TEXT: ISAIAH 1:18-20, JOB 36:11 & PROVERBS 3:5-6
LINK https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUAcAfP_tpY
Let’s worship God before we go into the study.
Glory be to God in the Highest, Amen
Glory be to God in the highest, Amen
For His mercies endureth forever, Amen
For His mercies endureth forever, Amen
Father in heaven; we want to appreciate You because You owns all the glory and honour, You are the eternal Creator, You are the One who began the beginning, the All Sufficient, the Almighty, ever loving, ever dependable, ever reliable, ever giving and ever forgiving, what a great God we serve, we say thank You. Lord, thank You for another day for Digging Deep, God of heaven, we say thank You; thank You for the testimonies we received for the past Digging Deep and for testimonies that will come as a result of this, we worship Your name because lockdown does not mean the word of God is lockdown, we say thank You. As Your word proceeds, let there be salvation, healing and comfort. We pray that our lives will be readjusted to meet the standard of God. Father, we want to pray that You will empower Your word, i confess my ignorant Lord, but my Father in the Lord asked me to do this, and i'm standing in because i know he has prayed and still praying, Lord, i ask that this particular time, i will not be a criminal around Your word, You will take possession of my mouth and bring blessings to everyone listening, to You be glory, honour and praise Lord, thank You eternal Father, for as many who needed the touch of God; may be on the hospital bed, those tested positive and people who have been liberated from the virus, we ask that the healing of God will come like a wind in the name of Jesus, let this coronavirus move away from our nation and all the nations of the world, thank You because You have heard us, to You be glory, honour and praise, we give it to You forever, in Jesus’ mighty name we have prayed.
TEXT- ISAIAH 1:18-20, JOB 36:11 & PROVERBS 3:5-6
Isaiah chapter 1:18-20
18 Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.
19 If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land:
20 But if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.
Job chapter 36 verse 11
If they obey and serve him, they shall spend their days in prosperity, and their years in pleasures.
Proverbs chapter 3:5-6
5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
Where we read to us (the Bible passages) is pointing to one thing; TRUST, OBEDIENCE AND WILLINGNESS, they are brothers and sisters and they intertwine.
*To comply with or follow a command.
*To comply or follow instructions, for example, to obey one’s parents or God.
*To submit or conform in action to principle.
To submit means to put yourself under the authority of another.
*To obey means to agree with someone or authority.
Obedience is an essential element in a covenant relationship with God and it is the key for anyone that will walk with God or have anything to do with Him.
Hebrews 11:8, By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going. That is an example of obedience, they asked him:
Mr Abraham, where are you going?
He said, God asked me to leave my father’s country.
Where? He said, I don't know.
Which way? I don't know.
Where is the destination? I don't know.
And that is something we need to learn and he became the father of faith.
In Romans 1:5, Through him and for His name’s sake, we received grace and apostleship to call people from among all the Gentiles to the obedience that comes from faith. Obedience is a choice; you have a choice to obey or not, the choice is in you, you have capability to obey.
Peter in Luke 5:1-9 was faced with a life changing decision and it was an odd request from Jesus to request the boat of a frustrated fisherman and it was equally insulting for a carpenter to instruct a professional fisherman how to fish. Jesus borrowed his boat, after the preaching,
He told Peter, where are your nets?
Peter said, they are there, I just washed them.
Jesus said, throw all the nets, Peter laughed and said, you are a carpenter but he obeyed and that was the beginning, after that exercise, he became a fisher of men.
If we learn to obey, many of the hopeless situations will turn around. We need to understand that crisis will come; not just one, crisis will keep coming, but one thing that will bail anyone out is obedience because before the arrival of crisis, God has got a solution but the solution needs people to key into the word of God.
You may worry about certain situations or issues of life that God has already dealt with but if you choose to obey, then, you will have a lifetime blessing. Obedience attracts God’s richest blessing while disobedience brings problems. Only those who obey will enjoy the blessings of God.
Trust and obey
There’s no other way
To be happy in Jesus
But to trust and obey
You need to obey and trust. Isaiah 1:19. If you are willing and obedient, many people are willing but not obedient. It is not just willingness, you must add obedience to your willingness. In the book of Job, he said, if they obey Him, there is prosperity in obedience; it is not just about prayer.
