*THURSDAY 11th Jan 2018*
* Intense praise and worship Psalm 124
*Praise God for being God Almighty. Gen 17:1
*Let your soul bless the lord and praise His Holy name Psalms 34:1
*Let us praise Him for the manifestation of Signs and Wonders since the establishment of RCCG.  Psa 150:1
*Praise ye the LORD. Praise God in his sanctuary: praise him in the firmament of his power.  Psa 150:2
* Praise him for his mighty acts: praise him according to his excellent greatness.  Psa 150:3
*Praise him with the sound of the trumpet: praise him with the psaltery and harp.  Psa 150:4
*Praise him with the timbrel and dance: praise him with stringed instruments and organs.  Psa 150:5
* Praise him upon the loud cymbals: praise him upon the high sounding cymbals.  Psa 150:6
*Let everything that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD.

FRIDAY 12th Jan 2018
Text: Matt. 18:22Jere. 31:34; LUKE 23:34, 1kings 13:1-6; Act 7:54-60, John 3:16. Your lack of forgiveness can sabotage your comprehensive victory. Since no one can offend you Seventy times Seven Times, therefore, learn to forgive so that your fasting and prayers can be acceptable before God. Your waiting on Him will never amount to a hunger strike. Amen. 
*Examples of complete forgiveness in the Bible- JOSEPH, Gen. 45:5-15; Gen 50:19-20, DAVID 1 Samuel 24:1-22, 2 Samuel 9:1-13. STEPHEN Acts. 7:59-60. 
*Father!!! Please have mercy on me for not forgiving others and give me the heart of flesh to forgive in Jesus name. 
*Father!!! By your grace, I forgive totally all that have offended me; I release them from every captivity of bitterness in my heart. 
*Father!!! By your Holy Spirit, touch the heart of those that I have offended to forgive and forget my offenses in Jesus name. 
*Father!!! I release all that have offended me now, please release every benefit and blessing that un-forgiveness has delayed in my life, in Jesus name. 
*Fire of the Holy Ghost!! Purge my heart of every un-forgiveness in Jesus name.
*Lord Jesus, by your blood, release me from every family captivity resulting from inherited offenses.
*Father!!! Everyone I need to forgive for my life to break through, please lead me to them now in Jesus name.
*Father!!! Let every seed of un-forgiveness in my life be consumed by fire in Jesus name.
*Father!!! Please let me reap the reward of a forgiving heart in Jesus name.

*SATURDAY 13th Jan 2018*
*Intense praise and worship 
*Thank God for His mercy that is renewed upon us every morning. Ps 136:1
* Let us thank God for Late Pa. Josiah Akindayomi and other Men of honour inspired by the Holy Spirit to establish the RCCG. 
*Let us bless the name of the Lord for the obedience of Pastor E.A. Adeboye and other men of vision to the call of God upon them. 
*Thank God for Daddy and Mummy G.O and for what God is doing through them. Ps. 1
*Let us thank God for the progress made so far in RCCG. Ps127:1-2
*Thank God for preserving our lives. Ps 23:1-4
*Thank God for the peace of God that is reigning in your country. Ps 23:2
*Thank God for the glory of God that is manifesting all over the world. Ps 24:1
*Thank God for the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ that is penetrating the unreached part of the world. Mk 16:16-18.

*SUNDAY 14th Jan 2018*
*Intense praise and worship
*Thank God for His mercy that is renewed upon us every morning. Ps 136:1
*Let us thank God for Late Pa. Josiah Akindayomi and other Men of honour inspired by the Holy Spirit to establish the RCCG. 
*Let us bless the name of the Lord for the obedience of Pastor E.A. Adeboye and other men of vision to the call of God upon them. 
*Let us thank God for the progress made so far in RCCG. Ps127:1-2
*Thank God for preserving our lives. Ps 23:1-4
*Thank God for the fulfillment of all the promises of God in past years
*Let us thank for not allowing civil war in our country
*Let us thank God for not allowing hunger and famine in our country.
*Let us bless the name of Jehovah God for his protection past years. Ps 124:1-end
*MONDAY 15th Jan 2018*
Text: Rom. 5:15; Exo. 20, 34:5-7, Eze 18:19. Generational sins, courses and patterns are attitudes, actions, beliefs, behaviour, and/or habits that we have inherited from our family or relatives. We then “enter into” the same thing pattern and make it our own. 

*Father!!! Let every unknown soul tie influencing my life negatively, be consumed by fire in Jesus name.  *Father!!! I stand in the finished work of the cross to severe my life from every effect of generational sin of my household in Jesus name. 
*Father!!! Deliver me from every evil pronouncement that is causing affliction in my family in Jesus name. 
*Father!!! By the fire of the Holy Ghost, every strongman perpetrating evil occurrence in my life and ministry let them be consumed by fire in Jesus name. 
*Father!!! I stand in the blood of Jesus and revoke every legal ground that the enemies have possessed in Jesus name. 
*Holy Ghost fire!!! Release your demolishing bullets and dynamites on every curse and soul ties affliction in my life.

