LINK: https://youtu.be/wu9QOic9vr4

Let us pray.

There is none Holy as the Lord
There is none beside Him
Neither is there any rock like our God
There is none Holy as the Lord

Our Father and our God, we worship You; the Ancient of Days we bow before You for everything You have done for us since the beginning of this year, we say may Your name be glorified. Father, today in a very special way, visit Your children, bless us like never before, as for Your children born in the month of April, my Father and my God, give them a brand new beginning; a new beginning of joy, success, promotion, anointing and a greater desire to serve You, let it be well with all of us and take care of all Your children. Father, we ask for mercy; mercy for us as an individual, mercy for our family, mercy for Your church and mercy for all our nations, please Lord, have mercy, in Jesus’ mighty name we have prayed.

1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

The theme for May Holy Ghost Service will be let there be light part 5. As we keep on crying on Him for light, there will be light.

There is a law called the law of priority and the easiest way to explain that graphically is that whatever is uppermost in your heart is what you will say first if you are to speak because the bible says in Matthew 12:34, out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.

Suppose a man had been lost in a desert for days, and somehow he was found just before he died of thirst, if you ask him and say -
what happened?
when did it happen?
how did it happen?
You will get only one answer from him and the answer will be water, water.

As a matter of fact, if you ask him -
what is your name?
where do you come from?
how old are you?
The answer will be water, because that is the priority for him at that time, he doesn't want to know about how it happened, how did you get lost, … just give me water.
So we noticed that the first time that God spoke at all on record, it was let there be light.

So today, we are going to consider just three situations that you could call God’s first time occurrence; priorities.

1. Genesis 1:28, the first time that God spoke to man; direct conversation between God and man is in Genesis 1:28, He has just created them and He spoke and said, and God blessed them and God said unto them be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. The first time God spoke to man, what was the thing He said? He said, be blessed; that was His first statement to man and it means when God blesses a man, nobody can curse him. You will remember the story of Balak and Balaam when Balak sent for Balaam to curse the children of Israel, … Balaam said, how can I curse him that God has not cursed? I have received commandment to bless, I have blessed them and they are blessed.
So, I'm saying to all of you my children and all of you that are listening to me today, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, be blessed.

2.The next thing is that He said be fruitful; be fruit not be barren, that is why He says in His word, there will be none barren among them because He had decreed it from the very first message that He gave to man.

So all of you who for one reason whatsoever that have been experiencing one delay or the other, in the name that is above every other name, I hereby decree, be fruitful.

And then He said multiply, not decrease, He didn't even say be added unto; He said be multiplied, multiply means if you start as 1 then let it become 2 , let 2 become 4, and 4 become 8, … wherever you may be, whatever the level you may be right now, in the name that is above every other name, begin to multiply.

3. Finally, one of the things He said was be dominant; have dominion means be head and not the tail and be the lender and not the borrower.
And I'm saying to every one of my children, whatever may be your career you will reach the top, you will prosper, you will have more than sufficient, God will help you pay whatever you are owing and you will not have to borrow again.

Genesis 17:1, He said to Abraham, I'm the Lord God Almighty, before then He had been talking to Abraham and people, for example, in Genesis 15:1, He has said to Abram, I’m your shield and exceeding great reward but what i’m is not the same as who i’m. If i meet you and i introduce myself to you and i say, I’m the general overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God and we have never met before, you will ask for my name. The work you do, not the position you occupy.

When we were younger and a little bit rascal, I discovered that when you introduce yourself to people and you mention your name first, they don't pay attention, so when i want to introduce myself in those days; when i was still in the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, i will start by saying, here you meet, from the department of mathematics, University of Nigeria Nsukka, by then they will pay attention then i will now tell them my name. Your name is the most important thing about you. In Genesis 17:1, He said I'm the Almighty God, there are several important things in the name.

The Almighty means the One who has all might and power. Psalm 62:11, it is written, God has spoken once, twice have I heard that power belongs to God and that is power to do absolutely anything. Luke 1:37 says, for with God, nothing shall be impossible and on the basis of that name, I hereby decree that everything considered impossible in your life shall become possible tonight in Jesus’ name.

The Almighty according to bible scholars means Jehovah El Shaddai, also means the All Sufficient One. In other words, He is not only sufficient to Himself and He is; He doesn't need anything, whatever He needed to be, He was before the foundation of the world, so He is self sufficient but to be all sufficient means He can handle every situation not only for Himself but for all of us. Psalm 68:19, the bible tells us that God daily loads us with blessings, when He wants to give blessing, He does it by load, that is why in my native tongue, they called Him ‘Olodumare’ (He does goods by loads) He has so much that He can load everybody with blessings.

