TEXT: ACTS 1:4-8
LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5re5V4s0Kg
Let us pray.
What a mighty God we serve
What a mighty God we serve
Heaven and earth adore Him
Angels bow before Him
What a mighty God we serve
Almighty God; we worship You, the One who can do all things; we bow before You, the Resurrection and the Life; we give You all glory, please, accept our worship in Jesus’ name. Today, in Your own miraculous way, visit all Your children, let all needs be met, please Lord, have mercy on all nations of the world and let all be well, in Jesus’ mighty name we have prayed.
Let somebody shout Hallelujah.
TEXT - ACTS 1: 4-8
[4] And, being assembled together with them, commanded them that they should not depart from Jerusalem, but wait for the promise of the Father, which, saith he, ye have heard of me.
[5] For John truly baptized with water; but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence.
[6] When they therefore were come together, they asked of him, saying, Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel?
[7] And he said unto them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power.
[8] But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.
There's a big question that people always ask; after the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, what next? We have heard of the crucifixion and the resurrection, after the resurrection, what next? In the book of Ecclesiastes 7:8, the Bible says, Better is the end of a thing than the beginning. That is why the day you dedicate a house, (your house) i believe that is a prophecy for someone, the joy will always be greater than the day you laid the foundation.
Because it is one thing to set a goal but another thing to achieve it.
It is one thing to know your destiny and it is another thing to fulfill it.
On the eve of the crucifixion, when the Lord was praying; probably the most crucial prayer of His life, in John 17:4, Jesus said to His Father, I have finished the work that You gave me to do; I have completed my assignment. On the cross the following day, just before He died, in John 19:30, He said it is finished; mission accomplished. Some weeks earlier, He had said something to His disciples, in John 16:7, something very strange, He said to the discipline, it is expedient for you that I go away because if I don't go away, the COMFORTER won’t come to you.
In other words, He was saying to them, even though they didn't fully understand at that time, what He was saying, I will soon fulfill my own destiny and I need to help you to fulfill yours; I will soon be going but i will send someone to you who will help you fulfill your own destiny.
I believe the message of today is for someone in particular, whoever that fellow is, I pray for you in the name that is above every other name, you will fulfill your destiny.
So, after He rose from the dead, just before He was taken up to heaven in the text we read, He said to the disciples, you will receive power; the Holy Spirit will come upon you and He will give you power.
Power in the layman’s language is simply the ability to do work easily, efficiently and at times extraordinarily.
Suppose someone were to ride a bicycle from Lagos to Ibadan, if he is strong and gets up very early in the morning, hopefully, he will arrive in Ibadan, probably, late in the evening and he would have sweated quite a bit. Other other hands, if that man has a motorcycle, he could get up in Lagos early in the morning and be in Ibadan within two hours without sweat; not tired at all because there is power helping him along.
The power that you need to fulfill your destiny easily without sweat, I decree in the name of the Resurrected Christ, receive it today in Jesus’ name.
When so and so was in power. Ecclesiastes 8:4, where the word of the king is, there is power. You put it in the modern language, where the word of a president is, there is power. If you don't believe that, just check what is happening; the president sits in his house, makes a decree or a pronouncement - everybody stay home and if you love yourself, you better stay home.
Proverbs 10:15, the rich man’s wealth is his strong city, it went further to say, the destruction of the poor is their poverty. Ecclesiastes 7:12, money is a defense. The African has a proverb ‘the rich man does as he pleases.’
2 Kings 4:8-17, the Bible tells us the story of a very wealthy woman, the Bible calls her great; she was rich but she was barren and she entertained a man of God again and again and one day the man of God turned round and said to her, nine months from now, you will have a son. The spiritual power came into action and the woman got something that money could not buy.
Everywhere you have something genuine, you are bound to find something counterfeit. In
Acts 8:9-24, the Bible talks of a man called Simon, he was a sorcerer and he had used sorcery to bewitch the people around him and people thought this must be a powerful man.
In Exodus 7:8-12, the Bible tells us that Moses stood before Pharaoh, threw down his rod; the rod became a serpent and the magicians of Pharaoh threw down their rod too and their rods too also became serpents, but then, the serpent that came from the rod of Moses swallowed all the serpent of the magicians and then became just one rod in the hand of Moses. May I decree that the power of the Most High will swallow all the counterfeit powers that may be raised against you in Jesus’ name.
