LINK https://youtu.be/uCnJfYn-ECk
Thank You Father.
Let’s lift our hands to the Most high God and bless His Holy name; let’s give Him glory, honour and adoration, bless the King of kings and the Lord of lords, worship Him, adore Him, magnify His holy name, praise Him; He’s worthy to be praised, adored and magnified, He is the King of kings and the Lord of lords, the Ancient of Days, bless His holy name, thank You Father, thank You Lord, in Jesus’ mighty name we worshipped.
Lift Your voice to Him and say:
+Father, thank You for yesterday, do something greater for me today; give me greater encounter with You and do something greater for me today that Your name might be glorified.
Worthy, worthy, is the Lamb,
Worthy, worthy is the Lamb;
Worthy, worthy is the Lamb
That was slain.
Glory, hallelujah!
Glory, hallelujah!
Glory, hallelujah!
Praise the Lord.
Almighty God; You are worthy to be praised, adored and lifted high because You are the Most high God, You are Greater than the greatest, Better than the best, Higher than the highest, Stronger than the strongest, Wiser than the wisest, and Richer than the richest, glory be to Your holy name. Thank You for yesterday, thank You in advance for what You will do today, Father, please today, like never before, visit Your children, do something greater for us today than yesterday, and let our tomorrow be alright, thank You Almighty God, in Jesus’ mighty name we have prayed.
1Now Moses kept the flock of Jethro his father in law, the priest of Midian: and he led the flock to the backside of the desert, and came to the mountain of God, even to Horeb.
2 And the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush: and he looked, and, behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed.
3 And Moses said, I will now turn aside, and see this great sight, why the bush is not burnt.
4 And when the Lord saw that he turned aside to see, God called unto him out of the midst of the bush, and said, Moses, Moses. And he said, Here am I.
+God is going to call the name of somebody here today.
When you have a divine encounter several things will happen:
Moses had an encounter with God and he began to hear from God.
1 Kings 19:1-12, God can speak in still small voice.
In Revelation 2:7, the bible says, He who has ear to hear, let him hear what the spirit is saying. It means that not everybody could hear when God is speaking; there are people who have ears but can't hear God speaking, but if you have an encounter with God, you will begin to hear from Him and He will begin to guide you.
Isaiah 30:21, You will hear a word behind you saying, this is the way, walk thou in it.
When you begin to hear from God, He will begin to guide you as to what to do; how to succeed, for example, Luke 5:1-7, the tells us that Peter had fished all night and caught nothing, then had an encounter with Jesus and He told him where to fish.
When God guides you as to where and how to do business, you are bound to succeed.
In Genesis 26:1-14, Issac wanted to relocate when there was famine in the land but he heard from God to stay and sow so that God can make him an envy of a nation. You will begin to succeed when you begin to hear from God because He will guide you.
A senior accountant cried to the Almighty God because his income was not enough and God spoke to Him to be roasting peanuts with honey, a president chose the peanut during his inauguration. The man has five private jets from selling peanuts because God told him how to succeed.
Years ago, I was invited by the student of the university in the North East to come and preach. I went there, fasted, prayed, studied the bible and preached, when I gave the altar call, only 6 people came forward to give their lives to Jesus and I was unhappy, so i went to the Lord in prayer and He spoke to me to wear “Babariga”, so i wore “Babariga” to the altar, the students began to shout as they saw me in their dress and their colleagues who were outside the hall heard the shout and surrounded the hall to see a preacher dressed like them, they heard the sermon and 96 came from the outside and gave their lives to Jesus Christ.
+I’m deceering to somebody here today, you will begin to hear from God.
+Before tomorrow morning, God would have told you how to succeed.
When you have an encounter with God, the days of your enemies become numbered.
From the day Moses had an encounter with God, the days of Pharaoh became numbered. Exodus 14:1-28 Pharaoh was drowned.
+As you have an encounter with God today, whether you enemies know or not, their days are numbered.
1 Samuel 16:11-13, David had an encounter with God, days later, a Lion and a Bear came to steal one of his sheep; the Lion and the Bear died according to 1 Samuel 17:34-37.
Even Goliath that wanted to stand between David and his throne died within days of David having an encounter with God, according to 1 Samuel 17:45-51.
+As you have an encounter with God today, days of lions that want to disrupt your business are numbered.
+All the Bears that want to interrupt your progress, their days are numbered.
+All the Goliath that want to stand between you and you reaching your goals, their days are numbered.