The loads of blessings that God has in store for you will be released tonight.

Jehovah El Shaddai also means the One who is more than enough, in Psalm 23:5, the first time i read the passage and i said, Lord, when the cup was full, Daddy, why didn't you stop? Why the wasted oil? And the answer He gave was that it is just to show that there is more where this one is coming from.

Whatever blessings you have received from God till this moment, receive extra today in Jesus’ name.

According to bible scholars, Jehovah El Shaddai actually means a mother’s breast; in the breast of a mother, there's enough milk for as many as may want to drink, that is why you find that if a woman gives birth to four children at a time, she can feed each and everyone of them with milk and it is the children who will say enough and there will still be leftover milk in the mother’s breasts and that is why you find Jesus Christ saying in John 7:37-39, if any man thirst let him come and drink, the invitation is to all not to just one, as many as want to drink keep coming you can't exhaust what i have in store.

Ephesians 3:20, He is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all you may ask or think; much more than you can even ask for or think about.

When it's time to pray tonight, you will not ask God for small things because it doesn't matter how big you ask for, He is more than able to do that.

There was somebody who once said, I don't want to worry God about small things and the man of God said to him, okay, what do you want to ask that is big for God? Do you want God to buy you a house? Is that a big deal to God? The fellow was telling the person, haven't you heard of pastor Adeboye, who asked for a house and God gave him a city. What is it that you want to ask that you consider that God will say this is big?

Tonight, ask Him for your biggest thing and in the mighty name of Jesus, in this special holy ghost service, He will grant your request.

Genesis 18:1-14, that is the first time the Lord ate man’s food. Psalm 50:9-13, Will i eat the flesh of bulls; in other word, you want to entertain me and present a beef. Judges 6:17-21, when Gideon said to Him, I want to entertain You before you go, so he prepared the meal, brought it to Him and He said, lay it on the rock and touch it with the staff in His hand and fire consumed the offering, He didn't taste it.

Genesis 18 :1-14, when Abraham invited Him to come and rest; let me wash your feet and give you some food to eat, He agreed. I pray that God will come to your house to eat tonight, because on that occasion, several things happened that I like a lot.

1.All the prophecies that He had given Abraham before that day came to pass in a day, Numbers 23:19, God is not a man that He should lie, once He made a promise, that promise will be fulfilled but it is also written in Ecclesiastes 3:1, To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose on earth but according to Psalm 115:3, Our God is in the heavens: He does as He pleases. So, if He makes a promise, He is going to fulfil the promise at the appropriate time but the day He ate in Abraham’s tent the issue of waiting for the promises to be fulfilled was put aside; every prophecy became fulfilled, why? because when He ate on that special occasion every prophecy became a decree.

All the prophecies you have received from the Lord shall become a decree because the difference between a decree and a prophecy is written in Psalm 33:8-9, Let the whole earth fear before Him, why? because, He spake and it is done. 2 Kings 4:8-17, a decree sets aside your doubts and unbelief. Elisha said unto the Shunamite woman that she will have a son, she told the man of God not to deceive her but the man of God did not repeat himself.
I decree today that everything you need to make your joyful, you will receive it tonight.

The day He ate in Abraham’s house, He brought what is yet to come to now. John 2:1-11, at a wedding in Cana of Galilee, Jesus was there and He ate, when the mother came and said they don't have wine, He told the mother that the time is not yet but before one hour, not yet became now. I’m praying for someone, before the sun rises, everything that is not yet in your life will become now.

Agreeing to eat in the tent of Abraham that day gave Him an opportunity to demonstrate His Almightiness. Jehovah El Shaddai means the Almighty God; the One who can do all things, the God of all flesh, with whom nothing shall be impossible.

*Matthew 3:9, He is so mighty that He can bring children out of stones.
*He is so mighty that He can practically reverse the irreversible. Romans 4:16-19, the womb of Sarah was already dead but He reversed it. John 11:39-45, He raised somebody who has been dead for four days.
For those of you listening to me today that you are still alive and there is something the doctor says can’t be reversed, in the name is above every other name, that irreversible will be reversed today.

He had an opportunity to start a chain of laughter, the day He ate at Abraham’s place; the laughter that started as a joke ended as a testimony. Genesis 18:12, the bible says Sarah laughed because she thought God was joking. Genesis 21:6-9, the child she thought could never be born was named laughter, and she said all that hear shall laugh with me.

