OPEN HEAVENS DEVOTIONAL By Pastor E.A Adeboye (Translations By Amos Busari)
OPEN HEAVENS IN FRENCH (see English version below)
Lundi 26 mars 2012
La Bible dans une année : Marc 1-4
Mémorisez : Il a rendu chaque chose belle dans son temps
: également il a placé le monde à leur coeur, de sorte qu'aucun homme ne puisse
découvrir le travail que Dieu a fait à partir du commencement jusqu’à la fin. Ecclésiastes
Lisez : Jean 11:1 - 6
Dieu est Dieu de plan et de but. Il fait tout selon son
horaire. Par exemple, l'ère où nous vivons aujourd'hui est quelque part dans le
plan éternel de Dieu pour l'homme. Ecclésiastes 3:1 - 11 nous indique clairement
que Dieu a un temps fixe pour tout et qu'il suit son horaire et pas cela de
l'homme. Même lorsque vous avez élaboré votre horaire et voulez serrer Dieu, ne
soyez pas déçu s'il ne le suit pas. Allant par son horaire, il n'est jamais
trop tôt ou trop en retard quoi qu'il arrive. Après la mort de Lazare et du
seigneur a été invité, les sœurs de Lazare étaient déçus lorsqu'il est arrivé,
disant ils ont souhaité qu'il ait été là tôt (Jean 11:20 - 24). À eux il est
venu tard, mais Jésus était à l'heure allant par l'horaire du ciel. Avez-vous
jamais senti le Seigneur était en retard dans l'intervention dans une situation
particulière dans votre vie ? Avez-vous été déçu ? Si vous étiez, vous pouvez
comprendre la mentalité de Marie et de Martha. Mais à la fin du jour, leur
frère mort est revenu à la vie et Dieu a reçu un plus grand niveau de gloire.
Un cas deux oiseaux une tués par une seule pierre ! Avant que vous puissiez
conclure qu'il est en retard, vous pouvez d'abord voir ce qu'il voit et savoir
ce qu'il sait. Rappelez-vous également qu'il vous a à l'esprit et vous aime
plus que vous s'aiment. Dieu a permis la maladie de Lazare de sorte que Dieu et
Jésus puissent être glorifiés (Jean 11 : 4). Comment mieux ce but est réalisé est
entièrement au Seigneur. Si Jésus était immédiatement allé quand le message est
venu, il aurait été « à l'heure » aux sœurs mais il l'aurait
également rencontré malade. La guérison au moment où il était malade donnera à
Dieu un peu de niveau de gloire relatif à élevant le mort dont le corps se
décomposait déjà. La publicité qui est venue de ce grand miracle était
tellement que Jésus ne pourrait plus ouvertement opérer parmi eux. Il a dû
aller à Ephraïm. Cette publicité a remué la colère parmi les personnes religieuses
du jour (Jean 11:46 - 54). Il a su les risques et les a voulus ainsi. Quand
Dieu fait quelque chose aujourd'hui, il sait que ce qu'il veut de cela et il le
fait tout au plus moment approprié de réaliser son but. Ceci prouve simplement
que Dieu a des intérêts profonds dans les affaires de ses enfants. Dans votre
situation le Seigneur ne sera pas en retard. Si jamais il apparaît en retard,
elle sera dans votre meilleur intérêt. POINT CLÉ : Quel est le retard si ce qui
pourrait avoir été fait plus tôt est mieux fait a un temps considéré alors tard
Monday March 26, 2012
Bible in one year: Mark 1-4
Memorise: He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end. Ecclesiastics 3:11
Read: John 11:1-6
God is God of plan and purpose. He does everything according to His timetable. For instance, the era we live in today is somewhere in God’s eternal plan for man. Ecclesiastes 3:1-11 clearly tells us that God has a set time for everything and that He follows His timetable and not that of man. Even when you have drawn up your timetable and want to squeeze God into it, do not be disappointed if He does not follow it. Going by His timetable, He is never too early or too late in any event. After the death of Lazarus and the Lord was sent for, the sisters of Lazarus were disappointed at the time He arrived, saying they wished He had been there earlier (John 11:20-24). To them He came late, but Jesus was on time going by Heaven’s timetable. Have you ever felt the Lord was late in intervening in a particular situation in your life? Were you disappointed? If you were, you can understand the mindset of Mary and Martha. But at the end of the day, their dead brother came back to life and God received a greater level of glory. A case of one stone killing two birds!
Before you can conclude that He is late, you may first have to see what He sees and know what He knows. Also remember that He has you in mind and loves you more than you love yourself. God allowed the sickness of Lazarus so that God and Jesus may be glorified (John 11:4). How best this purpose is achieved is left entirely to Lord. If Jesus had immediately gone when the message came, He would have been “on time” to the sisters but He would have also met Him sick. Healing Him at the point of being sick will give God a lesser level of glory relative to raising the dead whose body was already decomposing. The publicity that came from that great miracle was so much that Jesus could no longer openly operate among them. He had to go to Ephraim. This publicity stirred up anger in the religious people of the day (John 11:46-54). He knew the risks and wanted it so. When God does something today, He knows what He wants from it and He does it at the most appropriate time to achieve His purpose. This simply shows that God has vested interests in the affairs of His children. In your situation the Lord will not be late. If ever He appears late, it will be in your best interest.
What is lateness if what could have been done earlier is done better at the time considered late?
Monday March 26, 2012
Bible in one year: Mark 1-4
Memorise: He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end. Ecclesiastics 3:11
Read: John 11:1-6
God is God of plan and purpose. He does everything according to His timetable. For instance, the era we live in today is somewhere in God’s eternal plan for man. Ecclesiastes 3:1-11 clearly tells us that God has a set time for everything and that He follows His timetable and not that of man. Even when you have drawn up your timetable and want to squeeze God into it, do not be disappointed if He does not follow it. Going by His timetable, He is never too early or too late in any event. After the death of Lazarus and the Lord was sent for, the sisters of Lazarus were disappointed at the time He arrived, saying they wished He had been there earlier (John 11:20-24). To them He came late, but Jesus was on time going by Heaven’s timetable. Have you ever felt the Lord was late in intervening in a particular situation in your life? Were you disappointed? If you were, you can understand the mindset of Mary and Martha. But at the end of the day, their dead brother came back to life and God received a greater level of glory. A case of one stone killing two birds!
Before you can conclude that He is late, you may first have to see what He sees and know what He knows. Also remember that He has you in mind and loves you more than you love yourself. God allowed the sickness of Lazarus so that God and Jesus may be glorified (John 11:4). How best this purpose is achieved is left entirely to Lord. If Jesus had immediately gone when the message came, He would have been “on time” to the sisters but He would have also met Him sick. Healing Him at the point of being sick will give God a lesser level of glory relative to raising the dead whose body was already decomposing. The publicity that came from that great miracle was so much that Jesus could no longer openly operate among them. He had to go to Ephraim. This publicity stirred up anger in the religious people of the day (John 11:46-54). He knew the risks and wanted it so. When God does something today, He knows what He wants from it and He does it at the most appropriate time to achieve His purpose. This simply shows that God has vested interests in the affairs of His children. In your situation the Lord will not be late. If ever He appears late, it will be in your best interest.
What is lateness if what could have been done earlier is done better at the time considered late?
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