*Nigbati mo ro ise iyanu re laye mi
*You are marvellous iye
*Gbogbo aye gbe Jesu ga
*Glory be to God in the highest
*What can wash away my sins
*Iwo ni Olorun mi
*E ga E ga Baba o! E ga E ga!

Baba we say thank You. For what You are about to do in our lives individually and collectively, we say thank You. One thing we ask from You Daddy, touch us in the mighty Name of Jesus. Let our joy be full. Thank You righteous Father. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen!

A louder Amen! Somebody shout HALLELUJAH!!

*I have goodnews for a mother in the house this morning(one of our mummies in the house); in the Name above every other name, you will not weep over that your son. Anything that will make you weep over him this year or years to come, till you see Christ will not happen. You will not weep over him in the Name of Jesus.*

We want to go further this morning from where we stopped on Saturday morning, we talked about the finger of God. I want you to understand that God Himself has fingers and we have the five fold(fingers) ministry. These fingers of God operate in the household of God, I will mention them one after the other and we will close. Number one, one of the fingers of God is the teacher and the Bible said "I will add learning to his lips" - Proverbs 16:23. Brethren, it is a good thing for you to know what the Lord wants to teach you than what man wants to teach you.

Until you get a clear understanding of God, you will not know where you are in life. According to the book of Amos chapter 3 verse 7, he said that God will reveal to you the secret you suppose to know but if you have not been taught by God, that is, if God the greatest teacher does not teach you, you can't understand Him.

*I am beleiving God that right from today, God will begin to teach you and myself in Jesus Name!*

Finger two(2) which I call buldozer is the evangelist. When teacher teaches, the evangelist will come with action to clear the roots. Number three(3) is the pastor who gathers people together to nuture them in a green pasture. The Bible said in Psalm 23 "the Lord is my Shepherd"; if God is your pastor, He will guide you, He will lead you right. The fourth one says the mind of God, that is the prophet. The prophet tells you the mind of God concerning what will happen now or in the future.

*I prophesy this morning! I'm not saying I'm a prophet but I enter into the office of a prophet and decree as a prophet of God that your tomorrow shall be alright.*

And the fifth one is the apostle. This one combines the first four together and that is what I desire as the hand of God, as a servant of God, the Bibles says whatsoever you desire shall be given unto you. We have been talking about the finger of God from Thursday and I said something which I will continue to say; the finger of God can rewrite your story. People may consider you dead or that it is over for you but when God rewrites your story, you will move from lower level to higher level. One of my fathers in the Lord(one of the people God used to groom us) is not well read but anytime he mounts the pulpit and handle the microphone, you will know that God is with him. As a carpenter, anytime they say there is revival/crusade somewhere, he will rush down. All his mates that they learnt carpentry together said to him "you are a lazy person", to the glory of God those who called him lazy person don't own more than one house but he who took up God's work has at least four(4) houses that I know of in the area I live.

*I decree in the Name above every other name, beginning from this minute, Almighty God who created heaven and earth will rewrite your story in the Name of Jesus.*

The finger of God is mighty; it can kill, it can bring back to life. Read the book of Exodus 8:1-end, we started from verse 16 and 17 on Thursday where God showed Himself through His full fingers to Pharaoh, he said 'No' but the people around him said "it is better for you to bend than to brake, this is the finger of God!"
God is so mighty! Sometimes I don't understand this; God said "I created Pharaoh purposely to destroy him", he kept saying No but unknown to him God had already written his story that "I will kill you!"

*I stand on this altar today; whatever the enemy has written concerning you and your family, by the finger of God, it is hereby cancelled in the Name of Jesus*

It is written in Colosians 2:14-15
*_14 Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross; 15 And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it._

*Every word of principalities and powers, every word of witches and wizards against your destiny, against your marriage, against your children; by the finger of God they are hereby cancelled in  the Name of Jesus!*

*WHAT CAN THE FINGER OF GOD DO?* We said a lot on Thursday; the finger of God can heal, deliver and open a way. I will just mention a few again.
1. The finger of God can exalt. 1 Sam 17:29.
*Anyone that has heard about you, anyone that knows about your case and is after your destruction, God will silence them in the Name of Jesus.*
*Somebody listen, everyone that knows your beginning and are trying to pull you down; any man/brother that knows how you came to that office and he's looking for ways to bring you down, if I be a man of God, by the time you begin to pray, they will be under your feet in the Name of Jesus.*

