TEXT: 1 KINGS 2:19-22


You are Yaweh x4
You are Yaweh, Alpha and Omega.
You are Yaweh, Alpha and Omega.

You are Jesus x4
You are Jesus, Alpha and Omega.
You are Jesus, Alpha and Omega.

Father, you are the only living God. The Most high, the Most holy, the Most excellent. Jesus the Son of God, the Lord of hosts, the Prince of peace, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Anointed. Daddy, receive our thanks in Jesus Name.
This afternoon please we have come to meet you, bless us. In Jesus Name we prayed.
Praise the Lord!

Please let's have our seat. I want to apologize for coming late, I had to attend to two other assignments this morning before coming.

2 Kings chapter 2, we are going to read from verse 19 to 22.

19 And the men of the city said unto Elisha, Behold, I pray thee, the situation of this city is pleasant, as my lord seeth: but the water is naught, and the ground barren.

20 And he said, Bring me a new cruse, and put salt therein. And they brought it to him.

21 And he went forth unto the spring of the waters, and cast the salt in there, and said, Thus saith the LORD, I have healed these waters; there shall not be from thence any more death or barren land.

22 So the waters were healed unto this day, according to the saying of Elisha which he spake.

When the theme for this programme was given to me, they said Anointing For Fruitfulness And Longevity. How do we combine fruitfulness and longlife? But the word of God has an answer in this place; for the people of Jericho, certain problems befell them, they said people were dying and were barren because the ground was cursed, the water became bitter and it was producing two results- barreness and premature death.

This afternoon by the word of God that is coming upon us, our lives will be free from barreness, an end will come to fruitless efforts and we will experience longlife.

That means there will be no more deaths.

Now, what can cause barreness? Barreness can come as a result of a number of things. If anyone will be fruitful, the first requirement for fruitfulness is a SEED! If you want to have a harvest, if you want to be fruitful, you must be a person that carries a seed. The word of God says "God gives bread to the eater and SEED to the sower". If there is going to be harvest, if there is going to be fruitfullness, there must be SEED! 2 Corinthians 9:10 says "He that ministereth SEED to the sower" is God Himself. So if you lack SEED, you cannot be fruitful.

What happens to some people that are barren? Sometimes when they run tests, they will say to the man "you have low sperm count", what they are saying is that the power to turn blood and water to baby is too weak. Isaiah 55:10 says whenever rain falls, it falls to make plants grow and bear fruits so that there will be bread for those who are hungry and SEED for those who will sow. Now what is the secret there? If the heaven is open, there will be a release of SEED but when the heaven is shut as a result of whatever reason, then there will be no SEED and no fruitfulness.

I pray this afternoon, if there be any of us that has been labouring without fruits to show for his/her labour, an end is coming to that lifestyle in the name of Jesus. The heaven will open, God's rain of blessing will fall upon you and you will have seed to sow in the name of Jesus.

*Father, let the heaven open and let my life receive your SEED for fruitfulness.

*Father, I want barreness to end in every area of my life. Give me SEED to sow! Minister SEED into my life!

👉I pray in agreement with your prayers; every SEED you need to multiply and be fruitful, the Lord will provide for you in the name of Jesus! In every area of your life where you have been lacking SEED, today the heavens will open and the Lord will release that SEED in the name of Jesus!

Luke 5. When you want to be fruitful, you must understand that the SEED that is provided is very important, very valuable. If you look at the Bible very well, when God was blessing Abraham in Genesis chapters 12, 15, 17, 18 & 22, God kept referring to the SEED of Abraham "I will bless thee and thy SEED forever". The devil knew and knows the importance of a SEED; if he discovers you have a SEED, he will want to attack that SEED. In Luke chapter 8, when you read from verse 5 Jesus said a sower went out to sow and as he was sowing some seed fell by the way side. Does it mean seed by the way side cannot germinate? It can germinate! I have seen maize by the way to the farm before, in no man's farm and they carry fruits. Sometimes you see cassava, the most common of these is guineacorn, you see them everywhere in no man's land and they will bear fruit but the Bible said to prevent the seed that fell by the way side from bearing fruit:

*-Men trample on it: in other words, "as long as we are standing, we will not allow you to grow".

👉Every man, every woman standing against your prosperity, opposing your harvest, today God will arrest their workers.

*Father, every man, every woman opposing my multiplication, fruitfulness and harvest, uproot them in the name of Jesus.

*Every movement of men against me, Father arrest them today.

That seed was still struggling, it was like the legs of men could not kill it. Fowls of the air came! The Bible said 'they pluck them up', the seed that has potential to multiply. Some people will become pregnant and after a little dream, the pregnancy will come down. That's the activity of the fowls of the air. In Genesis 1:28, God already saw ahead that certain powers and forces will put on wings and they will be flying to want to hinder us from prospering, that is why He said when He created man "I give you dominion over the fish of the sea, over everything that moves on the surface of the earth and fowls that fly".

👉Today, every witch and wizard that has been flying into your dreams to steal your testimony, fire will roast their feathers.

I want you to hold somebody, pray for that person:
Father, every bird of the air flying into the life of this your child to still his/her miracle, let your fire roast them.

When you read verse 6, Jesus said apart from the above, one seed fell on the rock and it grew but after sometime it dried up. When it was close to haverst, it dried up to waste the labour of this man. Some people will start a business very well, suddenly things will just turn then they start another one. Lev 26, when you read from verse 18, God said those who have that kind of experience are the people He has decided to punish seven times. And who are this people? Anyone living in disobedience, those who don't pay their tithe. God said He will shut the heaven over them so that the ground under them will be hardened. Whenever rain refuses to fall, the ground becomes hard. Those who sow during hard grounds are waisting their efforts. He said heaven can become iron over some people, that is, a very sealed heaven. Malachi 3, God says those who are not paying their tithes are cursed, so if you are cursed, the heaven will bet shut. The earth will become brass. Some, it is their parents' curse that is working against them because they don't honour their parents! Some people disobey their parents anyhow in the area of marriage; they didn't wait for their husband to pay dowry before they pack in. To some, "who is the pastor, what's his business?" They just dare anybody, they are bold, there's nobody they cannot talk to.