People sing- prayer is the master key, yes, prayer is a key but not the master key. Principles of the kingdom have to be practiced.
There is what prayer can do.
There is what giving can do.
There is what forgiveness can do.
There is what love can do.
If you are to forgive and you are praying, the prayer will not go anywhere.
If you are to give and you are praying; some people know how to dance very well and pray but when it comes to giving, they don’t give. They will have joy but joy in poverty.
You have a choice: Lazarus died and made it to heaven; he made it in sickness and sorrow while Abraham died as a wealthy man and he got to heaven. They made it to the same destination, you are free to choose how to live on earth.
God’s love is unconditional but God’s blessings are conditional; If you want to live a comfortable life, you don't only need to pray, prayer is good, you also need to give. Forget about people that said all kinds of things about giving; giving is a principle that has been invented as the Lord started the creation. To walk in the covenant, you need to follow principles and one of the principles is obedience, not just i’m serving God, you need to serve Him in obedience. You must understand the way things operate in the kingdom, you must serve Him in obedience and not on your terms. It's one thing to think you have satisfied someone, it is another thing for the person to be satisfied. You must follow the principles of the kingdom.
If you love God you will obey Him. Obedience is an act of worship. True obedient to the word of God will receive salvation and to walk with Him, you need the word of God, you need to obey the word of God and that is an acts of worship that you really love Him, 1 John 5:2-3, if we keep His commandments, that really show that we love Him.
Every blessing delivered in the word of God is traceable to obedience; anytime God wants to bless His people, He will give them an instruction and when they obey, they will become beneficiaries of His promises. Obedience will connect you to blessing.
You need to obey first before you see the result. John 2:1-11, the birth of Jesus was questionable in His country, He was invited to a marriage ceremony, the wine finished, and his mother said they should do whatsoever He says, they obeyed and it happened.
Ten lepers were healed in the days of Jesus in Luke 17:12-19, it's a criminal offence for lepers to go to the city, but Jesus said, go, but as they were going, the miracle happened. You need to obey before you get the miracle. In the book Deuteronomy 28;1-14, for you to enjoy those blessings you need to be obedient. In verse 15, if you hearken not, he said the opposite blessing will follow.
You will not suffer calamity in the name of Jesus. The doorway into blessing is obedient while the doorway to curse is disobedient.
In Genesis 22:18, And through your descendant, all the nations of the earth will be blessed all because you have obeyed me. Abraham obeyed God and this generation was blessed. Jesus said that in Luke 11:28, Jesus replied, “But even more blessed are all who hear the word of God and put it into practice.”, Put the word of God to practice, don't just listen to the word of God you must obey. Anyone who doesn't obey the word is fooling him/herself. It is like somebody who looks at his face in the mirror and moves away from the mirror and never remembers what his face looked like, James 1:22-25. If you are not practising the word, you are like the man.
When we obey God we show our trust and faith in Him and we can be sure that we know Him and that is a kind of attestation that we know Him. If someone claims to obey God and doesn't obey His commandment, the person is a liar and not living in truth. John 2:3-6
The operation of the kingdom is through faith and obedience, you might not understand but you need to do the needful.
Partial obedience is disobedience, 1Samuel 15:3-20, Saul went as instructed by God but he obeyed Him partially and Samuel came to him in 1 Samuel 15:22, And Samuel said, Hath the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams.
Adjusted obedience is disobedience, if you adjust a figure on your check, you have to countersign to prove that it is not fraudulent that is your check not to talk about life. Many of us want to serve God on our own account, we make adjustments to the instructions of God and we get ourselves into problems.
In 1 Kings 13, the prophet went to deliver a message and it happened exactly but God told him not to stay, when he was coming somebody prophesied to him and he adjusted God’s instructions. Please, guide the instructions God has given to you, it's your life, nobody will help you to live your life, you have only one life and you need to live it fully, the man adjusted his obedience and he died. It was the prophet who brought him back that also prophesied his death.