Because in Matthew 24:18, it is written, all power in heaven and on earth belongs to Jesus Christ. What I said showed why Jesus released power to the disciples after His resurrection.
1. To fulfill your destiny. Luke 5:1-11, Jesus Christ has spoken to Peter, you know the story; Peter fished all night, caught nothing, Jesus borrowed his boat to preach, after He finished preaching, He asked him to launch into the deep and cast his nets, he did, caught so many fish and two boats were full after he had fished all night and caught nothing. And when he was frightened by the miracle and he said Lord, i don't deserve this kind of miracle, i think You should leave me, the Bible says that Jesus Christ said, no, from now on, you will be catching men; He told him, your destiny is to win souls, but more than three years past and Peter did not win a single soul, but on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2:1-41, when the Holy Spirit came and power descended; when the power that Jesus promised came, Peter preached a single sermon and won 3000 souls.
Apostle Paul said in Galatians 1:15-16, He said he had been separated from his mother’s womb to preach the gospel, in other words, his destiny was to preach the gospel. He started by studying law, God has no objection to you getting as many degrees as you want, but his original destiny; the purpose of God for his life was to be a great preacher. When God finally said, alright, professor of law, the time has come for you to fulfill your original purpose, the first thing God did, in Acts 9:10-20, is that he sent someone to lay hands on him so he could be baptised in the Holy Spirit, so he could receive power to do the work.
I thought that i will be the youngest Vice Chancellor in Africa, that was my goal but somewhere along the line, i gave my life to Jesus Christ in 1973 and before the end of that year, i got baptised in the Holy Spirit and from 1974 till now, this is the only Easter that i spend at home, because the moment the Holy Spirit came, something kept moving me in the direction that God originally planned for my life.
I pray for someone here today, before this day is out, the power of the Almighty God will begin to propel you in the direction of your destiny in Jesus’ name.
For example, if you want to travel to Britain from Lagos, I hope by going through one route by car, you will arrive there one day, but if you travel through an aircraft from Lagos to London within six and half hours, you would have arrived. In Acts 3:1-11, the power of God began to manifest itself in a great manner in the life of Peter; when he laid hands on a lame man (born lame) by the Beautiful Gate and the lame man got up walking. The sermon that Peter preached after that one, according to Acts 4:4, led to the conversion of 5000 men. When the power came initially, he preached a sermon and won 3 000 men, the power began to increase, he preached another sermon this time with the demonstration of the power of the Holy Spirit and won 5 000 souls.
By the time you read Acts 5:1-16, He performed more miracles, things got to a stage where his shadow began to heal the sick and multitudes began to come into the kingdom of God, his destiny was being fulfilled at an amazing pace.
At the beginning of the Holy Ghost Service, when we come to The Redemption Camp for Holy Ghost Night in those days probably may be the people will be 6 000 or 7000, i will lay hands on everybody; i mean practically everybody, lay hands on the sick, the barren, … then the crowd grew and was becoming difficult for me alone to lay hands on everybody, so i selected seven of the elders, prayed for them specially, gave each one of them one of my ties that i had used while ministering and said this tie will carry part of my anointing to you and they began to help me and things were happening. But the crowd kept growing to the stage that by the grace of God today, we can talk about the multitudes and God has made the job easier; i don't have to lay hands on anybody and i don't even have to touch an handkerchief before they become anointed because the Almighty God showed me through the little science that i know that power can be transferred through:
* conduction; touching.
* convention; to put the power in a medium that will carry it to where it is needed.
* radiation: that is why today by the grace of God and I give God all the glory, I could stand on the altar and wave my hands and hundreds of thousands of handkerchiefs will become anointed and testimonies will follow. THIS IS THE MOMENT FOR DESTINY FULFILLMENT. I believe that the moment God wants you to begin to fulfill your destiny is now.
If you are already baptised in the Holy Spirit, you already have the power i’m talking about, baptism in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues, don’t mind those who will mock you when you are speaking in tongues because what you will be speaking will be a ridiculous language, in fact the Bible makes it clear that when you speak in tongues nobody understands you and even you won't understand but It says when you are speaking in tongues, you are speaking mysteries to the Almighty God; you are going directly to God, the One who has all powers in heaven and on earth. So when you speak suddenly in the midst of those who don't understand and you begin to say ura maka shet ke kaka toro do …, they will look at you and say what is wrong with this fellow, ignore what they may say, keep on praying in the Holy Spirit, the end will justify the means.
If you have already got the power, use it, because if you don't use it, you will lose it and this is very crucial.