*TUESDAY 16th Jan 2018*
*Intense praise and worship 
*Thank God for genuine men of God and their ministerial assignments in RCCG. Mk. 16: 16-18
*Thank for fighting for your country against destruction and terrorists. Ps91:1-3
*Thank God for blessing your country and making her triumphant over her enemies of progress. Ps 124  *Thank God forgiving your country victory over civil war. Ps 91
*Thank God for His mercy on RCCG. Rom. 9: 15-16
*Thank God for not allowing the enemy to have none of his ways on RCCG Ps. 124
*Thank God for His awesome moves in RCCG. Ps 136
*Thank God for what He has done for you and every individual in RCCG. Ps 138
*Thank God for the family of Daddy and Mummy G.O and for His mercy on them Exod. 33:19
*Let us thank God for His new move in raising a New Army of vibrant youths in RCCG. Isa. 43: 18 -19

*WEDNESDAY 17th Jan 2018*
*Let us bless the name of Jehovah God for his protection over me and my family in past years. Ps 124 *Thank God for preserving our lives, guidance and provisions. Ps 23:1-4
*Thank God for the fulfillment of all the promises of God in past years
* Let us thank for not allowing civil war in our country
*Let us thank God for not allowing hunger and famine in our country.
*Father, please go with me in the journey of my life all through. Exodus 33:14-19
*Father; wherever your presence cannot be, restrain my feet from going there also.
*O my Father, help me to dwell in your presence always in this New Year and beyond. Psalms 91:1 *Father; let me be under the covering of your shadows. 
*Father; let your angel encamp around me in all my ways

*THURSDAY 18th Jan 2018*
*Intense praise and worship
*Ask God for mercies for the past acts of non commitment
*Pray that you will be more available for God’s use this year. 2 Tim 2:21
*Pray that our churches home and abroad will be supportive of Daddy GO in mission outreach programmes. 2 Cor 6:1
*Pray that they will be more passionately involved in missions, evangelism, church planting and discipleship this year. Matt 28: 19
*Pray that they will do this by the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Lk.24:49; Acts1:8;
*Ask the Lord to send more (Labourers) missionaries to un-reached people groups. Matt 9:37-38, Mk.16:15.
*Pray that the Church will have willingness and passion to commit more resources to missions, support and empowering of missionaries.

*FRIDAY 19th Jan 2018*
*Intense praise and worship
*Ask God for mercies for past acts of non commitment
*Pray for fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon His ministers and missionaries in RCCG Acts 1:8
*Pray for fresh empowerment to preach the good news, proclaim freedom to prisoners, recovery of sight to the blind and release of the oppressed. Is.61:1-3.
*Pray for ministers and missionaries and their families, particularly those in the North – strength, wisdom, encouragement, protection and provision
*Pray for them anointing, compassion, revived prayer life, healthy family life, fruitfulness, grace and favor.
*Pray for open heavens, God’s presence, courage, peace, joy, holy lifestyle, divine direction, mercy and long life for all our Missionaries.
*Pray for signs and wonders, healings and deliverance to follow the ministry of missionaries on mission fields because unless people see the power, they will not believe.
*Ask the Lord to send more (Labourers) missionaries to un-reached people groups. Matt 9:37- 38, Mk.16:15.
*Pray that the Church will have willingness and passion to commit more resources to missions, support and empowering of missionaries.

*SATURDAY 20th Jan 2018*
*Pray there shall be harvest of miracles for you and all yours this year.
*Pray that there shall be harvest of Miracles at every sphere of your lives this year.
*Father!!! By the power in your word through daddy GO and in all ministrations let there be signs, wonders and harvest of souls. 
*Any decree to cause satanic road-block in my way of breakthrough, be scattered by fire
*Arise O Lord and save sinners, heal the sick, deliver the oppressed, set the captives free and destroy all yokes by the anointing Isa 10:27
*God of Hannah arise and fight for those that are called barren in this year I Sam 1:1 – 28
*Before this year runs out, let every barren come back rejoicing with singing 1 Sam. 2:1 – 11.
*Pray that the word of God will come with power and prick the heart of sinners around us unto repentance. Acts 2:37
*Father!!! Every power sabotaging my comprehensive miracles of victory, let them stumble, fall and die now!!!!!! 
*Let us come against every spirit of distractions that divert people’s attention away from the point of blessings.

*SUNDAY 21th Jan 2018*
* Intense worship
*Thank God for His goodness and mercies showered over RCCG families in the past years. Psa 23:6 *Thank God for confirming His word with signs, and miracles in RCCG at all times
*O God Arise and let there be harvest of miracles in our churches beginning from this first month!!! in the name of Jesus
*Father; destroy every arrow of lameness fired against us at the beautiful gate of our destiny: in the name of Jesus.
*Pray that every problem that is designed to cripple the destinies of any RCCG members will receive divine solutions in the name of Jesus.
*Pray that every magician of Pharaoh performing satanic signs and wonders to disgrace any RCCG member in the palace of glory, be disgraced in the name of Jesus
*Father; let there be healing miracles breaking forth in all our parishes as never before in the name of Jesus.
*Destroy arrows of unbelief fired to hinder miracles in our life this year in the name of Jesus.
*Miracles associated with the first month that is yet to happen in my life: hear the Word of the Lord: MANIFEST NOW BY FIRE!!! in the name of Jesus.

*MONDAY 22nd Jan 2018*
*Intense worship
* Thank God for bringing many souls into RCCG in the past years. Psa 23:6
*Thank God for confirming His word with signs and wonders in the life of RCCG members at all times
*O God Arise and let there be more harvest of souls in our churches this year in the name of Jesus *Father; destroy every evil arrow against genuine repentance among our members in the name of Jesus.  *Father: give us outstanding miracles that will magnetize multitudes into our churches this year in the name of Jesus.
*Father; empower your word in the mouth of all Ministers in RCCG to bring true repentance in the life of sinners. Acts 2:37
*Father: Let your grace unto salvation appear to many this year for soul harvest in our churches. Tit 2:11  *Father make us a Christ model of good works that will invite outsiders into the fold Tit 2:7
*Father let every RCCG member be a true light to their communities. Matt 5:16