Incomplete obedience is disobedience, Acts 5, Ananias and Sapphira sold a land and came to the man of God and the man of God asked if that is the total and they said yes, they lied to boost their egos. Somebody may be shining now, there is a glory of the sun, the glory of the moon and stars. When it is time for the moon to shine the sun gives way, when it is the time for the stars to tinkle they will. Shine your shine and let me shine my shine, if God is blessing your neighbor, it means God is in the neighborhood and He will soon come to your house, you must rejoice with those who are rejoicing now. There is no need for unhealthy competition; there is no need for envy and jealousy, just obey what God says. Ananias and his wife lied and they died suddenly. God will terminate untimely death in your life in Jesus’ name, as you say Amen, obey God totally.
Many of us want our terms; we want God to come to our terms. He created us Jeremiah 29:11, we are to flow with God’s plan not with ours. Exodus 22:29, Thou shalt not delay to offer the first of thy ripe fruits, and of thy liquors: the firstborn of thy sons shalt thou give unto me. God doesn't enjoy delayed obedience and offering. You must not delay your obedience if you are going to walk with God.
*Disobedience shows misplaced fear.
*Disobedience shows misplaced pleasure.
*Disobedient shows that you have a spirit of divination and idolatry.
*It shows misplaced praise.
*God hated disobedience because it puts the fear of God at the backside and exalts the fear of man; it puts the fear of man in the place of the fear of God.
*It elevates pleasure in things rather than pleasure in God.
*It seeks a name for itself instead of the name of God.
*It consults the wisdom of self instead of being satisfied with the will of God.
*It sets more value on dictates of self than the dictates of God.
Anyone that wants to obey God must disobey these three powers.
1.You must disobey yourself.
2.You must disobey the devil.
Devil introduces fear and doubt.
3. You need to disobey the power of wrong counsel, Proverbs 13:20, He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but the companion of fools shall be destroyed.
There are people you relate with that are not adding to you, anyone that is not adding to you is diminishing your life.
*If you obey God, you will enjoy longlife.
*If you obey God, you are protected.
*If you obey God, you will have gladness.
*If you obey God, you will have great peace.
Isaiah 26:3, great peace have they who obey God.
*If you obey God, their is an assurance of salvation
*If you obey God, answers will come to your prayers.
*If you obey God, you are sure of heaven.
A girl told another girl, we are going to the field to play, she said no, i’m not going, let me go and ask my mother and why do you want to ask your mother, she said, my mother knows the best for me and that is very instructive, God knows the best for you, you need to obey Him in all things.
IF YOU ARE WATCHING AND NOT BORN AGAIN, let it be today not tomorrow and those of you who have disobeyed God in any area; may be He called you into ministry, tells you to do something in the church, in the society or to reach out to somebody and you have not done it, let it be that you will obey God today.
For those who are not born again:
Tell the Lord - I want to get born again, help me Oh God, I yield my life to You as an object of sacrifice, please, take my life.
Confess your sin to Him.
Those of you God have been speaking to on certain issues, maybe He asked you to do something; to do evangelism, go into full time ministry, do something in your church or community and you haven't done it, it is high time to obey.
If you are willing and obedient He will do it.
You have to walk with God in obedience; You may not know His target but He knows the best for your life.
Father in heaven, we are grateful, even for the people that have given their lives, those who are yielding themselves to Christ, I ask Oh God from this particular platform that everyone of them that are giving their lives to Christ, may the Lord save you.
May the blood of Jesus wash you clean as you yield to Him in obedience today.
May the God of heaven take you, turn your darkness to light, your sorrow to joy, your test to testimony, your failure to success, your frustration to manifestation, in the name of Jesus.
We ask that your trial will turn to triumph
Your sickness will turn to health.
And we pray that your poverty will turn to prosperity.
And light will come into your life.
And everyone who have been born again but not obedient in worshipping God, not doing what the Lord has commanded, give them the power to be obedient.
And let the name of the Lord in their lives be glorified.
Oh Lord, when we all finish our race, count us worthy to reign with You.
Thank You glorious Father.
Thank You ever living Jehovah.
We worship and adore You because it is done.
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have prayed.
God bless you!
