OPEN HEAVENS DEVOTIONAL By Pastor E.A Adeboye (Translations By Amos Busari)
English version below)
Mardi le 27 mars 2012
La Bible dans une année : Marc
Mémorisez : Car hors du cœur
procèdent les pensées mauvaises, meurtres, adultères, fornications, vols,
témoin faux, blasphèmes. Matthieu 15:19
Lisez : Matthieu 15:16 - 20
Dans la vie, la plus grande
victoire qu'un homme peut jamais avoir est la victoire sur la chair parce que
votre ennemi numéro un n'est pas le diable mais votre chair. Cependant, merci à
Dieu pour le Christ qui nous a donné cette victoire. Et ceux qui sont en Christ
ont mortifié la chair avec les affections et les convoitises. Galates 5:24. La
question est alors : exercez-vous votre victoire sur la chair dans votre vie quotidienne
ou êtes-vous toujours défait par cet ennemi conquérait ? Si vous défaites tous
vos ennemis externes mais ne vous conquérez pas, vous êtes moins qu'un
conquérant. David a tué Goliath l'ennemi externe mais parce qu'il ne pourrait
pas se conquérir, il a été défait par sa chair. Jusqu'à ce que vous vous
conquériez en exerçant votre victoire en Christ, la victoire sur les ennemis
externes serait sans signification. Même ces ennemis externes ne s'occuperaient
pas de vous permettre de les défaire quand ils savent que votre chair est le
bastion de Satan au-dessus de vous. En d'autres termes, quel est le point du
combat avec quelqu’un qui est déjà une victime ou un captif de leur allié ? Ils
savent qu'ils peuvent toujours employer votre chair et faiblesses internes pour
vous avoir sur vos genoux n'importe quel jour. Ainsi pour que vous triomphiez,
vous devez d'abord gagner vos batailles internes.
Dans quels secteurs devons-nous
exercer notre victoire sur la chair ? D'abord dans des pensées impures.
Beaucoup d'hommes et de femmes qui sont utilisés de Dieu pour piller le royaume
de l'obscurité et pour sauver les captifs sont encore défaits dans le royaume
des pensées parce qu'ils ont abdiqué leur responsabilité en combattant le bon
combat de la foi. Beaucoup de croyants sont des captifs des pensées immorales.
Ceci persiste même dans les lieux d’adoration parce qu'ils croient que personne
ne peut les voir à travers pour savoir ce qu'ils pensent. Si vous insistez sur
la façon dont prendre la revanche sur votre contrevenant, vous êtes une victime
de ceci. Si vous vous concentrez sur les parties du corps exposées de dames, y
compris les sœurs indécentes habillées, vous êtes une victime de ceci. Si vous
regardez lascif le sexe opposé et commencez à créer des images obscènes de tels
pendant votre moment privé vous êtes défait par la chair. Même si vous deviez
tuer le Goliath préoccupant le Nigéria, vous ne pouvez pas émerger triomphant
parce que vous êtes défait intérieurement où il importe plus. Sur quel type de
pensées insistez-vous ? Combattons le bon combat de la foi au-dessus des
pensées impures aujourd'hui !
POINT CLÉ : Satan ne combat pas
avec n'importe qui est une victime de convoitise parce que lui ou elle est déjà
Tuesday March 27, 2012
Bible in one year: Mark 5-8
Memorise: For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies. Matthew 15:19
Read: Matthew 15:16-20
In life, the greatest victory a man can ever have is victory over the flesh because your number one enemy is not the devil but your flesh. However, thanks be to God for Christ has given us this victory.
And they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. Galatians 5:24
The question then is: are you exerting your victory over the flesh in your day to day living or are you still being defeated by this defeated foe? If you defeat all your external enemies but fail to conquer yourself, you are less than a conqueror. David killed Goliath the external enemy but because he could not conquer himself, he was defeated by his flesh. Until you conquer yourself by exerting your victory in Christ, victory over external enemies would be meaningless. Even those external enemies would not mind allowing you to defeat them when they know that your flesh is Satan’s stronghold over you. In other words, what is the point of fighting with one who is already a victim or captive of their ally? They know they can always use your flesh and internal weaknesses to get you on your knees any day. So for you to triumph, you must first win your internal battles.
In what areas do we need to exert our victory over the flesh? First is in impure thoughts. Many men and women who are being used of God to plunder the kingdom of darkness and rescue the captives are still defeated in the realm of thoughts because they have abdicated their responsibility in fighting the good fight of faith. Many believers are captives of immoral thoughts. This persists even in places of worship because they believe nobody can see through them to know what they are thinking. If you dwell on how to take revenge on your offender, you are a victim of this. If you focus on exposed body part of ladies, including indecently dressed sisters, you are a victim of this. If you look lustfully at the opposite sex and begin to conjure lewd images of such during your private moment you are being defeated by flesh. Even if you were to kill the Goliath troubling Nigeria, you cannot emerge triumphant because you are being defeated internally where it matters most. What type of thoughts do you dwell on? Fighting the good fight of faith over impure thoughts today!
Satan does not fight with anyone who is a victim of lust because he or she is already defeated.
Tuesday March 27, 2012
Bible in one year: Mark 5-8
Memorise: For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies. Matthew 15:19
Read: Matthew 15:16-20
In life, the greatest victory a man can ever have is victory over the flesh because your number one enemy is not the devil but your flesh. However, thanks be to God for Christ has given us this victory.
And they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. Galatians 5:24
The question then is: are you exerting your victory over the flesh in your day to day living or are you still being defeated by this defeated foe? If you defeat all your external enemies but fail to conquer yourself, you are less than a conqueror. David killed Goliath the external enemy but because he could not conquer himself, he was defeated by his flesh. Until you conquer yourself by exerting your victory in Christ, victory over external enemies would be meaningless. Even those external enemies would not mind allowing you to defeat them when they know that your flesh is Satan’s stronghold over you. In other words, what is the point of fighting with one who is already a victim or captive of their ally? They know they can always use your flesh and internal weaknesses to get you on your knees any day. So for you to triumph, you must first win your internal battles.
In what areas do we need to exert our victory over the flesh? First is in impure thoughts. Many men and women who are being used of God to plunder the kingdom of darkness and rescue the captives are still defeated in the realm of thoughts because they have abdicated their responsibility in fighting the good fight of faith. Many believers are captives of immoral thoughts. This persists even in places of worship because they believe nobody can see through them to know what they are thinking. If you dwell on how to take revenge on your offender, you are a victim of this. If you focus on exposed body part of ladies, including indecently dressed sisters, you are a victim of this. If you look lustfully at the opposite sex and begin to conjure lewd images of such during your private moment you are being defeated by flesh. Even if you were to kill the Goliath troubling Nigeria, you cannot emerge triumphant because you are being defeated internally where it matters most. What type of thoughts do you dwell on? Fighting the good fight of faith over impure thoughts today!
Satan does not fight with anyone who is a victim of lust because he or she is already defeated.
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