A young man was doing very well in his place of work, he was sacked suddenly without doing anything wrong, his last report showed that he was one of the best, he came to the holy ghost service in the very first auditorium, and the word of God came and said; their is someone here, somebody will die in your family, don't be sad because your promotion will come after his death. He discovered later that his father was his problem because the father said the boy will be greater than him the way he is going, the father died after one week and the young man was recalled and promoted.
+Days of anyone trying to stop you from reaching your goals are numbered.
One of my daughters; very nice, diligent and beautiful couldn't get a husband until when her mother died suddenly and she was very sad but God told her not to be sad because the mountain between her and her joy has just been removed. She was happily married after six months.
+Every mountain between you and your joy shall be removed this very month.
Moses was at the backside of a desert when he had a divine encounter; he wasn't just in the desert, he was in the backside of a dessert, someone with destiny of a nation embedded in him was in the backside of a desert but the day he had an encounter with God, his days of wilderness, suffering in secret and hiding became numbered.
+In that name that is above every other name, when you have a divine encounter with God today, your wilderness experience will be over.
In John 5:2-9, there was a great man that God ordained to be a worshipper but he was sick for 38 years, languishing in a spiritual hospital, then he had a divine encounter and he left the club of the sick that day.
In John 9:1-7, there was a man who had been blind for 40 years, born blind, one day, some people began to talk about him; who sinned? this man or his parents that he was born blind, He drew the attention of the Almighty God to His problem, that day, the problem ended.
When you have an encounter with the Almighty God, he will point helpers to you.
When i was a child in my village, there was a girl that has the most beautiful voice you have ever heard, at the end of the years in those days, primary schools used to have entertainment; people will go to the school to watch dramatised play like David and Goliath, … but the whole village went to the school to hear the girl sing; beautiful voice, but she lived and died in the village, the voice could have taken her to the whole world.
Mike Tyson was a hooligan, (area boy) beating people until somebody saw him, trained him and he became a world champion, God shone His light on the hooligan and he became a champion.
+In the name that is above every other name, the light of God will shine on you today.
There are people here today, loaded with potential and destiny; people that the Almighty God planned that they will become great; great boys and girls that can shake nations just like Moses, he was born to be a national leader but he was at the backside of the desert, he would have perish there, but he had an encounter with God and things changed.
+Today, in the name that is above every other name, you will have an encounter with God.
When you have an encounter with God, not only will your days of hiding be over, not only will you suddenly become somebody the world will begin to pay attention to, your promotion will become accelerated.
Moses was a fugitive, he was running away from Pharaoh but God spoke because of the encounter he had with God, it wasn't long before it is written in Exodus 7:1, God said to Mose, behold, i have made thee a god to Pharaoh; Pharaoh believed in gods, (worshipping idols) God gave him one, God said Moses you will be the one, i will make sure that Pharaoh bow to you.
When you have an encounter with God, those who have been terrorising you will bow before you.
Joshua 1:1-8, Joshua was a messenger of Moses, in a single day, when he had an encounter with God, the first time he heard God called his name, a messenger became a prime minister, God promoted him, he became the leader of a nation.
1 Samuel 16:11-13, in a single day, David moved from being a shepherd boy to becoming a king.
2 Kings 2:9-15, because Elisha had an encounter with God, one of the sons of the prophet became a master of the other sons of the prophet within a day.
The Almighty God has the ability to take you from wherever you are and take you to the highest height within a day.
+I’m believing in God for somebody here today, long before the end of this year, God will take you to the top.
One funny incident happened some years ago, one of my little girls’ husband was appointed an ambassador to a nation and i went to visit them because we wanted to start a parish of the church in that nation, so we sat in the living room waiting for them, suddenly, the people who were sitting with me got up and i got up automatically; i did not know that they were getting up because my daughter was coming in, because when her excellency walks in the people must stand, so i stood up too and she looked at me and said, daddy, not you, sit down and i said we must give honour to whom honour is due.
+In the name of Jesus Christ, there is someone here right now, when you come in, people will stand.
There is someone in this nation not too long ago who was just a nurse; doctors will send her on errand and there was a change of government, her husband to be who was a soldier became head of state and the nurse became the first lady. Five doctors were around the first lady when she was about to have her first baby, those who used to push her around are now taking care of her.
+In the name that is above every other name, all those who have been pushing you around will soon be attending to you.
When Moses had an encounter with God, several things happened to him in one day:
Exodus 4:1-8, there was a rod in his hand and God spoke to him, Moses, what is in your hand? He said a rod, God said throw it down, he threw it down and it became a snake.