TEXT: ISAIAH 1:18-20, JOB 36:11 & PROVERBS 3:5-6
LINK https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUAcAfP_tpY
Let’s worship God before we go into the study.
Glory be to God in the Highest, Amen
Glory be to God in the highest, Amen
For His mercies endureth forever, Amen
For His mercies endureth forever, Amen
Father in heaven; we want to appreciate You because You owns all the glory and honour, You are the eternal Creator, You are the One who began the beginning, the All Sufficient, the Almighty, ever loving, ever dependable, ever reliable, ever giving and ever forgiving, what a great God we serve, we say thank You. Lord, thank You for another day for Digging Deep, God of heaven, we say thank You; thank You for the testimonies we received for the past Digging Deep and for testimonies that will come as a result of this, we worship Your name because lockdown does not mean the word of God is lockdown, we say thank You. As Your word proceeds, let there be salvation, healing and comfort. We pray that our lives will be readjusted to meet the standard of God. Father, we want to pray that You will empower Your word, i confess my ignorant Lord, but my Father in the Lord asked me to do this, and i'm standing in because i know he has prayed and still praying, Lord, i ask that this particular time, i will not be a criminal around Your word, You will take possession of my mouth and bring blessings to everyone listening, to You be glory, honour and praise Lord, thank You eternal Father, for as many who needed the touch of God; may be on the hospital bed, those tested positive and people who have been liberated from the virus, we ask that the healing of God will come like a wind in the name of Jesus, let this coronavirus move away from our nation and all the nations of the world, thank You because You have heard us, to You be glory, honour and praise, we give it to You forever, in Jesus’ mighty name we have prayed.
TEXT- ISAIAH 1:18-20, JOB 36:11 & PROVERBS 3:5-6
Isaiah chapter 1:18-20
18 Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.
19 If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land:
20 But if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.
Job chapter 36 verse 11
If they obey and serve him, they shall spend their days in prosperity, and their years in pleasures.
Proverbs chapter 3:5-6
5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
Where we read to us (the Bible passages) is pointing to one thing; TRUST, OBEDIENCE AND WILLINGNESS, they are brothers and sisters and they intertwine.
*To comply with or follow a command.
*To comply or follow instructions, for example, to obey one’s parents or God.
*To submit or conform in action to principle.
To submit means to put yourself under the authority of another.
*To obey means to agree with someone or authority.
Obedience is an essential element in a covenant relationship with God and it is the key for anyone that will walk with God or have anything to do with Him.
Hebrews 11:8, By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going. That is an example of obedience, they asked him:
Mr Abraham, where are you going?
He said, God asked me to leave my father’s country.
Where? He said, I don't know.
Which way? I don't know.
Where is the destination? I don't know.
And that is something we need to learn and he became the father of faith.
In Romans 1:5, Through him and for His name’s sake, we received grace and apostleship to call people from among all the Gentiles to the obedience that comes from faith. Obedience is a choice; you have a choice to obey or not, the choice is in you, you have capability to obey.
Peter in Luke 5:1-9 was faced with a life changing decision and it was an odd request from Jesus to request the boat of a frustrated fisherman and it was equally insulting for a carpenter to instruct a professional fisherman how to fish. Jesus borrowed his boat, after the preaching,
He told Peter, where are your nets?
Peter said, they are there, I just washed them.
Jesus said, throw all the nets, Peter laughed and said, you are a carpenter but he obeyed and that was the beginning, after that exercise, he became a fisher of men.
If we learn to obey, many of the hopeless situations will turn around. We need to understand that crisis will come; not just one, crisis will keep coming, but one thing that will bail anyone out is obedience because before the arrival of crisis, God has got a solution but the solution needs people to key into the word of God.
You may worry about certain situations or issues of life that God has already dealt with but if you choose to obey, then, you will have a lifetime blessing. Obedience attracts God’s richest blessing while disobedience brings problems. Only those who obey will enjoy the blessings of God.
Trust and obey
There’s no other way
To be happy in Jesus
But to trust and obey
You need to obey and trust. Isaiah 1:19. If you are willing and obedient, many people are willing but not obedient. It is not just willingness, you must add obedience to your willingness. In the book of Job, he said, if they obey Him, there is prosperity in obedience; it is not just about prayer.