There are all these Batteries: AA Batteries, AAA Batteries, … when you buy them, they will write there somewhere, Lifetime - they may say 3 years; it means if you don't use it within three years there will be no power left. If you receive the power of the Holy Spirit and you failed to use it, the battery will rundown.
Pray in tongues more than ever before; let your spirit communicate with the Holy Spirit, the One who is the originator of your destiny. The Bible made it clear, Romans 8:26, we don't even know how to pray as we ought but the Spirit can help our infirmities and He can pray for us with groanings that man could not utter.
Witness more because He says you will receive the power that you might begin to witness unto Me; talk about Jesus Christ everywhere you go.
Lay hands on the sick and see the power flow, oh, you may say what if i lay hands on the sick and they don’t recover, who told you they won't recover? what if you lay hands on them and they do recover? Use the power so that it can multiply.
More than 10 years ago, there was an anniversary of modern day Holy Ghost Outpouring, Azusa conference in America, great men came from all over the world and there were two of us who were invited from Africa; one great man of God from South Africa and my humble self from Nigeria. Thousands upon thousands of people were there and those of us who are to be speakers, they kept us in a room called grail room and there was all manners of food and drinks there, i was going to be the last speaker for that day and these great men were having fun and eating but i hid myself in a corner because i know that this is a defining moment in my life and i kept on praying. Finally the time came, the great men before me had spoken wonderfully and then it was my turn to speak and the Holy Spirit took over and when I gave the altar call even these mighty men came to the altar.
Last year, i was in Uganda and a young man who was at the meeting; he was the one that they sent to invite me, he came to see me and said you minister at Azusa more than 10 years ago and i’m yet to recover from the impact of that ministration, he said you might not know it, (because he was one of the members of the organising committee) the number of tapes of your sermon they were buying is more than all other tapes combine.
It wasn't me speaking, it was the Holy Spirit propelling the word, backing it up. If you will apply this simple principle, you will suddenly see doors opening, see yourself moving closer and closer to the fulfillment of your destiny.
According to Acts 2:37-39, the bible stated it clearly what you are to do:
*Repent; surrender your life to Jesus Christ, say bye bye to the life of sin, turn round and say no more dealing with the devil.
*Be baptized; baptism by immersion.
Those of you who are listening to me now in your various homes, as soon as you surrender your life to Jesus Christ, contact the pastors nearest to you in The Redeemed Christian Church of God, i have given them authority, as many of you as want to be baptised, they will baptise you, you don't have to wait till the convention time, you can be baptised anytime the lockdown is over.
*Begin to use the power; join the workforce and see the Almighty God moving you on a daily basis closer and closer to your destiny.
Jesus Christ said to the disciples, it is expedient for you that i go away; it is in your best interest that i go away because, if i don't go away, power won't come. He said I have fulfilled my own destiny and I want to help you fulfill yours and He is the One sending me to you today, do everything you need to do to receive that power and you will fulfill your destiny.
Don’t forget what i said at the beginning, the end of a thing is better than the beginning thereof.
In the name that is above every other name, I pray for all of you today that the power to fulfill your destiny be released unto you that you will reach your goal and you will not fail to reach that goal that God has set for you.
If there’s anyone there, listening to me now and you want to repent of your sins; you want to say to the Almighty God, i don't want to spend my life doing nothing other than just eating, drinking, buying clothes, buying cars and building house, I want to fulfill my destiny; i want to fulfill the purpose of God for my life, Lord, i repent today, save my soul.
If you are there listening to me, just bow your head and cry to the Almighty God for just one minute, and say:
Lord, I repent of my sins.
Save my soul.
I want to fulfill my destiny; I don't want to pass through this life without living a footprint behind.
And in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, the Resurrected Christ will receive you now and forgive your sins, save your soul, write your name in the book of life, receive you into the family of God and i pray that very soon, you will receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit and the power to fulfill your destiny will be released unto you.
So shall it be.
Those of you, who have already received the power, i pray that the Almighty God Himself will begin to startup the power in you so that according to His word, He will be able to do for you exceedingly abundantly above all you can even ask or think according to the power that is working already in you.
I pray that from now on, you will begin to use that power to witness, heal the sick, raise the dead, make the barren fruitful and serve God.
I pray when it is time for you to leave this world, you will be able to look back and say - thank God, i have fulfilled my destiny
So shall it be.
In Jesus’ mighty name I have prayed .
God bless you!