*DAY 13 TUESDAY 23RD Jan 2018*
*Praise God with these Songs:
*He makes impossibility possible Mark 10:27
*Our God can do all things,
*I plead the blood, the blood of Jesus.
*Thank God the author and finisher of your faith.
*O! Lord my father: let the four winds of the earth begin to blow in FAVOUR, of all the camp projects in Jesus name.
*Father; scatter every conspiracy of Hell against the completion of 3x3 Auditorium, in Jesus name.
*O! Lord empower this project to go faster and prosper in Jesus name (Ezra 5 v 1 – 8)
*Any strange Altar resisting the progress of this project, scatter by fire now in Jesus name.
*The new Auditorium project, arise and shine in Jesus name. Isa 60:1
– Attract resources and finances in Jesus name.
 – Gain unusual speed in Jesus name.
– Reject wrong workers in Jesus name.
 – Reject the voice of abandonment in Jesus name.
 – Attract ordained helpers in Jesus name
 – Receive grace and fresh anointing in Jesus name.
 – Be surrounded with the wall of fire in Jesus name.
– Receive the light of God in Jesus name.
 – Be completed to the glory of God in Jesus name

*DAY 14 WEDNESDAY 24TH Jan 2018*
*Intense praise and worship
*Thank God for a new day and for the salvation of your soul
*Ask the Lord to bring destruction on all category of satanic priesthood including diviners, sorcerers and witches in the nation. Ps.7:10
*Pray that the pit they are digging for the righteous in politics and governance, economy, family and other spheres of the society will swallow them up. Ps.9:15-16
*Ask the Lord to break the arm of every wicked in the land. Ps.10:15
*Ask the Lord to rain snares, fire, brimstone upon them. Ps.11:6
*Ask the Lord to swiftly destroy the idols in the land and the priesthood that services their altars. Zech.13:2
*Ask the Lord to disgrace and make a public spectacle of all agents of satan against the Church including those hiding in churches. Co.2:15
*Let us ask God to uproot every tree he has not planted in RCCG
*Let God arise and all His enemies in RCCG be scattered. Psa 68:1

*DAY 15 THURSDAY 25TH Jan 2018*
*Intense praise and worship
*Father; give us the grace to please You in all that we do in this year 2018
*Father; give us the grace to be effective in soul winning this year, 2018
*Father, help us to be faithful in giving our first fruit, tithes and offering throughout this New Year 2018 *Father arise, and show yourself mighty on our behalf and on the behalf of our parishes and family members
*Father; arise and help me to stir up the giant in me
*Father; help me to recover all the lost grounds in this New Year 2018
*Father; help me to forever be relevant and never become a man of yesterday. 1Sam 16:1
*Father; have mercy on me and reverse every irreversible in my life this year. Ezek. 37:1-12
*Father, you are the help of the helpless, help us to be united and help RCCG to forever be relevant

*DAY 16 FRIDAY 26TH Jan 2018*
*Local, National, and International RCCG Programmes*
*Intense praise and worship
*Thank God for a new day and for the salvation of your soul
*Thank God for the successes of the past programmes home and abroad
*Pray that every gang up against this year Shiloh Hour, Holy Ghost services, Annual convention, Holy Ghost Congress other programmes will be scattered. Isa 68:1
*Pray that during all our programmes, His kingdom shall come; His power and glory shall be in manifestation INDEED. 1 Chron. 4:10, Matt. 6:10,13b, Ps. 63:2, Lk.5:17
*Pray that the Holy Ghost alone will LORD over all the RCCG programs from start to finish. 2 Cor. 3:17
- Decree that satan will have no place and room of any kind, during and after all the programs. 1s. 54:15, 2 Cor. 2:11, Eph. 4:27
- All Programmes will start and end in peace. Let every adversary and distraction be silenced. 1 Cor. 16:9 - All Programmes will have favorable weather and attendance. Matt. 18:18
- All Programmes will have a lasting impact on the Nigeria and all nations of the world. Joel 2:21, Acts 8:8 - Pray for Divine provision for all the programmes. Haggai 2:8

*DAY 17 SATURDAY 27th Jan 2018*
PRAYER AGAINST SATANIC ALTAR: Text Number 22:6; 23:1-2. An Altar is a place of sacrifice. It is a place where man makes contact with the spirit world either good or bad spirits. It is a place of covenant initiation, invocations and service. Covenant requires constant serving either by regular maintenance or activating of a dormant covenant. This knowledge is to awaken the sleeping Christians who desire to fulfill a glorious destiny to rise up and fight a good fight of faith in order to secure his/her destiny from the hands of the wicked and saboteurs. 
*Father!!! Let every satanic altar erected against me and my family, be demolished by fire, in Jesus name
*I refuse to be a prisoner of any local altar, in the name of Jesus.
*I render every aggressive altar impotent, in the mighty name of Jesus.
*Every evil altar erected against me, be disgraced in the name of Jesus
*I curse every local altar fashioned against me, in the name of Jesus
*I possess my possession stolen by any evil altar, in the name of Jesus
*Lord!!! Send your fire to destroy every evil altar fashioned against me, in the name of Jesus
*I withdraw my name, blessing, breakthrough, prosperity and anything representing me from every evil altar, in the name of Jesus.