People sing- prayer is the master key, yes, prayer is a key but not the master key. Principles of the kingdom have to be practiced.
There is what prayer can do.
There is what giving can do.
There is what forgiveness can do.
There is what love can do.
If you are to forgive and you are praying, the prayer will not go anywhere.
If you are to give and you are praying; some people know how to dance very well and pray but when it comes to giving, they don’t give. They will have joy but joy in poverty.
You have a choice: Lazarus died and made it to heaven; he made it in sickness and sorrow while Abraham died as a wealthy man and he got to heaven. They made it to the same destination, you are free to choose how to live on earth.
God’s love is unconditional but God’s blessings are conditional; If you want to live a comfortable life, you don't only need to pray, prayer is good, you also need to give. Forget about people that said all kinds of things about giving; giving is a principle that has been invented as the Lord started the creation. To walk in the covenant, you need to follow principles and one of the principles is obedience, not just i’m serving God, you need to serve Him in obedience. You must understand the way things operate in the kingdom, you must serve Him in obedience and not on your terms. It's one thing to think you have satisfied someone, it is another thing for the person to be satisfied. You must follow the principles of the kingdom.
If you love God you will obey Him. Obedience is an act of worship. True obedient to the word of God will receive salvation and to walk with Him, you need the word of God, you need to obey the word of God and that is an acts of worship that you really love Him, 1 John 5:2-3, if we keep His commandments, that really show that we love Him.
Every blessing delivered in the word of God is traceable to obedience; anytime God wants to bless His people, He will give them an instruction and when they obey, they will become beneficiaries of His promises. Obedience will connect you to blessing.
You need to obey first before you see the result. John 2:1-11, the birth of Jesus was questionable in His country, He was invited to a marriage ceremony, the wine finished, and his mother said they should do whatsoever He says, they obeyed and it happened.
Ten lepers were healed in the days of Jesus in Luke 17:12-19, it's a criminal offence for lepers to go to the city, but Jesus said, go, but as they were going, the miracle happened. You need to obey before you get the miracle. In the book Deuteronomy 28;1-14, for you to enjoy those blessings you need to be obedient. In verse 15, if you hearken not, he said the opposite blessing will follow.
You will not suffer calamity in the name of Jesus. The doorway into blessing is obedient while the doorway to curse is disobedient.
In Genesis 22:18, And through your descendant, all the nations of the earth will be blessed all because you have obeyed me. Abraham obeyed God and this generation was blessed. Jesus said that in Luke 11:28, Jesus replied, “But even more blessed are all who hear the word of God and put it into practice.”, Put the word of God to practice, don't just listen to the word of God you must obey. Anyone who doesn't obey the word is fooling him/herself. It is like somebody who looks at his face in the mirror and moves away from the mirror and never remembers what his face looked like, James 1:22-25. If you are not practising the word, you are like the man.
When we obey God we show our trust and faith in Him and we can be sure that we know Him and that is a kind of attestation that we know Him. If someone claims to obey God and doesn't obey His commandment, the person is a liar and not living in truth. John 2:3-6
The operation of the kingdom is through faith and obedience, you might not understand but you need to do the needful.
Partial obedience is disobedience, 1Samuel 15:3-20, Saul went as instructed by God but he obeyed Him partially and Samuel came to him in 1 Samuel 15:22, And Samuel said, Hath the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams.
Adjusted obedience is disobedience, if you adjust a figure on your check, you have to countersign to prove that it is not fraudulent that is your check not to talk about life. Many of us want to serve God on our own account, we make adjustments to the instructions of God and we get ourselves into problems.
In 1 Kings 13, the prophet went to deliver a message and it happened exactly but God told him not to stay, when he was coming somebody prophesied to him and he adjusted God’s instructions. Please, guide the instructions God has given to you, it's your life, nobody will help you to live your life, you have only one life and you need to live it fully, the man adjusted his obedience and he died. It was the prophet who brought him back that also prophesied his death.
