Father Lord in Jesus name, thank You for this day, Your tender mercies are renewed this morning, great is thy faithfulness, Father Lord we bless You, the word of the living God will come forth this morning, faith will arise in our hearts and we will seek You like we have never sought You before, thank You Father Lord in Jesus’ name.
*THE MESSAGE: Hebrews 11:5-6*
5 By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had thistestimony, that he pleased God.
6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
God rewards the diligent not man, you must seek the Lord diligently in order for you to be blessed. Enoch walked with God by faith and had a testimonyfrom God not from men. God always says walk before me and be perfect or be holy anytime He calls a man or a woman to follow Him. Genesis 17:1
God rewards those who walk with Him.
Enoch walked with God by faith. Genesis 5:24,
2Corinthians 5:7 We walk by faith and not by sight, faith means you are taking God at his word. Amos 3:3 You eat and walk like what God said is nothing but the truth, you apply the word in your life and walk with God.
You must agree with God to walk with Him, God does not have to agree with You. Psalm 23. If He’s my shepherd i must walk where He leads me, you can’t walk with God unless you are hearing His voice, as a sheep you must learn to hear the voice of God to walk with Him.
God is the centre of your life when you walk with Him, you must come to God, seek Him diligently all the time not on Sundays or during Congress. You MUST believe not an option that He is, not I was or I will be but I’m that I’m- God is now.
Enoch lived 365 years and walked with God all his life, are we going to walk with God all of our lives?
1.Walking with like God means He is the centre of your life.
2. Walk by faith - by faith means believe what God said.
Work in holiness: The Redeemed Christian Church ofGod is based on Hebrews 13:8 You must believe that God does not change, He is holy, walk in holiness and in integrity (meaning you are the sameall the time; like Father like son) God is holy, we must be holy.
Your private and public life MUST be the same, there should be no difference in the way you live in the church or at home or when you go to work. Walking with God is an everyday thing. You must walk with God constantly every single day, it is a lifestyle not an event.
Ephesians 4:1 You must walk worthy of your calling/vocation. Romans 1:17, Habakkuk 2:4. Those who diligently seek Him are walking like Enoch. How are we walking? 1Thessalonians 5:17 Walking by faith means we are praying/seeking God every single day all the time.
Psalm 34:1 God blesses those who are seeking Himevery day and praying everyday. I must bless God personally not only when I come to church. Do you praise God when the service is over?
Walking in faith, agreeing with God, God is the center of your life and walking in holiness no compromise 1John 1:7 We must walk in the light and not in darkness. God is light, in Him there is no darkness. Psalm119 When you are walking with God you are walking in the light of the word of God. When you are walking with God you are not proud and arrogant. Micah 6:8 All those who walk with God are walking in humility.
Enoch walked with God for 360 years and God rewarded Him.
When you are walking with the WORD you can’t walkwith the WORLD. Romans 12:2
Daniel 3:16-18The three young men: Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were slave in a foreign country, they change their garments and language but did not change their relationship with God. Fire has no power on them because they ignored the way of the world.
Galatians 6:14 You can’t walk with GOD and the WORLD at the same time.1John 2:15-17 If you love the world you are an enemy of God and God does not reward His enemies, He rewards those who seek Him diligently, and walk with Him all the time.
Galatians 2:20 You must live a crucified life. Jesus said if you want to follow me carry your cross daily and follow me. Your cross is the call of God in your life, no compromise.
God will reward those who diligently walk with Him, those who agreed with the Lord, and His word, those who walk in holiness, integrity, those whose private and public life are the same, those who walkall their lives by the word of God.
Romans 6:4, 2 corinthians 5:17 Live like a born again child of God and crucify the old man
Galatians 5:16, John 6:63 Walk in the spirit means walk in the word of God.
This will be your reward - Numbers 14:24 Caleb’s reward was “God said about him, I'm pleased with Caleb,” that should be my ultimate reward. Matthew25:23*My ultimate reward is God will be pleased with my work the day He will reward me.
Enoch walked with God and then he went with God. Preachers, Ministers, how you LIVE will determine how you will LEAVE.
Enoch was the first man to be raptured.
The greatest testimony is not what you say but what God will say about you.
+May God help you.
+ May you live a holy life.
+May you live a life of no compromise.
+ May you live a life of integrity.
Enoch walked with God that is why he was caught up with the rapture.
*May God help you to walk with Him,May God help you to live in such a way that He will be pleased with you and reward you.
*Your reward is not here FOCUS ON YOUR ETERNAL Reward.
The reward is God will be pleased with me.
*May I see you in heaven, may you never fall or backslide in Jesus’ name.
*God bless you!


  1. Thanks for this great update God will bless you in Jesus name. Pls reduce the font size of this message the preview is too big and it doesn't open well. Thanks


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