*DAY 18 SUNDAY 28th Jan 2018*
*Pray for the Ministers*
*Intense praise and worship
*Pray for the Ministers
*Thank God for a new day and for the salvation of your soul
*Pray for the workforce for the programs home and abroad
- Clarity of vision. Hab. 2:1-2
- Strength. 2 Chron. 15:7
- Unity of heart and purpose. 1 Cor. 1:10, Ps. 133
*Thank God for ministers God has been using mightily during the past programmes
*Pray that God will equip them afresh this year for all programs. 2 Chr 27:6
- They will be filled with the Holy Ghost and power. Acts 10:38, Sam. 23:2
- Pray for utterance, to minister the word in season. Eph. 6:19, Is. 50:4, 2 Pray for the word of God as they minister to be backed with power to save, heal and deliver. Lk. 5:17, 1 Cor. 2:4-5, 1 Cor. 4:20
- The word will prevail in every life, case and the land. Acts 19:20

*DAY 19 MONDAY 29th Jan 2018*
*Intense praise and worship, thank God for a new day and for the salvation of your soul
*Thank God for the missionaries in the mission fields home and abroad
*Pray for missionaries to stay focused on God and His plans above all else. Matt 6:33
*Pray for missionaries to spend much time in the Word and ask God to give them discernment. 2 Tim 2:15
*Pray for missionaries to regularly seek examination by God and to repent from any errors that have crept into their lives. Psalm 139:23-24
*Humility: Pray for missionaries to have a spirit of humility and to willingly ask God for wisdom in carrying out their assignment. James 1:5
*Purity: Pray for missionaries to be so renewed by God’s Word that no sin will have dominion over them. Psalm 119:133
*Boldness: Pray for boldness in the missionaries when they share the gospel or preach. Eph 6:19
*Rest: Ask God to help missionaries recognize their need for weekly rest away from ministry responsibilities. Mark 6:31
*Guard the treasure: Pray for missionaries to stay focused on the gospel of Jesus Christ and not be distracted by issues of the day. 2 Tim 1:13-14

*DAY 20 TUESDAY 30th Jan 2018*
* Intense praise and worship, thank God for a new day and for the salvation of your soul
*Thank God for the unprecedented favor and growth of RCCG Foreign missions 
*Ask God to empower RCCG Foreign missions the more to conquer more territories
*Pray for the Ministers to point people to Jesus and not seek undue recognition for themselves. Matt 5:16 
*Pray for RCCG Foreign missions’ ministers to model a life of dependence on God. Pro. 3:5-6
*Ask God to give ministers in RCCG Foreign missions the grace to know how to respond to each person. Col 4:6
*Pray for a spirit of unity as RCCG Foreign missions work together and with other ministry partners. Rom 15:5
*Resist temptation: Pray for them to be quick to take the escape routes God provides when temptation sneaks up on them. 1 Cor 10:13b
*Retreat with God: Pray for them to take personal prayer retreats to get their direction from Him. Isa 50:4
*Pray for grace that the workers will be able to stand firm under affliction and to look forward to eternal glory. 2 Cor 4:17

*DAY 21 WEDNESDAY 31st Jan 2018
*Intense praise and worship
*Thank God for a new day and for the salvation of your soul
*Father, please pray for Your son the General Overseer, increase his strength, anointing and wisdom in Jesus name.
*Pray for Daddy and Mummy G.O that God will empower them the more to cope with their ministerial assignments in RCCG. Isa. 41:10-18
*Let us pray that God in His mercy will silence every evil personality that is making the ministerial assignments uneasy for Daddy G.O. Ps.143:11-12
*Let us pray that God will fortify the strength of Daddy and Mummy G O. Isa. 41:13-14.
*Ask God to fortify Pastor E.A. Adeboye more with His ultimate Power. 
*Let us ask for God’s protection on Daddy G O’s family Ps 125:2
*Let us ask God to contend with those contending with Pastor E. A. Adeboye and his family lsa.49:24-26.  *Have mercy oh Lord and let the “Tomorrow” of Pastor E.A Adeboye be well.

*DAY 22 THURSDAY 1st FEB 2018*
*Intense praise and worship
*Thank God for a new day and for the salvation of your soul
*Let us ask that God will baptize Pastor E. A. Adeboye and his family with the special anointing that automatically sends evil arrows back to their sender. Gen.12:3
*Let us ask God to increase Daddy G.O and his family in all their endeavours. Isa. 60:22
*Let us pray for Daddy G.O’s children that God will anoint them to fulfil destiny and also be in divine health. Ps.128:3
*Let us ask for God’s special hand of favour to rest on Daddy and Mummy G.O. that they will flourish and will never fall nor fail in life. Ps.27:1
*Let us pray that God will help Daddy and Mummy G O to finish strong in God’s own time. Ps.90
*Let us pray for Daddy and Mummy G.O that God will help them to break more new grounds for RCCG worldwide. 
*Father, whenever Daddy and Mummy G.O call unto you, please answer them

* DAY 23 FRIDAY 2nd FEB 2018*
*Intense praise and worship
*Thank God for a new day and for the salvation of your soul
*Thank God for the unprecedented growth of RCCG since its inception from a house fellowship in Nigeria to Churches in about 200 nations. This is the lord’s doing. Psalms 118:23
*Father, by the blood of Jesus, give us the heathens for our inheritance and the utter most part of the earth for our possession all through this prophetic season – Ps. 2:8 
*Father, in the name of Jesus, cause your acts in this church to be noised abroad as in the day of Pentecost, thereby drafting multitudes into this church all through this prophetic season – Acts 2:6/41  *Father, in the name of Jesus, release your reaper-angels to take over our harvest field, appearing to all our contacts in visions and revelations, thereby drafting them into this church – Acts 10:3/34-35
*Father, by the Mystery of the Passover Blood, let every captive ordained for eternal life during this prophetic season be released and established in this church – Acts 13:48
*Father, in the name of Jesus, let your master reaper angel, cast his sharp sickle into our harvest field, to thoroughly reap every soul ordained for salvation all through this prophetic season – Rev. 14:14/16  *Father, by the blood of Jesus, we cast out every evil beast seeking to manipulate our new converts, new members from being established in this church all through this prophetic season – 34:25
*Father, in the name of Jesus, send your reaper-angels into our harvest filed, mobilizing multitudes into this church for their salvation and deliverance all through this prophetic season – 13:39.

