TEXT: ISAIAH 40:28-31
LINK https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPoLKdzJMIs
Let’s pray.
🎻We give You all the glory
We give You honour
We give You all the glory
We give You honour
Ancient of Days; we want to bless Your holy name, from the bottom of our hearts we want to thank You for January, February, March, April, May and Lord we are thanking You for June. Only the living can praise You Lord, because it has pleased You to keep us alive we say thank You. Oh Lord God Almighty thank You, great Preserver, Saviour and Healer, the All in All, thank You. Merciful God thank You, please accept our thanks in Jesus’ name. Our Father and our God, we are asking that in this month of June, like never before, You will visit Your children. We pray that anyone who may be sick among us, You will heal today, have mercy on us as individuals, family, and church. In all nations, tender judgment with mercy. Lord God Almighty, we are committing to Your special care all Your children who have been faithful in the payment of their tithe and in the giving of their offerings, the way You alone can do it, embarrass them with Your blessing, turn their failure to success and in all ways possible, keep sorrow away from them. Lord God Almighty we are asking for a brand new beginning for every one of Your children; beginning of joy, success and of a closer walk with You. Please Lord, long before the end of this month, let this problem that is troubling the whole world be over, Thank You Daddy, in Jesus’ mighty name we have prayed.
Let someone shout hallelujah
TEXT - Isaiah chapter 40
28 Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of his understanding.
29 He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength.
30 Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall:
31 But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
Isaiah chapter 40 verse 31 tells you what to do if you want to fly over a mountain, you have to wait on the Lord.
The one who waits is called a waiter.
1.They sit the guest.
They take you to where you are going to sit.
2.They give you water to drink.
3.They provide food.
They standby to receive your instructions; they wait and stand by you until you are fully satisfied.
The passage says your duty is to wait on God; God is the guest and you are the waiter.
1.Psalm 132:7-8 You worship Him and invite Him to His seat.
2.Give Him water to drink.
John 19:28 when Jesus Christ was hung on the cross, He didn't complain about the stripes, nails and crown of thorns, He only shouted about water; I thirst.
3.Present God with the food of His choice.
John 4:23-24 If you want the Almighty God to be fully satisfied with your food, you must worship Him in spirit and in truth because that is what He’s seeking for.
4.You must treat Him with honour.
Psalm 50:23 You offer Him praise.
Whoever offers praise glorifies me.
5. Satisfy Him fully.
Revelation 4:8-11 Fall and worship Him, you tell Him you are worthy to be praised because You made all things for your pleasure..
Genesis 18:1-14 ABRAHAM AS AN EXAMPLE.
Abraham was sitting at His tent, He saw God and two other angels passing, he ran to meet them, he said:
1.please, come and sit in my tent.
2.Let me bring some water.
3.Let me bring some food.
4.While they were eating, he stood by them, waiting for further instructions.
When a waiter has satisfied a customer, the customer will not leave without giving a tip. The greater the guest, the bigger the tip. A tip from the most high God, a tip from the One who said silver is mine, gold is mine. A tip from the One who says the earth is mine and the fullness thereof. A tip from the One who said the cattle upon the thousand hills are mine.
When He gives you a tip after you have waited on Him correctly then you can fly over several mountains.
1.You can fly over the mountain of failure.
Luke 5 :1-11 Peter was a failure, he fished all night and caught nothing.
God borrowed his boat, sat in the boat, fed in the boat; He preached in the boat, while He was preaching, Peter stood by, he was a good waiter. Jesus gave Peter a tip at the end; he cast his net once and caught so much fish that his boat and that of his neighbours began to sink.
2. You can fly over poverty.1 Kings 17:8-16.
1.Elijah asked for water.
2.After water food.
The woman survived famine as a tip from Elijah.
3. You can fly over the mountain of bareness. 2 Kings 4:8-17
The Shunamite woman waited on Elisha and he gave her what money could not buy.
4. You will fly over the mountain of physical lockdown. Acts 16:16-34
Paul was minding his business when a demonised girl began to bother him, he cast out the demon. They grabbed him and Silas his partner, threw them in the prison, they waited on the Lord, and God sent an earthquake.