TEXT: ACTS 1:4-8
LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5re5V4s0Kg
Let us pray.
What a mighty God we serve
What a mighty God we serve
Heaven and earth adore Him
Angels bow before Him
What a mighty God we serve
Almighty God; we worship You, the One who can do all things; we bow before You, the Resurrection and the Life; we give You all glory, please, accept our worship in Jesus’ name. Today, in Your own miraculous way, visit all Your children, let all needs be met, please Lord, have mercy on all nations of the world and let all be well, in Jesus’ mighty name we have prayed.
Let somebody shout Hallelujah.
TEXT - ACTS 1: 4-8
[4] And, being assembled together with them, commanded them that they should not depart from Jerusalem, but wait for the promise of the Father, which, saith he, ye have heard of me.
[5] For John truly baptized with water; but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence.
[6] When they therefore were come together, they asked of him, saying, Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel?
[7] And he said unto them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power.
[8] But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.
There's a big question that people always ask; after the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, what next? We have heard of the crucifixion and the resurrection, after the resurrection, what next? In the book of Ecclesiastes 7:8, the Bible says, Better is the end of a thing than the beginning. That is why the day you dedicate a house, (your house) i believe that is a prophecy for someone, the joy will always be greater than the day you laid the foundation.
Because it is one thing to set a goal but another thing to achieve it.
It is one thing to know your destiny and it is another thing to fulfill it.
On the eve of the crucifixion, when the Lord was praying; probably the most crucial prayer of His life, in John 17:4, Jesus said to His Father, I have finished the work that You gave me to do; I have completed my assignment. On the cross the following day, just before He died, in John 19:30, He said it is finished; mission accomplished. Some weeks earlier, He had said something to His disciples, in John 16:7, something very strange, He said to the discipline, it is expedient for you that I go away because if I don't go away, the COMFORTER won’t come to you.
In other words, He was saying to them, even though they didn't fully understand at that time, what He was saying, I will soon fulfill my own destiny and I need to help you to fulfill yours; I will soon be going but i will send someone to you who will help you fulfill your own destiny.
I believe the message of today is for someone in particular, whoever that fellow is, I pray for you in the name that is above every other name, you will fulfill your destiny.
So, after He rose from the dead, just before He was taken up to heaven in the text we read, He said to the disciples, you will receive power; the Holy Spirit will come upon you and He will give you power.
Power in the layman’s language is simply the ability to do work easily, efficiently and at times extraordinarily.
Suppose someone were to ride a bicycle from Lagos to Ibadan, if he is strong and gets up very early in the morning, hopefully, he will arrive in Ibadan, probably, late in the evening and he would have sweated quite a bit. Other other hands, if that man has a motorcycle, he could get up in Lagos early in the morning and be in Ibadan within two hours without sweat; not tired at all because there is power helping him along.
The power that you need to fulfill your destiny easily without sweat, I decree in the name of the Resurrected Christ, receive it today in Jesus’ name.
When so and so was in power. Ecclesiastes 8:4, where the word of the king is, there is power. You put it in the modern language, where the word of a president is, there is power. If you don't believe that, just check what is happening; the president sits in his house, makes a decree or a pronouncement - everybody stay home and if you love yourself, you better stay home.
Proverbs 10:15, the rich man’s wealth is his strong city, it went further to say, the destruction of the poor is their poverty. Ecclesiastes 7:12, money is a defense. The African has a proverb ‘the rich man does as he pleases.’
2 Kings 4:8-17, the Bible tells us the story of a very wealthy woman, the Bible calls her great; she was rich but she was barren and she entertained a man of God again and again and one day the man of God turned round and said to her, nine months from now, you will have a son. The spiritual power came into action and the woman got something that money could not buy.
Everywhere you have something genuine, you are bound to find something counterfeit. In
Acts 8:9-24, the Bible talks of a man called Simon, he was a sorcerer and he had used sorcery to bewitch the people around him and people thought this must be a powerful man.
In Exodus 7:8-12, the Bible tells us that Moses stood before Pharaoh, threw down his rod; the rod became a serpent and the magicians of Pharaoh threw down their rod too and their rods too also became serpents, but then, the serpent that came from the rod of Moses swallowed all the serpent of the magicians and then became just one rod in the hand of Moses. May I decree that the power of the Most High will swallow all the counterfeit powers that may be raised against you in Jesus’ name.