*Moses saw a miracle. Many of you have heard testimonies but you have not seen it happen.
+In the name that is above every other name, before this day is over, you will see a miracle.
God said to him, take the snake by the tail, he took it by the tail and it became a rod.
*Moses touched a miracle; he didn't just see one, he touched one.
+I decree in the mighty name of Jesus Christ that before you go out of here you will touch a miracle, it means the fellow you are sitting next to will become a miracle.
Then God said to Moses, put your hand in your bosom, he put his hand in his bosom and pulled it out and it became leprous, he put it back again, brought it out and it was whole.
*He experienced a miracle.
As the Lord lives, because of the experience you are going to have tonight, you will experience a miracle.
One of my children had a boil years ago; when the boil breaks anywhere the water torches will develop another boil, the spot were developing black scars as they were healing until black scars covered his body, one day, in this auditorium, the word of God came and said, the scars are gone, he went to the toilet, removed his dress and discovered that there was not a scar left, he testified and said: i have been hearing the word of God going forth, saying, there is someone here, it has never happened to me but now it has happened to me.
+Before you go out of here, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, you will experience a miracle.
In Exodus 4:20, the bible says, when Moses left for Egypt, that day not the following day, he took the rod of God with him, that rod of God was what he was going to use to part the red sea, bring water out of the rock, and to perform miracles, signs and wonders, by the time he was leaving the spot of the divine encounter, he was going with the power of God in his hand.
+There is somebody here today, you are not leaving the way you came; you are going away with the power of God in your hands
In 1979, i went to America for the first time to attend Kenneth Hagin camp meeting, i saw miracles; i saw the lame working, the blind seeing, i saw things that i have read about in the bible with my own eyes, i touched miracles; i shook hand with people who testified and i had a meeting with him, when every everybody was asking for books and tapes i told him i want whatever is in him to be in me, he prayed for me and i experienced a miracle. When I was leaving, I cried to the Almighty God in the plane to do in Nigeria what I saw in America. The following Sunday we called a meeting in the church and i asked for permission to pray for the sick, the sick lines up and i began to lay hands on them and as i was laying hands on them, they were being slain in the spirit and they were getting up healed just as i saw in America.
I saw, touched, and experienced miracles. I carried the power of God with me when I was leaving.
+I decree tonight to everyone of you here and those listening to me all over the world, today, you will see, touch and experience miracles, and go home carrying miracles with you.
I believe that God is calling the name of somebody tonight, because whenever there is going to be this encounter with God, almost invariable, He calls you by name:
Moses, Moses, ...
Samuel Samuel, …
He is calling someone today and he is saying come and give your life to me; come and have an encounter with me so that you can have a brand new beginning, leave the camp of satan, come to me let me forgive your sin and wash you clean with my blood, will you answer Him or tell him to mind His business? the Almighty God is calling you, come unto me let me save your soul, let me forgive your sins, let me give you a brand new beginning, let me turn you to a vessel unto honour; you were once used by satan, let me use you now.
Cry to the Almighty God now: I have heard Your voice, I have come to surrender my life to You, have mercy on me, save my soul and I will serve You for the rest of my life.
Let's stretch our hands towards these people: Pray that the One who saved us will save them too, pray that the Almighty God will receive them, that He will wash them clean with His blood, receive them into the family of God and give them a brand new beginning, pray that each and everyone of them will become a vessel unto honour in the hand of the Almighty God.
Father, I want to thank You for Your word; i want to give You all glory and honour for these Your children that have come forward to surrender their lives to You, please, remember Your promise that whosoever will come unto You, You will no wise cast out, they have come to You now Lord, please, receive them in Jesus’ name, have mercy on them, save their souls, let Your blood wash them clean, write their names in the book of life, give them a brand new beginning, receive them into the family of God, from now on, anytime they call on You, please answer them by fire and let them serve You till the very end, in Jesus’ mighty name we have prayed.
Lift you offering and pray:
Father, tonight, let me see, touch and experience a miracle and when i leave here, let me carry Your miracle working power with me so that whatever i touch will prosper.
In the name that is above every other name, not only today but every day of your life, you will be seeing, touching, and experiencing miracles.
Wherever you go from today, you will carry the power of God with you.
The Almighty God will bless your offering, sanctify it and use it for His glory.
Even this month, you will have financial breakthroughs.
So shall it be.
In Jesus’ mighty name we have prayed.
Who got the biggest miracle of tonight?
Shout the biggest Hallelujah.
God bless you!