We thank God for everything that the government has been doing but you can’t lockdown the world forever. Sooner or later the lockdown will be over, for some people it will be over sooner than later. Learn to worship the Almighty God and you will discover that instead of the lockdown being a problem, it will become an asset.
5.You will fly over spiritual lockdown.
Physical lockdown is a minor thing.
There are people who are prisoners who are not in the prison yard because they have problems; forces of darkness are holding them in bondage.
Mark 5:2-20. The madman of Gadarene was locked down in a graveyard by the forces of darkness, he worshiped Jesus and he was free.
She was sick and whatever she ate she vomited, Xray showed that she was normal. She came to Ebute Metta and we said let somebody shout Hallelujah, as she shouted, a worm jumped out of her mouth and that was the end of the problem.
Are you in bondage?
Do you have a problem that can not be explained?
If you wait on the Lord correctly, you will fly over the mountain.
6. You can fly over the mountain of death.
2 Kings 2:9-11 Elijah practically flew to heaven by whirlwind.
He broke the law of God that says it's appointed unto man once to die.
He flew over death.
After the wedding service, when the wife was about to sign the wedding certificate, somebody called the husband, he answered and fell down dead. They prayed for him and he got colder, when they praised God, the man on the floor sneezed and came back to live. That is over 30 years, he is still alive today, He flew over the mountain of death.
7.The bible says when the Lord shall return those of us who are still alive will fly to meetHim in the air.
Genesis 5:24. Enoch did not see death.
Hebrews 11:5 Enoch walked with God and he was not, because God took Him.
Before he departed, he pleased God.
1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 When the trumpet shall sound and the Lord shall return, those of us who remain will just fly to join Him in the air.
i.Wait on Him.
ii.Please Him.
iii.Sing His praise.
iv.Worship Him for who He is.
And you are likely to make it to the rupture.
God forbid a bad thing, suppose I die and the gate of heaven is locked. I won't complain, I will just praise God and God will say who locked that fellow out?
IF YOU HAVEN'T SURRENDER YOUR LIFE TO JESUS CHRIST, DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME PRAISING HIM, he is not interested in the praise of those who are not His children.
Proverbs 15:8 the sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to God.
If you don't join those who are praising Him, you are not going at the rapture. In Your own interest, before we begin to praise and adore Him, surrender your life to Jesus Christ, then your praise will be acceptable to Him.
Shall we please bow over head.
If you want to surrender your life to Jesus Christ, do so now.
Call on Him to please save your soul and wash you clean with His blood.
Call on Him to include you in the family of God; in the family of those who can praise Him acceptably in spirit and in truth.
Let’s intercede for those who are surrendering their lives to Jesus Christ now:
Let’s pray that the One who saved our souls will save theirs also.
Let’s intercede that the Almighty God will grant them genuine salvation.
Saviour, i want to thank You once again from the bottom of my heart for Your word, thank You for this people who have decided to surrender their lives to You, i can't see them but You can see them and into their hearts, those of them who have genuinely decided to surrender to You, please, receive them, save their souls and let Your blood wash their sins.
Write their names in the book of life.
Receive them into the family of God.
From now on, when they praise You, let their praise be acceptable to You and answer their prayers by fire.
Thank You my Father and my God.
Lord, in a moment, all Your children will be praising and adoring You, as they begin to do so,
Father, I pray that You will grant them grace to begin to fly over every mountain (sickness, poverty, bareness, failure, lockdown, death, ...) of their lives.
Give them wings to fly over death.
When You shall return, when the saints will be matching in, when those of us who remained on earth will fly to meet You in the air, please Lord, count us worthy.
Thank You Almighty God.
In Jesus' mighty name we have prayed.
Let someone shout Hallelujah.
Those of you who have surrendered your life to Jesus, please, get in contact with me so i can begin to pray with you, keep on rejoicing and praising the Almighty God and you will be flying over mountains.
God bless you!