Because in Matthew 24:18, it is written, all power in heaven and on earth belongs to Jesus Christ. What I said showed why Jesus released power to the disciples after His resurrection.
1. To fulfill your destiny. Luke 5:1-11, Jesus Christ has spoken to Peter, you know the story; Peter fished all night, caught nothing, Jesus borrowed his boat to preach, after He finished preaching, He asked him to launch into the deep and cast his nets, he did, caught so many fish and two boats were full after he had fished all night and caught nothing. And when he was frightened by the miracle and he said Lord, i don't deserve this kind of miracle, i think You should leave me, the Bible says that Jesus Christ said, no, from now on, you will be catching men; He told him, your destiny is to win souls, but more than three years past and Peter did not win a single soul, but on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2:1-41, when the Holy Spirit came and power descended; when the power that Jesus promised came, Peter preached a single sermon and won 3000 souls.
Apostle Paul said in Galatians 1:15-16, He said he had been separated from his mother’s womb to preach the gospel, in other words, his destiny was to preach the gospel. He started by studying law, God has no objection to you getting as many degrees as you want, but his original destiny; the purpose of God for his life was to be a great preacher. When God finally said, alright, professor of law, the time has come for you to fulfill your original purpose, the first thing God did, in Acts 9:10-20, is that he sent someone to lay hands on him so he could be baptised in the Holy Spirit, so he could receive power to do the work.
I thought that i will be the youngest Vice Chancellor in Africa, that was my goal but somewhere along the line, i gave my life to Jesus Christ in 1973 and before the end of that year, i got baptised in the Holy Spirit and from 1974 till now, this is the only Easter that i spend at home, because the moment the Holy Spirit came, something kept moving me in the direction that God originally planned for my life.
I pray for someone here today, before this day is out, the power of the Almighty God will begin to propel you in the direction of your destiny in Jesus’ name.
For example, if you want to travel to Britain from Lagos, I hope by going through one route by car, you will arrive there one day, but if you travel through an aircraft from Lagos to London within six and half hours, you would have arrived. In Acts 3:1-11, the power of God began to manifest itself in a great manner in the life of Peter; when he laid hands on a lame man (born lame) by the Beautiful Gate and the lame man got up walking. The sermon that Peter preached after that one, according to Acts 4:4, led to the conversion of 5000 men. When the power came initially, he preached a sermon and won 3 000 men, the power began to increase, he preached another sermon this time with the demonstration of the power of the Holy Spirit and won 5 000 souls.
By the time you read Acts 5:1-16, He performed more miracles, things got to a stage where his shadow began to heal the sick and multitudes began to come into the kingdom of God, his destiny was being fulfilled at an amazing pace.
At the beginning of the Holy Ghost Service, when we come to The Redemption Camp for Holy Ghost Night in those days probably may be the people will be 6 000 or 7000, i will lay hands on everybody; i mean practically everybody, lay hands on the sick, the barren, … then the crowd grew and was becoming difficult for me alone to lay hands on everybody, so i selected seven of the elders, prayed for them specially, gave each one of them one of my ties that i had used while ministering and said this tie will carry part of my anointing to you and they began to help me and things were happening. But the crowd kept growing to the stage that by the grace of God today, we can talk about the multitudes and God has made the job easier; i don't have to lay hands on anybody and i don't even have to touch an handkerchief before they become anointed because the Almighty God showed me through the little science that i know that power can be transferred through:
* conduction; touching.
* convention; to put the power in a medium that will carry it to where it is needed.
* radiation: that is why today by the grace of God and I give God all the glory, I could stand on the altar and wave my hands and hundreds of thousands of handkerchiefs will become anointed and testimonies will follow. THIS IS THE MOMENT FOR DESTINY FULFILLMENT. I believe that the moment God wants you to begin to fulfill your destiny is now.
If you are already baptised in the Holy Spirit, you already have the power i’m talking about, baptism in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues, don’t mind those who will mock you when you are speaking in tongues because what you will be speaking will be a ridiculous language, in fact the Bible makes it clear that when you speak in tongues nobody understands you and even you won't understand but It says when you are speaking in tongues, you are speaking mysteries to the Almighty God; you are going directly to God, the One who has all powers in heaven and on earth. So when you speak suddenly in the midst of those who don't understand and you begin to say ura maka shet ke kaka toro do …, they will look at you and say what is wrong with this fellow, ignore what they may say, keep on praying in the Holy Spirit, the end will justify the means.
If you have already got the power, use it, because if you don't use it, you will lose it and this is very crucial.