*Intense praise and worship
*Thank God for a new day and for the salvation of your soul
*Thank God for the unprecedented growth of RCCG since its inception from a house fellowship in Nigeria to Churches in about 200 nations. This is the lord’s doing. Psalms 118:23
*Father, in the name of Jesus, let there be manifestations of apostolic order of signs, wonders and mighty deeds in our services all through this prophetic season resulting in massive influx of souls into this church– Acts 5:12/14
*Father, in the name of Jesus, let this Church continue to experience supernatural growth after the order of the Acts of the Apostles, thereby turning Canaan land into a city without walls all through this prophetic season – Acts 13:44
*Father, by the blood of Jesus, we destroy all interferences of the devil against the continuous growth of this church all through this prophetic season and beyond in the name of Jesus – 12:11
*Father, in the name of Jesus, empower every Cell in this church for supernatural growth resulting into further replication of the cell all through this prophetic season – Jer. 30:19
*Father, in the name of Jesus, turn every cell into a solution center where every member’s need shall continue to be supernaturally met – Zeph. 3:17
*Father, in the name of Jesus, turn every cell member into a sign and a wonder, thereby drafting more souls into the cells and into this church – Zech. 8:23
*Father, in the name of Jesus, let every cell minister be empowered by the Holy Ghost to effectively drive the cell replication agenda of the year – Acts 10:38

*DAY 25 SUNDAY 4TH FEB 2018*
*Intense praise and worship
*Thank God for a new day and for the salvation of your soul
*Thank God for being the desire of all Nations, always in control. Hag 2:7
*Thank God for His sovereign Power to answer all prayers John 14:13-14
*Pray for protection, strength and perseverance for poor communities who are being pushed further into poverty by the changing climate. Psa 72:4
*Pray for the global church to be bold as it speaks out for governments to respond. 
*Pray for governments across the world to take the urgent and ambitious action needed. 
*Pray for divine intervention to slow down climate change and prevent catastrophe

*DAY 26 MONDAY 5TH FEB 2018*
*Intense praise and worship
*Thank God for a new day and for the salvation of your soul
*Ask God to be merciful unto us and give us a repentant heart in all our shortcomings and be willing to do His bidding this year
*Lord, our land needs healing and I believe it starts with me. I humble myself before You grant me a repentant spirit so I may be an instrument of Your blessing for this nation. II Chronicles 7:14
*Father, on behalf of myself and my people, I confess our trespasses (name them as you know). Bring your people to repentance and let this nation once again be one who calls You “Lord.” Psalms 33:12
*Oh Lord, let your righteousness rain down on us and spring up from within every home and community in our land! Proverbs 14:34
*God! Strike a fear in the heart of your people! Show us the seriousness of our sin and the holiness of your majesty. Let us see and understand you as God, King, Sovereign One, Ruler of heaven and earth. And let us be wise! Proverbs 9:10

*Intense praise and worship
*Thank God for a new day and for the salvation of your soul
*Ask God to be merciful unto us and give us a repentant heart in all our shortcomings and be willing to do His bidding this year
*Father; call your people to be separate, to set aside worldly wisdom, pride and appearances, materialism, idolatry of all sorts. Lead us out and lead us up. Stir in each and every heart to come out and be different! II Corinthians 6:17
*Oh Lord, You are high and lifted up! Reveal your nature, character, and sovereignty for us to understand. And stand in owe of You God! Isaiah 6:1
*Father; cause each of Your children to shine brightly in this land, Lord. Let each light take its place on a lampstand and draw others to You. May those without Christ see our good works and glorify You. Isaiah 60:1
*Father; let our leaders to have wisdom, knowledge, and discernment, for these things come from You. Daniel 2:21
*Father; we pray for Your Kingdom to come. May your will be done in our nation as it is in heaven. Let righteousness, salvation, and truth define our lives, our marriages, our homes and communities. Matthew 6:10
*Lord, You promised that the gates of hell will not overcome Your church. Lord! Strengthen Your church in this country! Let us rise to the battle cry and faithfully stand firm! Stir up our passions and desires for purity, holiness, and intimacy with You. Let us walk in the unquenchable fire of Your Spirit. Matthew 16:18

*Intense praise and worship
*Thank God for a new day and for the salvation of your soul
*Father; give us vision of your holiness and justice that will make us “tremble at your Word”. Isa 66:5 *Father; help that we might “Serve you with fear, and rejoice with trembling” (Psalm 2:11).
*Father; enable me to have such a grand vision of You that I might fear You, that I might tremble in Your presence. 
*Father; help me to know that You’re not merely a Redeemer but also a Judge; not merely a God of love, but also of a consuming fire
*Father; help me not play around with sin, not just because of its consequences, but also because it grieves Your heart. 
*Father give us the grace to be effective in soul winning this year, 2018
*Father; help us to be faithful in giving our first fruit, tithes and offering throughout this New Year 2018

PRAYER OF VICTORY THROUGH GOD’S HELP; Text: Exo.17:8-16; Ps.121:1-2; Rev.3:2; John 7:37; Ps. 23:1,6;
*Father!!! Don’t let me lose my focus of you
*Father!!! I lift up my eyes unto you; don’t let me be put to shame
*O Lords!!! Rescue me from liars and deceitful people
*Father!!! Hold me with your victorious right hand and strengthen me
*Holy Ghost!!! Scatter in pieces with your sharp arrows and burn the deceptive tongue with your glowing coal of fire. King of glory, continue to be ‘I AM’ for me and my household
*Almighty God, make me a new threshing instruments with many sharp teeth to tear apart every enemy of my life and your church.
*Father!!! Let every blockages to my helpers be broken into pieces in Jesus name
*Father!!! Please don’t let your glory depart from my life in Jesus name.