TEXT: ISAIAH 40:28-31
LINK https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPoLKdzJMIs
Let’s pray.
🎻We give You all the glory
We give You honour
We give You all the glory
We give You honour
Ancient of Days; we want to bless Your holy name, from the bottom of our hearts we want to thank You for January, February, March, April, May and Lord we are thanking You for June. Only the living can praise You Lord, because it has pleased You to keep us alive we say thank You. Oh Lord God Almighty thank You, great Preserver, Saviour and Healer, the All in All, thank You. Merciful God thank You, please accept our thanks in Jesus’ name. Our Father and our God, we are asking that in this month of June, like never before, You will visit Your children. We pray that anyone who may be sick among us, You will heal today, have mercy on us as individuals, family, and church. In all nations, tender judgment with mercy. Lord God Almighty, we are committing to Your special care all Your children who have been faithful in the payment of their tithe and in the giving of their offerings, the way You alone can do it, embarrass them with Your blessing, turn their failure to success and in all ways possible, keep sorrow away from them. Lord God Almighty we are asking for a brand new beginning for every one of Your children; beginning of joy, success and of a closer walk with You. Please Lord, long before the end of this month, let this problem that is troubling the whole world be over, Thank You Daddy, in Jesus’ mighty name we have prayed.
Let someone shout hallelujah
TEXT - Isaiah chapter 40
28 Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of his understanding.
29 He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength.
30 Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall:
31 But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
Isaiah chapter 40 verse 31 tells you what to do if you want to fly over a mountain, you have to wait on the Lord.
The one who waits is called a waiter.
1.They sit the guest.
They take you to where you are going to sit.
2.They give you water to drink.
3.They provide food.
They standby to receive your instructions; they wait and stand by you until you are fully satisfied.
The passage says your duty is to wait on God; God is the guest and you are the waiter.
1.Psalm 132:7-8 You worship Him and invite Him to His seat.
2.Give Him water to drink.
John 19:28 when Jesus Christ was hung on the cross, He didn't complain about the stripes, nails and crown of thorns, He only shouted about water; I thirst.
3.Present God with the food of His choice.
John 4:23-24 If you want the Almighty God to be fully satisfied with your food, you must worship Him in spirit and in truth because that is what He’s seeking for.
4.You must treat Him with honour.
Psalm 50:23 You offer Him praise.
Whoever offers praise glorifies me.
5. Satisfy Him fully.
Revelation 4:8-11 Fall and worship Him, you tell Him you are worthy to be praised because You made all things for your pleasure..
Genesis 18:1-14 ABRAHAM AS AN EXAMPLE.
Abraham was sitting at His tent, He saw God and two other angels passing, he ran to meet them, he said:
1.please, come and sit in my tent.
2.Let me bring some water.
3.Let me bring some food.
4.While they were eating, he stood by them, waiting for further instructions.
When a waiter has satisfied a customer, the customer will not leave without giving a tip. The greater the guest, the bigger the tip. A tip from the most high God, a tip from the One who said silver is mine, gold is mine. A tip from the One who says the earth is mine and the fullness thereof. A tip from the One who said the cattle upon the thousand hills are mine.
When He gives you a tip after you have waited on Him correctly then you can fly over several mountains.
1.You can fly over the mountain of failure.
Luke 5 :1-11 Peter was a failure, he fished all night and caught nothing.
God borrowed his boat, sat in the boat, fed in the boat; He preached in the boat, while He was preaching, Peter stood by, he was a good waiter. Jesus gave Peter a tip at the end; he cast his net once and caught so much fish that his boat and that of his neighbours began to sink.
2. You can fly over poverty.1 Kings 17:8-16.
1.Elijah asked for water.
2.After water food.
The woman survived famine as a tip from Elijah.
3. You can fly over the mountain of bareness. 2 Kings 4:8-17
The Shunamite woman waited on Elisha and he gave her what money could not buy.
4. You will fly over the mountain of physical lockdown. Acts 16:16-34
Paul was minding his business when a demonised girl began to bother him, he cast out the demon. They grabbed him and Silas his partner, threw them in the prison, they waited on the Lord, and God sent an earthquake.