LINK https://youtu.be/uCnJfYn-ECk
Thank You Father.
Let’s lift our hands to the Most high God and bless His Holy name; let’s give Him glory, honour and adoration, bless the King of kings and the Lord of lords, worship Him, adore Him, magnify His holy name, praise Him; He’s worthy to be praised, adored and magnified, He is the King of kings and the Lord of lords, the Ancient of Days, bless His holy name, thank You Father, thank You Lord, in Jesus’ mighty name we worshipped.
Lift Your voice to Him and say:
+Father, thank You for yesterday, do something greater for me today; give me greater encounter with You and do something greater for me today that Your name might be glorified.
Worthy, worthy, is the Lamb,
Worthy, worthy is the Lamb;
Worthy, worthy is the Lamb
That was slain.
Glory, hallelujah!
Glory, hallelujah!
Glory, hallelujah!
Praise the Lord.
Almighty God; You are worthy to be praised, adored and lifted high because You are the Most high God, You are Greater than the greatest, Better than the best, Higher than the highest, Stronger than the strongest, Wiser than the wisest, and Richer than the richest, glory be to Your holy name. Thank You for yesterday, thank You in advance for what You will do today, Father, please today, like never before, visit Your children, do something greater for us today than yesterday, and let our tomorrow be alright, thank You Almighty God, in Jesus’ mighty name we have prayed.
1Now Moses kept the flock of Jethro his father in law, the priest of Midian: and he led the flock to the backside of the desert, and came to the mountain of God, even to Horeb.
2 And the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush: and he looked, and, behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed.
3 And Moses said, I will now turn aside, and see this great sight, why the bush is not burnt.
4 And when the Lord saw that he turned aside to see, God called unto him out of the midst of the bush, and said, Moses, Moses. And he said, Here am I.
+God is going to call the name of somebody here today.
When you have a divine encounter several things will happen:
Moses had an encounter with God and he began to hear from God.
1 Kings 19:1-12, God can speak in still small voice.
In Revelation 2:7, the bible says, He who has ear to hear, let him hear what the spirit is saying. It means that not everybody could hear when God is speaking; there are people who have ears but can't hear God speaking, but if you have an encounter with God, you will begin to hear from Him and He will begin to guide you.
Isaiah 30:21, You will hear a word behind you saying, this is the way, walk thou in it.
When you begin to hear from God, He will begin to guide you as to what to do; how to succeed, for example, Luke 5:1-7, the tells us that Peter had fished all night and caught nothing, then had an encounter with Jesus and He told him where to fish.
When God guides you as to where and how to do business, you are bound to succeed.
In Genesis 26:1-14, Issac wanted to relocate when there was famine in the land but he heard from God to stay and sow so that God can make him an envy of a nation. You will begin to succeed when you begin to hear from God because He will guide you.
A senior accountant cried to the Almighty God because his income was not enough and God spoke to Him to be roasting peanuts with honey, a president chose the peanut during his inauguration. The man has five private jets from selling peanuts because God told him how to succeed.
Years ago, I was invited by the student of the university in the North East to come and preach. I went there, fasted, prayed, studied the bible and preached, when I gave the altar call, only 6 people came forward to give their lives to Jesus and I was unhappy, so i went to the Lord in prayer and He spoke to me to wear “Babariga”, so i wore “Babariga” to the altar, the students began to shout as they saw me in their dress and their colleagues who were outside the hall heard the shout and surrounded the hall to see a preacher dressed like them, they heard the sermon and 96 came from the outside and gave their lives to Jesus Christ.
+I’m deceering to somebody here today, you will begin to hear from God.
+Before tomorrow morning, God would have told you how to succeed.
When you have an encounter with God, the days of your enemies become numbered.
From the day Moses had an encounter with God, the days of Pharaoh became numbered. Exodus 14:1-28 Pharaoh was drowned.
+As you have an encounter with God today, whether you enemies know or not, their days are numbered.
1 Samuel 16:11-13, David had an encounter with God, days later, a Lion and a Bear came to steal one of his sheep; the Lion and the Bear died according to 1 Samuel 17:34-37.
Even Goliath that wanted to stand between David and his throne died within days of David having an encounter with God, according to 1 Samuel 17:45-51.
+As you have an encounter with God today, days of lions that want to disrupt your business are numbered.
+All the Bears that want to interrupt your progress, their days are numbered.
+All the Goliath that want to stand between you and you reaching your goals, their days are numbered.