*DAY 30 FRIDAY 9TH FEB 2018*
*Let us thank God for the Unity of Nigeria and the peace that is reigning in Nigeria now. Josh 11:23, Psalm 124
*Let us thank God for the Men of honour inspire by the Holy Spirit to move Nigeria forward continually by praying Ps. 37:37, Ps. 125:1-3.
*Let us plead for mercy on behalf of our nation for atrocities and wickedness committed in the land. *Pray that the blood of Jesus will speak healing for our nation. Exo. 12:13
*Let us speak destruction unto every evil altar raised and serviced constantly anywhere in Nigeria to perpetuate human rituals, suicide bombing, targeted bombing and all other forms of killing
*Let God arise in Nigeria and lets his entire enemy be scattered. Ps. 68:1-2
*God will hear our prayer and recover our nation from recession and all forms of famine.
*God to heal our land and give rain of abundance in our land. 2 Kings 7:1-8
*God to put an end to terrorism, kidnapping, hired killing, corruption, militancy, communal clashes, Farmers and herdsmen clashes in the land.

*Worship God for Who He was, is and will forever be. Heb 13:8
*Praise Him for His marvelous things and great works in creation and in the whole earth full of His glory Isa 6:3
*Praise Him for the integrity of His word, The power of Prophesies, His faithfulness to all generations Psa_33:11, 100:5 *
Thank God for His goodness, mercies and faithfulness in fulfilling His counsel for the Church, Rev 3:14, Is 25:1
*Father: Behold their threatening Acts 4:21, and defend the city as you defended Judah and Hezekiah, (Isa 37:35-38) and as you defended Judah and Jehoshaphat(2 Chr 20:20-22)  Meditate on these scriptures and ask God to fulfill His promises
 1.2Ki_19:34 For I will defend this city, to save it, for mine own sake, and for my servant David's sake. 2.Isa_38:6 And I will deliver thee and this city out of the hand of the king of Assyria: and I will defend this city.
*Father please wake up your Church from sleep and slumber and let her be sensitive and sensible to prepare as your coming is at hand. Luk 19:41-44, Rev 3:15-16
*Father let me be relevant and a stakeholder in your end time agenda Matt 5:14-16
*Father remove anything and everything that will hinder me and my household from reigning with you *Pray all manners of prayers as your are led
*Pray that God will raise more bold leaders in support of His agenda for Israel

*DAY 32 SUNDAY 11TH FEB 2018*
*Intense praise and worship
*Thank God for a new day and for the salvation of your soul
*Father; save us from kidnappers, ritualists and cultists in Jesus' name.
*Father; expose all kingpins of cultism and kidnapping in Nigeria.
*Lord; set confusion in the camps of ritualists, kidnappers and cultists.
*Lord as it was in the days of King Jehoshaphat, set enmity among kidnappers, cultist and ritualists for their extinct in Nigeria. (2Chron 20:22-23)
*Father; lay an ambush against kidnappers, ritualists and cultists and let them be no more 2Chron 20:24)  *Lord we decree and declare every one captured by kidnappers, ritualists and cultists free in Jesus' name (Matt 18.18)
*We decree and declare Nigeria free from kidnapping, rituals and cultism in Jesus' name.

*DAY 33 MONDAY 12TH FEB 2018*
PRAYER FOR DIVINE REVELATION; Pro. 20:12; Isaiah 6:1-8, Ps. 51:15; II Kings 6:16-17.
*Father!!! Cause my eyes to see the invisible this year in Jesus mighty name
*What ordinary eyes can’t see, let me see to behold the downfall of my enemies
*Father!!! By your divine revelation let me see the end of Goliath of my destiny 
*Cause my hears to hear you speak loud and clear into me for direction throughout year 2018
*My Father! My Father!! Cause me to hear new things that majority do not hear that will advertise destiny. 
*By divine revelation oh lord enlarge my mouth over my enemy

*DAY 34 TUESDAY 13TH FEB 2018*
*Intense praise and worship
*Thank God for a new day and for the salvation of your soul
*Father in the name of Jesus I command every spirit of poverty out of my life (Phil 2:10)
*Father every one under captivity by poverty in the Church, we declare him/her free in Jesus' name. (Jn 8:36)
*Poverty is a reproach, so therefore I say no to poverty in 2018.
*My father I put poverty under my feet and crush it (Ps110:1-2)
*2018 I have arrived therefore open up unto me/my family.
*My father haven crushed poverty let me be receiving alerts throughout this year 2018.  Gen1: 28 *Father embarrass me with riches and wealth to the Shame of my enemies in 2018

*Intense praise and worship
*Thank God for a new day and for the salvation of your soul
*Father set your children free from sicknesses and diseases. Isa 49:24-25
*We come against Cancer, High BP, Diabetes, hepatitis and other diseases in our nations this year in Jesus name.
*Father; Let everyone afflicted by any of these diseases be healed in Jesus' name.
*Let the blood of Jesus cleanse us from all sins and diseases.
*We receive grace afresh to walk in holiness; the way of sound health. Exo 15:26
*Father anoint me afresh/specially to heal the sick (Mk 16:17)
*We declare health, comfort and strength to every sick person in the hospitals and homes in Jesus' name!
*Let every plague cease in every community, home and nation in Jesus' name!