There are all these Batteries: AA Batteries, AAA Batteries, … when you buy them, they will write there somewhere, Lifetime - they may say 3 years; it means if you don't use it within three years there will be no power left. If you receive the power of the Holy Spirit and you failed to use it, the battery will rundown.
Pray in tongues more than ever before; let your spirit communicate with the Holy Spirit, the One who is the originator of your destiny. The Bible made it clear, Romans 8:26, we don't even know how to pray as we ought but the Spirit can help our infirmities and He can pray for us with groanings that man could not utter.
Witness more because He says you will receive the power that you might begin to witness unto Me; talk about Jesus Christ everywhere you go.
Lay hands on the sick and see the power flow, oh, you may say what if i lay hands on the sick and they don’t recover, who told you they won't recover? what if you lay hands on them and they do recover? Use the power so that it can multiply.
More than 10 years ago, there was an anniversary of modern day Holy Ghost Outpouring, Azusa conference in America, great men came from all over the world and there were two of us who were invited from Africa; one great man of God from South Africa and my humble self from Nigeria. Thousands upon thousands of people were there and those of us who are to be speakers, they kept us in a room called grail room and there was all manners of food and drinks there, i was going to be the last speaker for that day and these great men were having fun and eating but i hid myself in a corner because i know that this is a defining moment in my life and i kept on praying. Finally the time came, the great men before me had spoken wonderfully and then it was my turn to speak and the Holy Spirit took over and when I gave the altar call even these mighty men came to the altar.
Last year, i was in Uganda and a young man who was at the meeting; he was the one that they sent to invite me, he came to see me and said you minister at Azusa more than 10 years ago and i’m yet to recover from the impact of that ministration, he said you might not know it, (because he was one of the members of the organising committee) the number of tapes of your sermon they were buying is more than all other tapes combine.
It wasn't me speaking, it was the Holy Spirit propelling the word, backing it up. If you will apply this simple principle, you will suddenly see doors opening, see yourself moving closer and closer to the fulfillment of your destiny.
According to Acts 2:37-39, the bible stated it clearly what you are to do:
*Repent; surrender your life to Jesus Christ, say bye bye to the life of sin, turn round and say no more dealing with the devil.
*Be baptized; baptism by immersion.
Those of you who are listening to me now in your various homes, as soon as you surrender your life to Jesus Christ, contact the pastors nearest to you in The Redeemed Christian Church of God, i have given them authority, as many of you as want to be baptised, they will baptise you, you don't have to wait till the convention time, you can be baptised anytime the lockdown is over.
*Begin to use the power; join the workforce and see the Almighty God moving you on a daily basis closer and closer to your destiny.
Jesus Christ said to the disciples, it is expedient for you that i go away; it is in your best interest that i go away because, if i don't go away, power won't come. He said I have fulfilled my own destiny and I want to help you fulfill yours and He is the One sending me to you today, do everything you need to do to receive that power and you will fulfill your destiny.
Don’t forget what i said at the beginning, the end of a thing is better than the beginning thereof.
In the name that is above every other name, I pray for all of you today that the power to fulfill your destiny be released unto you that you will reach your goal and you will not fail to reach that goal that God has set for you.
If there’s anyone there, listening to me now and you want to repent of your sins; you want to say to the Almighty God, i don't want to spend my life doing nothing other than just eating, drinking, buying clothes, buying cars and building house, I want to fulfill my destiny; i want to fulfill the purpose of God for my life, Lord, i repent today, save my soul.
If you are there listening to me, just bow your head and cry to the Almighty God for just one minute, and say:
Lord, I repent of my sins.
Save my soul.
I want to fulfill my destiny; I don't want to pass through this life without living a footprint behind.
And in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, the Resurrected Christ will receive you now and forgive your sins, save your soul, write your name in the book of life, receive you into the family of God and i pray that very soon, you will receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit and the power to fulfill your destiny will be released unto you.
So shall it be.
Those of you, who have already received the power, i pray that the Almighty God Himself will begin to startup the power in you so that according to His word, He will be able to do for you exceedingly abundantly above all you can even ask or think according to the power that is working already in you.
I pray that from now on, you will begin to use that power to witness, heal the sick, raise the dead, make the barren fruitful and serve God.
I pray when it is time for you to leave this world, you will be able to look back and say - thank God, i have fulfilled my destiny
So shall it be.
In Jesus’ mighty name I have prayed .
God bless you!
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