A young man was doing very well in his place of work, he was sacked suddenly without doing anything wrong, his last report showed that he was one of the best, he came to the holy ghost service in the very first auditorium, and the word of God came and said; their is someone here, somebody will die in your family, don't be sad because your promotion will come after his death. He discovered later that his father was his problem because the father said the boy will be greater than him the way he is going, the father died after one week and the young man was recalled and promoted.
+Days of anyone trying to stop you from reaching your goals are numbered.
One of my daughters; very nice, diligent and beautiful couldn't get a husband until when her mother died suddenly and she was very sad but God told her not to be sad because the mountain between her and her joy has just been removed. She was happily married after six months.
+Every mountain between you and your joy shall be removed this very month.
Moses was at the backside of a desert when he had a divine encounter; he wasn't just in the desert, he was in the backside of a dessert, someone with destiny of a nation embedded in him was in the backside of a desert but the day he had an encounter with God, his days of wilderness, suffering in secret and hiding became numbered.
+In that name that is above every other name, when you have a divine encounter with God today, your wilderness experience will be over.
In John 5:2-9, there was a great man that God ordained to be a worshipper but he was sick for 38 years, languishing in a spiritual hospital, then he had a divine encounter and he left the club of the sick that day.
In John 9:1-7, there was a man who had been blind for 40 years, born blind, one day, some people began to talk about him; who sinned? this man or his parents that he was born blind, He drew the attention of the Almighty God to His problem, that day, the problem ended.
When you have an encounter with the Almighty God, he will point helpers to you.
When i was a child in my village, there was a girl that has the most beautiful voice you have ever heard, at the end of the years in those days, primary schools used to have entertainment; people will go to the school to watch dramatised play like David and Goliath, … but the whole village went to the school to hear the girl sing; beautiful voice, but she lived and died in the village, the voice could have taken her to the whole world.
Mike Tyson was a hooligan, (area boy) beating people until somebody saw him, trained him and he became a world champion, God shone His light on the hooligan and he became a champion.
+In the name that is above every other name, the light of God will shine on you today.
There are people here today, loaded with potential and destiny; people that the Almighty God planned that they will become great; great boys and girls that can shake nations just like Moses, he was born to be a national leader but he was at the backside of the desert, he would have perish there, but he had an encounter with God and things changed.
+Today, in the name that is above every other name, you will have an encounter with God.
When you have an encounter with God, not only will your days of hiding be over, not only will you suddenly become somebody the world will begin to pay attention to, your promotion will become accelerated.
Moses was a fugitive, he was running away from Pharaoh but God spoke because of the encounter he had with God, it wasn't long before it is written in Exodus 7:1, God said to Mose, behold, i have made thee a god to Pharaoh; Pharaoh believed in gods, (worshipping idols) God gave him one, God said Moses you will be the one, i will make sure that Pharaoh bow to you.
When you have an encounter with God, those who have been terrorising you will bow before you.
Joshua 1:1-8, Joshua was a messenger of Moses, in a single day, when he had an encounter with God, the first time he heard God called his name, a messenger became a prime minister, God promoted him, he became the leader of a nation.
1 Samuel 16:11-13, in a single day, David moved from being a shepherd boy to becoming a king.
2 Kings 2:9-15, because Elisha had an encounter with God, one of the sons of the prophet became a master of the other sons of the prophet within a day.
The Almighty God has the ability to take you from wherever you are and take you to the highest height within a day.
+I’m believing in God for somebody here today, long before the end of this year, God will take you to the top.
One funny incident happened some years ago, one of my little girls’ husband was appointed an ambassador to a nation and i went to visit them because we wanted to start a parish of the church in that nation, so we sat in the living room waiting for them, suddenly, the people who were sitting with me got up and i got up automatically; i did not know that they were getting up because my daughter was coming in, because when her excellency walks in the people must stand, so i stood up too and she looked at me and said, daddy, not you, sit down and i said we must give honour to whom honour is due.
+In the name of Jesus Christ, there is someone here right now, when you come in, people will stand.
There is someone in this nation not too long ago who was just a nurse; doctors will send her on errand and there was a change of government, her husband to be who was a soldier became head of state and the nurse became the first lady. Five doctors were around the first lady when she was about to have her first baby, those who used to push her around are now taking care of her.
+In the name that is above every other name, all those who have been pushing you around will soon be attending to you.
When Moses had an encounter with God, several things happened to him in one day:
Exodus 4:1-8, there was a rod in his hand and God spoke to him, Moses, what is in your hand? He said a rod, God said throw it down, he threw it down and it became a snake.