*Intense praise and worship
*Thank God for a new day and for the salvation of your soul
*We come against every form of accident in Nigeria and abroad; be it air, road or rail etc.
*Father; safeguard your children from accidents (Ps 91:1-2)
*Let every blood sucking demon on our highways be put to Shame this year 2018!
*Father; be a wall of fire round about us against blood sucking demons (Zec 2:5)
*Lord, we decree and declare that in 2018 every journey embarked upon by your children be safe! (Isa3:10)
*Father let your angles go with us wherever we go this year in Jesus' name. Psa 121
*We declare the land, the air and waters safe for every journey in Jesus' name!

*DAY 37 FRIDAY 16TH FEB 2018*
*Intense praise and worship
*Thank God for a new day and for the salvation of your soul
*Oh Lord keep me from sin and temptation, give me grace to overcome Rev. 3:10
*Father; remove every spirit of lukewarm in this end time church Rev. 3:15
*Every weight that is weighing the church down in this last days, from fulfilling her mandate, be scattered Matt. 28:11
*Father; deliver us from the spirit of carefree life and set us on fire for your kingdom Luke16:20
*Our Lord we thank you for our father in the Lord and his family for grace and good health Psa. 23:3 *Father, renew the strength of the Gospel ministers and workers Ish. 40:31
*Oh Lord; fill your servants with strength and wisdom Ex. 28:3, 31:3
*Father; help me to forever be relevant and never become a man of yesterday. 1Sam 16:1
*Father have mercy on me and reverse every irreversible in my life this year. Ezek. 37:1-12

*Intense praise and worship
*Thank God for a new day and for the salvation of your soul
*Father, send real labourers into the field to harvest the ripe souls Matt. 9:37
*Oh Lord, by your power eliminate the weariness in the life of your ministers Ex. 17:12
*Our Lord and Maker, please remove every hireling among the ministers and replace them with shepherd John 10:12-13
*Father; help the church to make the right choices and reset our priorities Luke 10:41
*Father; give us the grace to be effective in soul winning this year, 2018
*Father; help us to be faithful in giving our first fruit, tithes and offering throughout this New Year 2018  *Father arise, and show yourself mighty on our behalf and on the behalf of our parishes and family members
*Father; help me to forever be relevant and never become a man of yesterday. 1Sam 16:1

*DAY 39 SUNDAY 18TH FEB 2018*
*Intense praise and worship
*Thank God for a new day and for the salvation of your soul
*Father; help the church to make the right choices and reset our priorities Luke 10:41
*Lord; open the eyes of Christians to identify you in the prisoners and downtrodden Matt. 25:30
*Oh Lord; set the heart of the church on aggressive prayers Matt 15:21-28
*Father my father; touch the lives of orphans and widows, provide for them Prov. 15:25
*Father; send help to the children of the needy missionaries
*Father; hear the prayers of the poor and the needy in our nations
*Father; hear the cry of your children in various refugees camps as a result of war and terrorism
*Father; save their destinies from being truncated by their misfortunes

*DAY 40 MONDAY 19TH FEB 2018*
*Intense praise and worship
*Thank God for a new day and for the salvation of your soul
*Praise the Lord who had kept us together as a nation Psa. 150:2
*Father; deliver our leaders from evil pleasures that leads them into corruption Isa. 56:11-12
*Father; whatever foundational covenant that had brought us backwardness in this nation be scattered by fire Deut. 7:25
*Father; give us sincere leaders with wisdom to pilot the affairs of our nations Isa. 9:6
*May God break in pieces the horn of the wicked raised against our nation Zech. 1:21
*Father; give us more bold, courageous leaders that will be instrument of your peace in our troubled world. Pro 28:1, 2Kg 9:2

*DAY 41 TUESDAY 20TH FEB 2018*
*Intense praise and worship
*Thank God for a new day and for the salvation of your soul
*Oh Lord; fight our battles against the evil of terrorism, insurgencies and extremisms
*My father; cause the wickedness of Boko Haram fighting the church, to draw back
*The man of war; let the sword of the bond woman children fight against themselves
*Jesus; send peace like a river on all nations of the world
*Father; expose the works of evil, disgrace their acts and frustrate their plans
*My father; bring to an end the incessant killings by Herdsmen Boko Haram, Kidnappers, Robbers

Text Pro 15:21. Restoration can be immediate, gradual of progressive. It can be partial or total recovery. However, restitution is essential for total restoration.
*Father!!! Thank you for being a giver and not a taker
*Father!!! By fire by force, break into pieces every stubborn mountain in my life today.
*Holy Spirit; remind me everything I need to restitute to trigger the release of my complete restoration this year
*Father!!! Replace every sorrow of loss with joy of restoration in my life
*Lord of Hosts; arise and give me victory over every power that is stealing or taking away joy from me *Failures at the edge of my breakthroughs and restoration be destroy by fire in Jesus name
*You!!! Saboteurs of my restoration, I command you be disgraced and displaced by fire in Jesus name

*Intense praise and worship
*Let us pray for the Youth and young adults in RCCG, that they will be strengthened to mortify the deeds of the flesh. Gal. 17: 21, Col 3:1-17
*Let us pray to God for the Youth and young adults in RCCG that they will manifest the fruit of the Spirit. Gal. 5:22-23
*Let us ask God for the Youth and young adults in RCCG that they will be built according to God’s specifications. Gen. 6:22, Heb 11:17
*Let us ask God for a holy, vibrant youth and young adults in RCCG Heb.12:14-17
*Let us pray that God will expose and expel disgracefully wolves in the coat of sheep from among the Youth and young adults in RCCG. Nehemiah 4:11
*Let us ask God for vigilant and battle ready Youth and young adults in RCCG. Nehemiah 4:11
*Let us ask God for kingdom oriented Youth and young adults in RCCG. Nehemiah 4:23
*Arise oh Lord God of Israel and frustrate the plan of the enemy to breed wolves in the coat of sheep to take over as sheep in this Youth and young adults in RCCG
*Have mercy oh Lord and don’t allow your son Pastor E.A. Adeboye to labour in vain over youths in RCCG