I want you to pray this afternoon, you know this is an awkward hour (not convenient for anyone especially with the heat) because whatever is preventing your multiplication, whatever is stealing your harvest, God will put an end to their operations in Jesus name.

👉Every thief that has been stealing your harvest, every robber, every waister of efforts that will want to prevent you from entring into prosperity, this afternoon, God will end their activities in the name of Jesus.

In Joshua 6:26, because the people of Jericho slowed down the movement of the children of Isreal in entring the promisedland, Joshua cursed them. That was what lead to premature deaths and barreness.

*Father, if there be any curse working in my life, running in my family, from my parents against me, from any pastor, from anyone. By your mercy, put an end to them today.

*Father, if I have done anything that could make you close the heaven over me, this afternoon, because of the death of Jesus Christ, have mercy on me.

Another thing that Jesus said can cause fruitless efforts is when *the SEED falls among thorns.* Now let us say God releases a SEED and thorns got together and killed the SEED. For example, I know of a sister who got married in 2001 in one of the churches I've pastored then as an Area Pastor. The husband was very quiet but this sister was very hot tempered. Very anger proned that the husband would run out of the house for the wife to calm down but when he returns, the wife will continue from where she stopped. They got married and God answered them early; after about 8weeks of pregnancy, the sister told me herself that one Saturday morning, she decided to fight the husband. The husband begged and ran out of the house, went to a friend's house, went for Sunday School Prep from there and went back home around 7pm. As soon as he got home, the wife started again, the man tried to free himself from her, ran to the passage, she followed. It was at that passage while she was shaking her husband that she felt a warm flow through her leg, she lost the pregnancy and started crying. Before another pregnancy could stay, it was 12years after. She will come saying "Daddy, help me beg God, I am now gentle, I don't fight again, God should forgive me".

👉I pray for you, whatever the devil has planted in your life that will not allow your joy to abide, that will not allow your fruitfulness to multiply. Today, God will set them ablaze!

Some people have fibroid, when they are pregnant, the fibroid will kill the baby. Some when they are pregnant, the blood pressure will go up and as they are trying to control that, the real miracle will be flushed out. As it is physically, so is it for some people; imagine if Joseph had remained in the house of Potiphar till the time of famine, Potiphar would have become king over Egypt because God would have ensured that Joseph and Potiphar ruled the land of Egypt. But what happened? The wife of Potiphar chased the source of blessing away; the thorn in the life of Potiphar was the wife. You are going to pray:

*Father, whatever is in my life, whatever is in my family, anything in my business, in my marriage that will not allow prosperity and multiplication. Every thorn that will kill miracle in my life, let your fire fall and consume them.

Jesus said one SEED found a good ground and became 100fold. 100fold is not too bad, it means you sow one seed, you reap 100. You give N1,000 to God and you get N100,000 in return. You give 1million to God and you get 100million in return. I think that is good. Where did that one fall? GOOD GROUND!

1. God's blessing: when God blesses your life, everything that comes will be good. There will be accelerated progress, accelerated promotion etc.

2. Anointing: Elisha went to the source of the water of Jericho, the Bible said he put salt and said "I have healed this land and water, from now, no more deaths, no more barreness.

If there's going to be fruitfullness and longlife, you need anointing. You are going to pray now:

*Father, by your Spirit, by your power and by your anointing ferterlize my life. Make my life a fertile ground, a good ground in the name of Jesus.

I want you to rise up and lift up your two hands. I want to pray, after the prayer, we will anoint us. Shall we pray:

Father we thank you. We thank you for your word you have sent to us. If you can say it, you can do it. This afternoon, every force, every power that had been attacking fruitfullness in our lives, we pray that you put an end to their activities in the name of Jesus. Every spirit of abortion, spirit of miscarriages, powers that cause still birth, every covenant and contrary pronouncement, we pray in the name that is above every other name that an end comes to your operations in our lives in the name of Jesus. We pray if there be men or women moving against our prosperity, every thief, every waster that had been moving against us; we command their destruction in the name of Jesus. We pray if there be anything we have been doing that could activate causes against us, we pray today as we have pleaded for mercy, that in your mercy, yokes of evil pronouncements and curses from any source are lifted in the name of Jesus. I pronounce over this your children that the heavens over them open in the name of Jesus. That their lives become good and fertile grounds for your miracles, for your SEED of greatness in the name of Jesus. That this word of God they have heard will prosper them in the name of Jesus. I come in your name and as your representative to this people to declare that as we anoint them this afternoon, everything called sickness, everything called diseases, everything called death, everything called abortion, everything called miscarriage wether in their physical bodies, in their businesses, in their spiritual lives, we command that such things be far from your children in the name of Jesus. As we anoint them this afternoon, we declare among them this year, there will be no death, there shall be no accident. We pray that all manner of plagues, viruses will not come near them in the name of Jesus. We pray that from now, whatever they touch, whatever they do as business will prosper in the name of Jesus. We pray o God, that through this oil, you will ferterlize their lives. Thank you Father, glory be to your name.
In Jesus mighty name we prayed! AMEN!

The ground of my life is ferterlized today. No more barreness! No more deaths! No more abortion! No more premature death!

God bless you!
