PERMISE (See English version below)
Mardi 15 mai 2012
La Bible dans une
annee : Proverbes 12-14
Mémorisez : Celui
qui est bientôt fâchées s’exprime bêtement : et un homme des dispositifs
mauvais est détesté. Proverbes 14:17
Lisez : Proverbes
14:17 - 18 …
A part l’orgueil,
un autre travail de la chair que vous devez exercer votre victoire donnée par Christ
est la colère. La fierté et la colère sont connexes. C’est ceux qui se sentent
supérieur à d'autres qui sont facilement irrités ou prennent l'offense par ce
que d'autres ont fait à eux. Un messager n'est pas susceptible d'être fâché ou
fou à son patron si ce dernier l'insulte. Mais si le messager insulte son
patron, il peut être dismis. La colère est un vice qui a revêtu d'une robe
beaucoup et volera encore beaucoup plus leurs bénédictions. Selon Ecclesiastes 7:9
, c'est seulement un imbécile qui permettra à la colère de demeurer dans sa
poitrine parce que si vous serez fâché du tout, elle ne doit pas aller avec
vous au lit (Ephesiens 4:26). Cependant, Dieu s'attend à ce que vous évitiez la
colère en raison de sa classification, une personne fâchée appartient à la
classe des athées qui nient l'existence de Dieu (psaumes 14 : 1). Il est
également classé avec ceux qui a fait des veux mais ne rachète pas leurs
engagements (Ecclesiastes 5 : 4). Dieu appelle toutes telles personnes des
imbéciles. Proverbes 22:24 indique que vous ne devriez pas faire des amis avec
les personnes fâchées. Moïse était un grand leader en Israël. Imaginez celui
que Dieu a utilisé en cassant un servage de 430 ans d'une nation pourtant en
raison de colère, il ne pourrait pas entrer dans la terre de la promesse pour laquelle
il avait sacrifiée tellement. Si la colère est une faiblesse en vous, criez au
Seigneur pour vous livrer aujourd'hui ou bien, elle peut vous causer la plus
grande défaite tout au période plus cruciale de la vie.
Il est difficile
de garder votre calme ou de rester sous la controle si fâché. À de telles fois,
vous pouvez parler avec imprudence tous les deux à Dieu et à l'homme. Rappelez-vous
l'épouse de Job qui a demandé à son mari de maudire Dieu et de mourir parce
qu'elle était fâchée avec son état. La colère peut vous rendre à faire des
choses que vous n'avez jamais prévu de faire, en particulier les choses vous
regretterez plus tard quand vous revenez à vos sens. N'importe comment réussi
vous êtes, si vous ne pouvez pas s'approprier intérieurement votre victoire sur
le travail de la chair se manifestant dans la colère, elle peut déclencher
votre échec à la vie et au ministère. Le croyant fâché restera dans les
couloirs du péché. Êtes-vous facilement provoqué ? Prenez-vous l'offense tellement
facilement ? Si vous etes, demander à Dieu de vous aider aujourd'hui. Défaites
n'importe quelles décisions fausses pris dans votre état fâché et gardez une
tête calme. C’est profitable.
Demandez à Dieu de déraciner l'esprit de la colère de vous aujourd'hui.
Tuesday May 15, 2012
Bible in one year: Proverbs 12-14
Memorise: He that is soon angry dealeth foolishly: and a man of wicked devices is hate. Proverbs 14:17
Read: Proverbs 14:17-18
... Apart from pride, another work of flesh you must exert your Christ-given victory over is anger. Pride and anger are related. It is those who feel superior to others that are easily irritated or take offence by what others have done to them. A messenger is not likely to be angry or mad at his boss if the latter insults him. But if the messenger insults his boss, he can be fired. Anger is a vice that has robbed many and will yet rob many more of their blessings. According to Ecclesiastes 7:9, it is only a fool that will allow anger to remain in his bosom because if you will be angry at all, it must not go with you to bed (Ephesians 4:26). However, God expects you to avoid anger because of His classification, an angry fellow belongs to the class of atheists who deny God’s existence (Psalms 14:1). He is also classed with those who pledged but do not redeem their pledges (Ecclesiastes 5:4). God calls all such persons fools. Proverbs 22:24 says you should not make friends with angry people. Moses was a great leader in Israel. Imagine the one God used in breaking a bondage of 430 years from a nation yet because of anger, he could not enter the land of promise he had sacrificed so much for. If anger is a weakness in you, cry to the Lord to deliver you today or else, it can cause you the greatest defeat at the most crucial time of life.
It is difficult to keep your cool or remain under control when angry. At such times, you may speak unadvisedly both to God and man. Remember Job’s wife who asked her husband to curse God and die because she was angry with his state. Anger can make you do things you never planned to do, particularly things you will later regret when you come back to your senses. No matter how successful you are, if you are not able to internally appropriate your victory over the work of the flesh manifesting in anger, it can trigger your failure in life and ministry. The angry believer will remain in the corridors of sin. Are you easily provoked? Do you take offence so easily? If you do, ask God to help you today. Undo any wrong decision(s) taken in your angry state and keep a cool head. It pays
Ask God to uproot the spirit of anger from you today
Tuesday May 15, 2012
Bible in one year: Proverbs 12-14
Memorise: He that is soon angry dealeth foolishly: and a man of wicked devices is hate. Proverbs 14:17
Read: Proverbs 14:17-18
... Apart from pride, another work of flesh you must exert your Christ-given victory over is anger. Pride and anger are related. It is those who feel superior to others that are easily irritated or take offence by what others have done to them. A messenger is not likely to be angry or mad at his boss if the latter insults him. But if the messenger insults his boss, he can be fired. Anger is a vice that has robbed many and will yet rob many more of their blessings. According to Ecclesiastes 7:9, it is only a fool that will allow anger to remain in his bosom because if you will be angry at all, it must not go with you to bed (Ephesians 4:26). However, God expects you to avoid anger because of His classification, an angry fellow belongs to the class of atheists who deny God’s existence (Psalms 14:1). He is also classed with those who pledged but do not redeem their pledges (Ecclesiastes 5:4). God calls all such persons fools. Proverbs 22:24 says you should not make friends with angry people. Moses was a great leader in Israel. Imagine the one God used in breaking a bondage of 430 years from a nation yet because of anger, he could not enter the land of promise he had sacrificed so much for. If anger is a weakness in you, cry to the Lord to deliver you today or else, it can cause you the greatest defeat at the most crucial time of life.
It is difficult to keep your cool or remain under control when angry. At such times, you may speak unadvisedly both to God and man. Remember Job’s wife who asked her husband to curse God and die because she was angry with his state. Anger can make you do things you never planned to do, particularly things you will later regret when you come back to your senses. No matter how successful you are, if you are not able to internally appropriate your victory over the work of the flesh manifesting in anger, it can trigger your failure in life and ministry. The angry believer will remain in the corridors of sin. Are you easily provoked? Do you take offence so easily? If you do, ask God to help you today. Undo any wrong decision(s) taken in your angry state and keep a cool head. It pays
Ask God to uproot the spirit of anger from you today
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