur, ou individu profane, comme Esaü,
qui pour un morceau de viande a vendu son mérite des ancêtres. Hébreux 12:16
Lisez : 39:7 de
genèse - 13
Il est dans le
record qu'un esprit excellent a été trouvé en Daniel (Daniel 6 : 3). C'est
l'esprit de la sagesse. Il ne vient pas moins chère mais il est donné seulement
à ceux qui le méritent. Matthieu 7:6 indique que des choses saintes ne sont pas
signifiées pour des chiens et les choses précieuses ne sont pas pour des
pécheurs. Qui peut probablement recevoir l'esprit de la sagesse ? Il est pour
ceux qui sont purs et non défilés comme Joseph. Il est commun d’entendre qu'un
homme chasse une dame mais dans le cas de Joseph, c’était la Madame de la
maison qui chassait. Quelques hommes souhaitent qu'ils aient eu l'occasion de
coucher avec l'épouse de leur patron. S'il ne vient pas, ils peuvent passer des
heures fantasmant sur une occurrence possible. Joseph a eu toutes les possibilités
de coucher avec l’épouse de son patron mais il n'a pas fait. Elle a fait toutes
les promesses que vous pouvez penser mais il a su que sa promotion était de
Dieu et pas de la femme. Elle l'a sexuellement harcelé quotidiennement pourtant
il a refusé de se donner. Un jour, elle l'a établi de sorte qu'il ait été juste
les deux à la maison. Alors elle l'a saisi disant, “, que vous l'aimiez ou pas,
vous devez coucher avec moi aujourd'hui ”, pourtant il a agité dehors et a pris
à ses talons. Raison ? Il n'a pas voulu offenser la personne qui tient son destin.
Il n'a pas voulu vendre son destin pendant quelque minute de plaisir pécheresse
(Genèse 39:7 - 23).
beaucoup de jeunes ne se sont placé aucunes limites. Comme Ésaü, ils ne voient
pas le mal de “ jouir ” l'offre pour le sexe libre au détriment de leurs
destins. La fornication et toutes les formes de convoitise ont volé beaucoup de
jeunes de leur futur lumineux. Il a vidé leur futur de sa qualité, les laissant
avec des paillettes. Qui recevra l'esprit de la sagesse ? C'est des hommes
comme Daniel qui a décidé dans son cœur de ne pas se défiler avec des
nourritures offertes aux idoles (Daniel 1 : 8). Malheureusement, quelques
soi-disant chrétiens attendent avec intérêt les moutons sacrificatoires tués
par des Musulmans quand ils savent la vérité que le Jésus-Christ est notre
agneau sacrificatoire et ainsi n'importe quel autre sacrifice est inutile et
idolâtre. Êtes-vous pur et non défilé ? Demandez à Dieu l'esprit de la sagesse
Beaucoup de jeunes qui prévoient qu'un futur lumineux n’à rien les attendre
mais vide. Le futur perdu à la fornication peut seulement être récupéré par
Friday May 25, 2012
Bible in one year: Romans 9-11
Memorise: Lest there be any fornicator, or profane person, as Esau, who for one morsel of meat sold his birthright. Hebrews 12:16
Read: Genesis 39:7-13
It is on record that an excellent spirit was found in Daniel (Daniel 6:3). This is the Spirit of wisdom. He does not come cheap but is given only to those who deserve Him. Matthew 7:6 says holy things are not meant for dogs and precious things are not for sinners. Who can possibly receive the Spirit of wisdom? He is for those who are pure and undefiled like Joseph. It is common to hear that a man is chasing a lady but in Joseph’s case, it was the madam of the house that was after him. Some men wish they had the opportunity to sleep with the wife of their boss. If it does not come, they can spend hours fantasising on a possible occurrence. Joseph had all the chances of sleeping with his master’s wife but he did not. She made all the promises you can think of but he knew his promotion was from God and not the woman. She sexually harassed him daily yet he refused to give in. One day, she set him up so that it was just the two of them at home. Then she grabbed him saying, “Whether you like it or not, you must sleep with me today”, yet he wiggled out and took to his heels. Reason? He did not want to offend the One who holds his destiny. He did not want to mortgage his destiny for a few minutes of sinful pleasure (Genesis 39:7-23).
Today, many youths set themselves no limits. Like Esau, they do not mind “enjoying” the offer for free sex at the detriment of their destinies. Fornication and all forms of lust have robbed many youths of their bright future. It has emptied their future of its goodness, leaving them with chaff. Who will receive the Spirit of wisdom? It is men like Daniel who purposed in his heart not to defile himself with foods offered to idols (Daniel 1:8). Unfortunately, some so-called Christians look forward to the sacrificial rams slaughtered by Muslims when they know the truth that Jesus Christ is our sacrificial Lamb and so any other sacrifice is unnecessary and idolatrous. Are you pure and undefiled? Ask God for the Spirit of wisdom today.
Many youths who expect a bright future have nothing awaiting them but emptiness. The future lost to fornication can only be recovered through Jesus Christ.
Friday May 25, 2012
Bible in one year: Romans 9-11
Memorise: Lest there be any fornicator, or profane person, as Esau, who for one morsel of meat sold his birthright. Hebrews 12:16
Read: Genesis 39:7-13
It is on record that an excellent spirit was found in Daniel (Daniel 6:3). This is the Spirit of wisdom. He does not come cheap but is given only to those who deserve Him. Matthew 7:6 says holy things are not meant for dogs and precious things are not for sinners. Who can possibly receive the Spirit of wisdom? He is for those who are pure and undefiled like Joseph. It is common to hear that a man is chasing a lady but in Joseph’s case, it was the madam of the house that was after him. Some men wish they had the opportunity to sleep with the wife of their boss. If it does not come, they can spend hours fantasising on a possible occurrence. Joseph had all the chances of sleeping with his master’s wife but he did not. She made all the promises you can think of but he knew his promotion was from God and not the woman. She sexually harassed him daily yet he refused to give in. One day, she set him up so that it was just the two of them at home. Then she grabbed him saying, “Whether you like it or not, you must sleep with me today”, yet he wiggled out and took to his heels. Reason? He did not want to offend the One who holds his destiny. He did not want to mortgage his destiny for a few minutes of sinful pleasure (Genesis 39:7-23).
Today, many youths set themselves no limits. Like Esau, they do not mind “enjoying” the offer for free sex at the detriment of their destinies. Fornication and all forms of lust have robbed many youths of their bright future. It has emptied their future of its goodness, leaving them with chaff. Who will receive the Spirit of wisdom? It is men like Daniel who purposed in his heart not to defile himself with foods offered to idols (Daniel 1:8). Unfortunately, some so-called Christians look forward to the sacrificial rams slaughtered by Muslims when they know the truth that Jesus Christ is our sacrificial Lamb and so any other sacrifice is unnecessary and idolatrous. Are you pure and undefiled? Ask God for the Spirit of wisdom today.
Many youths who expect a bright future have nothing awaiting them but emptiness. The future lost to fornication can only be recovered through Jesus Christ.
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