Incomplete obedience is disobedience, Acts 5, Ananias and Sapphira sold a land and came to the man of God and the man of God asked if that is the total and they said yes, they lied to boost their egos. Somebody may be shining now, there is a glory of the sun, the glory of the moon and stars. When it is time for the moon to shine the sun gives way, when it is the time for the stars to tinkle they will. Shine your shine and let me shine my shine, if God is blessing your neighbor, it means God is in the neighborhood and He will soon come to your house, you must rejoice with those who are rejoicing now. There is no need for unhealthy competition; there is no need for envy and jealousy, just obey what God says. Ananias and his wife lied and they died suddenly. God will terminate untimely death in your life in Jesus’ name, as you say Amen, obey God totally.
Many of us want our terms; we want God to come to our terms. He created us Jeremiah 29:11, we are to flow with God’s plan not with ours. Exodus 22:29, Thou shalt not delay to offer the first of thy ripe fruits, and of thy liquors: the firstborn of thy sons shalt thou give unto me. God doesn't enjoy delayed obedience and offering. You must not delay your obedience if you are going to walk with God.
*Disobedience shows misplaced fear.
*Disobedience shows misplaced pleasure.
*Disobedient shows that you have a spirit of divination and idolatry.
*It shows misplaced praise.
*God hated disobedience because it puts the fear of God at the backside and exalts the fear of man; it puts the fear of man in the place of the fear of God.
*It elevates pleasure in things rather than pleasure in God.
*It seeks a name for itself instead of the name of God.
*It consults the wisdom of self instead of being satisfied with the will of God.
*It sets more value on dictates of self than the dictates of God.
Anyone that wants to obey God must disobey these three powers.
1.You must disobey yourself.
2.You must disobey the devil.
Devil introduces fear and doubt.
3. You need to disobey the power of wrong counsel, Proverbs 13:20, He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but the companion of fools shall be destroyed.
There are people you relate with that are not adding to you, anyone that is not adding to you is diminishing your life.
*If you obey God, you will enjoy longlife.
*If you obey God, you are protected.
*If you obey God, you will have gladness.
*If you obey God, you will have great peace.
Isaiah 26:3, great peace have they who obey God.
*If you obey God, their is an assurance of salvation
*If you obey God, answers will come to your prayers.
*If you obey God, you are sure of heaven.
A girl told another girl, we are going to the field to play, she said no, i’m not going, let me go and ask my mother and why do you want to ask your mother, she said, my mother knows the best for me and that is very instructive, God knows the best for you, you need to obey Him in all things.
IF YOU ARE WATCHING AND NOT BORN AGAIN, let it be today not tomorrow and those of you who have disobeyed God in any area; may be He called you into ministry, tells you to do something in the church, in the society or to reach out to somebody and you have not done it, let it be that you will obey God today.
For those who are not born again:
Tell the Lord - I want to get born again, help me Oh God, I yield my life to You as an object of sacrifice, please, take my life.
Confess your sin to Him.
Those of you God have been speaking to on certain issues, maybe He asked you to do something; to do evangelism, go into full time ministry, do something in your church or community and you haven't done it, it is high time to obey.
If you are willing and obedient He will do it.
You have to walk with God in obedience; You may not know His target but He knows the best for your life.
Father in heaven, we are grateful, even for the people that have given their lives, those who are yielding themselves to Christ, I ask Oh God from this particular platform that everyone of them that are giving their lives to Christ, may the Lord save you.
May the blood of Jesus wash you clean as you yield to Him in obedience today.
May the God of heaven take you, turn your darkness to light, your sorrow to joy, your test to testimony, your failure to success, your frustration to manifestation, in the name of Jesus.
We ask that your trial will turn to triumph
Your sickness will turn to health.
And we pray that your poverty will turn to prosperity.
And light will come into your life.
And everyone who have been born again but not obedient in worshipping God, not doing what the Lord has commanded, give them the power to be obedient.
And let the name of the Lord in their lives be glorified.
Oh Lord, when we all finish our race, count us worthy to reign with You.
Thank You glorious Father.
Thank You ever living Jehovah.
We worship and adore You because it is done.
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have prayed.
God bless you!
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