Psalm 126:1-3, when God turned the captivity of Zion, we are like them that dream, then our mouth was filled with laughter, in the name that is above every other name after tonight’s Holy Ghost service, your mouth will be filled with laughter and it will be a laughter that will not end.

Because our God is a God of laughter, Psalm 2:1-4, He too laughs. It took me a while before I realised that, since I realised that, I have been laughing. If my Father in heaven can laugh I will laugh too, anybody who wants to criticise can go ahead.

I decree in the name that is above every other name, from now on, there will always be laughter in your home.

This God is unchangeable; He is the same yesterday, today and He will be the same forever. His initial wish concerning you is that you be blessed, He has not changed His mind. His initial name as far as you are concerned is that He is Jehovah El Shaddai; the God who is more than enough, and as He did for Abraham that He ate in His tent, He is willing to eat with you if you will allow Him in.

But we need to know also that Ezekiel 18:4 says, the souls that sin, it shall die, He hasn't changed, the only thing He has done by sending Jesus Christ to die is that He has made a provision for you to escape from the death that your sin could bring. Romans 6:23, He said the wages of sin is death but the gift of God through Christ is eternal life, so you have a choice. Those of you who are listening to me; either death as a result of sin or eternal life through Jesus Christ.

If you will surrender to Jesus tonight, rather than die you will live, not only live physically you will live eternally. In case you don't know how mighty the Lord is, you have seen Him in action in the past few days. Don't joke with God, He is the Almighty, a very good friend but a very dangerous enemy. I'm appealing to you today, let Him be your friend and all will be well with you

If you want to give your life to Christ in your home, bow your head and cry to Him: Lord God Almighty, I know I have been foolish, thinking i can go on living a life of sin, ignoring You and now i have realised my mistake, please, save my soul and I will serve You for the rest of my life. Talk to God now for a few minutes and I will pray for you.

My Father and my God, i thank You for Your word, i bless Your holy name for making this broadcast possible, i ask God Almighty that all those who are surrendering their lives to You in their homes now, You will please receive them, save their souls, wash them clean with Your blood, write their names in the book of life, receive them into the family of God and from now on, anytime they call on You, please, answer them by fire, in Jesus’ mighty name i have prayed.

1.You want to thank the Almighty God for His preservation, goodness and mercy.
2.Father, that original blessing (to be blessed, fruitful, multiply, ...) that You pronounced on Adam and Eve, please, pronounce it afresh on me and my family this very day.
3.Jehovah El Shaddai, prove Yourself in my life and in my family that you are more than sufficient, no matter how big our requests tonight may be, do more than we can ever ask for.
4.My Father, You are welcome in my home, come and dine with us any day and any time; You are welcome, come and eat with us.
5. Every prophecy that You have directed in my direction, turn it into a decree tonight, let it be done this very night.
6.From now on my Father, let it be joy and laughter all the days of my life.
7.Individual request; whatever is special that you want to ask God no matter how big, go ahead and ask.

Father, we thank You for Your love for us; the love that brought us salvation, the love that has spared our lives to see this moment, that love guarantees that we will be more than conquerors, please, accept our thanks in Jesus’ name.
That original blessing that You pronounced when You first spoke to man, Lord God Almighty, repeat it on Your children today.
Let them be blessed.
If there is any curse in any of their families, let it be removed tonight.
And anyone who may be planning to curse Your children one way or the other, God Almighty disable them.
Lord, let Your children be fruitful, let them multiply, let them have dominion, promote them and let them reach the top.
Those of them that are already at the top, don't let anything bring them down.
My Father and my God, You are the One who is more than sufficient, in the lives of Your children, prove Your Almightiness.
No matter how great what they have requested for or will request for after we finish this prayer as they continue in their homes, do more than that for them.
Let them wake up tomorrow new people.
Don't let them know sorrow again.
From now on, let there be only shout of joy; You promised that there will always be a shout of joy in the habitation of the righteous, please, in the homes of these Your children, let there be no death, tragedy, sickness, failure and sorrow.
Let them serve You with gladness.
Visit all of us tonight.
From this moment onward, anytime we sit at the dining table, Father, You are welcome.
Come and dine with us.
Let our tomorrow be alright.
Thank You my Father.
In Jesus' mighty name we have prayed.

Let someone shout Hallelujah.

God bless you!


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