*DAY 44 FRIDAY 23RD FEB 2018*
*Intense praise and worship
*Thank God for a new day and for the salvation of your soul
*Let us thank God for the progress recorded so far on site
*Let us thank God for individuals, Provinces, Regions and Nations that have decided to be instruments in God’s hand to support the project
*Let us pray that God will continue to bless them the more. Pro. 3:10
*Let us pray that the light of God will shine on the National Redemption Garden in Camp that activities of darkness will be frustrated. Gen.1:3
*Let us commit the work going on in National Redemption Garden in Camp into the hand of God for speedy completion 
*Arise O’ LORD, and let your enemy be scattered concerning the National Redemption Garden in Camp and let all those hindering the job be relocated
*Let us pray that God will raise helpers of destiny financially for completion of National Redemption Garden in Camp

*Intense praise and worship
*Thank God for a new day and for the salvation of your soul
*Let us pray against fire accident in our homes, offices, markets and anywhere.
*Let us ask God to be merciful concerning death and destruction of properties that can come from earthquakes in this year.
*Let us pray that God will make the people wise, to know how to prevent fire accidents
*Let us pray against flood disaster and outrageous temperatures all over the world.
*Let us pray against every already concluded evil plan to cause death through the activities of gun men all over the world
*Let us ask God to help us to prevent any evil plan to waste lives through tornadoes
*Let us plead for mercy to God to avert every programmed destruction from the kingdom of darkness through any natural disasters
*Let us pray against death and destruction of properties through hurricanes

*DAY 46 SUNDAY 25TH FEB 2018*
*Intense praise and worship
*Thank God for a new day and for the salvation of your soul
*Let us ask God to console all those who are negatively affected through plane crash, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, flood, fire disaster, and the activities of gun men.
*Let us pray for the grace of a fresh start for many people who lost all to , fire, flood , motor accident or plane crash and other disasters
*Let us ask for God help for the victims of natural disaster
*Let us pray that God will defend the surviving victims of terrorism and natural disasters
*Have mercy and answer our prayers, O Lord. Eccl. 9:11
*Arise, O Lord, stretch out your hand and deliver us from horrible pits and miry clays
*Have mercy and establish your children forever. Psa. 40:2; Ps 125:1
*Put a new song in the mouth of your children, O Lord. Psa 40:3
*Let many praise you because of what you are doing in our lives, O Lord ps. 76:3-5

*DAY 47 MONDAY 26TH FEB 2018 2018*
*Intense praise and worship
*Thank God for a new day and for the salvation of your soul
*Let us give all the glory to God for the reality of the power of resurrection in RCCG mission. Matt. 28:1-4.
*Let us thank God for using let’s Go A Fishing program to populate His kingdom. Acts. 2:37-47.
*Pray for more strength for Daddy G O and all the Pastors, Ministers and workers, that God will use them mightily this 2018 “let’s go afishing”. Deut.33:25; Josh.14:11; 1Chron.29:12; Josh. 14:9.
*Let us pray for divine visitation during all 2018 let’s go a fishing all over the world. Ps.111:9; Ps.113:9-10; Gen.49:25.
*Let us pray for unprecedented harvest of soul during this year’s let’s go a fishing
*Pray that the soul will be followed up, disciple and remain

*DAY 48 TUESDAY 27TH FEB 2018*
*Intense praise and worship
*Thank God for a new day and for the salvation of your soul
*Ask God for help from any area you PERSONALLY need help. Ps. 108:12
*Let God arise and let all those contending with me be frustrated. Ps. 35:1
*Ask God to use you for His glory and be a blessing to healing the sick, raising the dead, opening the blind eyes, making the lame to walk, etc. Act: 10:38
*Ask God to make you a blessing to the whole world. Gen.12:2-3
*Ask God to put an end to all your problems this year 2017. Ps. 60:11
*Ask God to part every river Jordan before you and remove everything that is blocking the way to your destiny. Matth.7:7
*Ask that every curse in your family, town and everywhere change to blessings. Exo. 28:1-14
*Ask that God would show all those who have been mocking you saying, where is your God, that He is by your side.
*As from today, everywhere I go let me be a blessing - blessing to a poor, blessing to the rich and blessing to the mighty, anywhere I go. Gen: 12:2-3

*Pray that as the heavens open over us, angels shall ascend with requests and descend with God’s packages. John 1:51
*Pray that as the heavens open over us, the visions of God for individuals, corporately and for the land, shall be made clear and we will be empowered to run with it. Ezek.1:1, Acts 26:19
*By faith, lift up your hands and begin to thank God for revival of your prayer life and your testimonies. *Appreciate God for answers granted to your all our prayers
*Pray all manners of prayers of thanksgiving and praises for all He has done

*Appreciate God for answers granted to your all our prayers in this first lap.
*Pray all manners of prayers of thanksgiving and praises cement all He has done AND WHAT HE WILL DO for you.
*Thank God for giving you comprehensive victory already.
*BLESS HIS HOLY NAME to empower you to join the train for the next round of fasting and prayer.

*In Jesus Mighty Name we have prayed. ……………Amen.