*Moses saw a miracle. Many of you have heard testimonies but you have not seen it happen.
+In the name that is above every other name, before this day is over, you will see a miracle.
God said to him, take the snake by the tail, he took it by the tail and it became a rod.
*Moses touched a miracle; he didn't just see one, he touched one.
+I decree in the mighty name of Jesus Christ that before you go out of here you will touch a miracle, it means the fellow you are sitting next to will become a miracle.
Then God said to Moses, put your hand in your bosom, he put his hand in his bosom and pulled it out and it became leprous, he put it back again, brought it out and it was whole.
*He experienced a miracle.
As the Lord lives, because of the experience you are going to have tonight, you will experience a miracle.
One of my children had a boil years ago; when the boil breaks anywhere the water torches will develop another boil, the spot were developing black scars as they were healing until black scars covered his body, one day, in this auditorium, the word of God came and said, the scars are gone, he went to the toilet, removed his dress and discovered that there was not a scar left, he testified and said: i have been hearing the word of God going forth, saying, there is someone here, it has never happened to me but now it has happened to me.
+Before you go out of here, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, you will experience a miracle.
In Exodus 4:20, the bible says, when Moses left for Egypt, that day not the following day, he took the rod of God with him, that rod of God was what he was going to use to part the red sea, bring water out of the rock, and to perform miracles, signs and wonders, by the time he was leaving the spot of the divine encounter, he was going with the power of God in his hand.
+There is somebody here today, you are not leaving the way you came; you are going away with the power of God in your hands
In 1979, i went to America for the first time to attend Kenneth Hagin camp meeting, i saw miracles; i saw the lame working, the blind seeing, i saw things that i have read about in the bible with my own eyes, i touched miracles; i shook hand with people who testified and i had a meeting with him, when every everybody was asking for books and tapes i told him i want whatever is in him to be in me, he prayed for me and i experienced a miracle. When I was leaving, I cried to the Almighty God in the plane to do in Nigeria what I saw in America. The following Sunday we called a meeting in the church and i asked for permission to pray for the sick, the sick lines up and i began to lay hands on them and as i was laying hands on them, they were being slain in the spirit and they were getting up healed just as i saw in America.
I saw, touched, and experienced miracles. I carried the power of God with me when I was leaving.
+I decree tonight to everyone of you here and those listening to me all over the world, today, you will see, touch and experience miracles, and go home carrying miracles with you.
I believe that God is calling the name of somebody tonight, because whenever there is going to be this encounter with God, almost invariable, He calls you by name:
Moses, Moses, ...
Samuel Samuel, …
He is calling someone today and he is saying come and give your life to me; come and have an encounter with me so that you can have a brand new beginning, leave the camp of satan, come to me let me forgive your sin and wash you clean with my blood, will you answer Him or tell him to mind His business? the Almighty God is calling you, come unto me let me save your soul, let me forgive your sins, let me give you a brand new beginning, let me turn you to a vessel unto honour; you were once used by satan, let me use you now.
Cry to the Almighty God now: I have heard Your voice, I have come to surrender my life to You, have mercy on me, save my soul and I will serve You for the rest of my life.
Let's stretch our hands towards these people: Pray that the One who saved us will save them too, pray that the Almighty God will receive them, that He will wash them clean with His blood, receive them into the family of God and give them a brand new beginning, pray that each and everyone of them will become a vessel unto honour in the hand of the Almighty God.
Father, I want to thank You for Your word; i want to give You all glory and honour for these Your children that have come forward to surrender their lives to You, please, remember Your promise that whosoever will come unto You, You will no wise cast out, they have come to You now Lord, please, receive them in Jesus’ name, have mercy on them, save their souls, let Your blood wash them clean, write their names in the book of life, give them a brand new beginning, receive them into the family of God, from now on, anytime they call on You, please answer them by fire and let them serve You till the very end, in Jesus’ mighty name we have prayed.
Lift you offering and pray:
Father, tonight, let me see, touch and experience a miracle and when i leave here, let me carry Your miracle working power with me so that whatever i touch will prosper.
In the name that is above every other name, not only today but every day of your life, you will be seeing, touching, and experiencing miracles.
Wherever you go from today, you will carry the power of God with you.
The Almighty God will bless your offering, sanctify it and use it for His glory.
Even this month, you will have financial breakthroughs.
So shall it be.
In Jesus’ mighty name we have prayed.
Who got the biggest miracle of tonight?
Shout the biggest Hallelujah.
God bless you!
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