We thank God for everything that the government has been doing but you can’t lockdown the world forever. Sooner or later the lockdown will be over, for some people it will be over sooner than later. Learn to worship the Almighty God and you will discover that instead of the lockdown being a problem, it will become an asset.
5.You will fly over spiritual lockdown.
Physical lockdown is a minor thing.
There are people who are prisoners who are not in the prison yard because they have problems; forces of darkness are holding them in bondage.
Mark 5:2-20. The madman of Gadarene was locked down in a graveyard by the forces of darkness, he worshiped Jesus and he was free.
She was sick and whatever she ate she vomited, Xray showed that she was normal. She came to Ebute Metta and we said let somebody shout Hallelujah, as she shouted, a worm jumped out of her mouth and that was the end of the problem.
Are you in bondage?
Do you have a problem that can not be explained?
If you wait on the Lord correctly, you will fly over the mountain.
6. You can fly over the mountain of death.
2 Kings 2:9-11 Elijah practically flew to heaven by whirlwind.
He broke the law of God that says it's appointed unto man once to die.
He flew over death.
After the wedding service, when the wife was about to sign the wedding certificate, somebody called the husband, he answered and fell down dead. They prayed for him and he got colder, when they praised God, the man on the floor sneezed and came back to live. That is over 30 years, he is still alive today, He flew over the mountain of death.
7.The bible says when the Lord shall return those of us who are still alive will fly to meetHim in the air.
Genesis 5:24. Enoch did not see death.
Hebrews 11:5 Enoch walked with God and he was not, because God took Him.
Before he departed, he pleased God.
1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 When the trumpet shall sound and the Lord shall return, those of us who remain will just fly to join Him in the air.
i.Wait on Him.
ii.Please Him.
iii.Sing His praise.
iv.Worship Him for who He is.
And you are likely to make it to the rupture.
God forbid a bad thing, suppose I die and the gate of heaven is locked. I won't complain, I will just praise God and God will say who locked that fellow out?
IF YOU HAVEN'T SURRENDER YOUR LIFE TO JESUS CHRIST, DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME PRAISING HIM, he is not interested in the praise of those who are not His children.
Proverbs 15:8 the sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to God.
If you don't join those who are praising Him, you are not going at the rapture. In Your own interest, before we begin to praise and adore Him, surrender your life to Jesus Christ, then your praise will be acceptable to Him.
Shall we please bow over head.
If you want to surrender your life to Jesus Christ, do so now.
Call on Him to please save your soul and wash you clean with His blood.
Call on Him to include you in the family of God; in the family of those who can praise Him acceptably in spirit and in truth.
Let’s intercede for those who are surrendering their lives to Jesus Christ now:
Let’s pray that the One who saved our souls will save theirs also.
Let’s intercede that the Almighty God will grant them genuine salvation.
Saviour, i want to thank You once again from the bottom of my heart for Your word, thank You for this people who have decided to surrender their lives to You, i can't see them but You can see them and into their hearts, those of them who have genuinely decided to surrender to You, please, receive them, save their souls and let Your blood wash their sins.
Write their names in the book of life.
Receive them into the family of God.
From now on, when they praise You, let their praise be acceptable to You and answer their prayers by fire.
Thank You my Father and my God.
Lord, in a moment, all Your children will be praising and adoring You, as they begin to do so,
Father, I pray that You will grant them grace to begin to fly over every mountain (sickness, poverty, bareness, failure, lockdown, death, ...) of their lives.
Give them wings to fly over death.
When You shall return, when the saints will be matching in, when those of us who remained on earth will fly to meet You in the air, please Lord, count us worthy.
Thank You Almighty God.
In Jesus' mighty name we have prayed.
Let someone shout Hallelujah.
Those of you who have surrendered your life to Jesus, please, get in contact with me so i can begin to pray with you, keep on rejoicing and praising the Almighty God and you will be flying over mountains.
God bless you!
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