2. It can open a new chapter. Ecc 3:1.
*Everyone that is waiting for you to fail, they will not be able to catch up with you in the Name of Jesus.*

*What can I do for this finger of God to move on my behalf, to open doors unto me?*
*1. Learn to praise God.* A worshipper never dies. 1 Pet 2:9b.
*I decree to some people here, in the Name above every other name, as you worship and praise God henceforth, you will continue to move upwards in the Name of Jesus.*
*2. Be a sacrificial giver.* Your sacrificial offering can speak for you. Acts 10:4
*3. Givers never go broke*
*I decree what will make people see you in a different way, in 7months it will happen to you in the Name of Jesus.*
*4. Learn how to pray.* Those that touch heaven, whoever goes against them will always fall. Read Psalm 29. I beg you, stop talking ill about the men of God. What you don't know don't say anything about it. Stop destroying others. Be a prayer champion, not a prayer warrior. A Christian that prays never goes down, the hand of God always moves on their behalf to destroy every destroyable.

*Today, beginning from this moment(write today's date down 18th August, 2019), God who created me and made me to be born in the month of August, that God that has been sustaining and backing me up, that did not allow me to fall, that has been supplying my needs shall be your God in the Name of Jesus.*

The only thing that can make God to keep His hand or fold His alms on your behalf is when you touch sin. Isaiah 59:1-2.

1. Father! Let Your finger reposition my life in the Name of Jesus!

2. Father! Beginning from today, decorate me and let people see your glory in my life in the Name of Jesus!
*This is what I heard; God said He wants to do spiritual fumigation. Every source of bitterness, of failure and bad things in your life, the finger of God will deal with them today in the Name of Jesus.*

3. Father! By the power of the HolyGhost, every source of bitterness, every source of evil things, every source of curses in my life, oh Lord pull them out of my life in the Name of Jesus!

4. Every door that is connected to my destiny, connected to my financial breakthrough; by the finger of God, I command them to open in the Name of Jesus!

5. Father! By Your finger I decree today, every door connected with my wealth, connected with my lifting in life, open now in the Name of Jesus!
*Who is that person sitting on a particular seat and saying you are not qualified? God will remove/uproot them for you in the Name of Jesus.*

6. (Hold somebody's hand). Father, wherever they said there is no way for me and my sister/brother; oh God by Your finger, open the way now in the Name of Jesus!

Father! We thank You for all You did during this program. Thank You for great sign, wonder and testimonies. Accept our thanks in Jesus Name.
As long as the earth remaineth, seed time and harvest shall not cease. Because you have sown in the household of God, you shall reap bountifully in the Name of Jesus. When Abraham gave a sacrifice unto God, God accepted the sacrifice and said "Because of this thing". Because of what you have done, God will favour you everywhere you go in the Name of Jesus. Because you have done this thing; from the left, from the right, from the front and the back, from the four(4) corners of this world, God will send helpers to you. With this seed, you are connected to your helpers of destiny in the Name of Jesus.

Your son that You have used for us oh Lord, this one is celebrating another birthday. Father we thank You for sparing his life till today. For five(5) years he was in a place where we can call a hot zone but You have been protecting him. Father we say thank You Lord in Jesus Name, his life will never be cut short in the Name of Jesus, he will never die before his time in the Name of Jesus, the Lord will prolong his days on earth in the Name of Jesus, he will grow as the cedar of Lebanon in the Name of Jesus, let him flourish like the palm tree in the Name of Jesus, it shall be well with him all the days of his life in the Name of Jesus, he shall never be troubled over any member of his family in the Name of Jesus. If he is not up to 50, he will celebrate 50 in the Name of Jesus, he will celebrate 60, 70, 80 and 90 even in good health in the Name of Jesus. He has desired to live up to 100, the Almighty God will grant him even that request in the Name of Jesus.

For everyone saying Amen, you will never die at the flower(prime) of your age in the Name of Jesus, you will not bury any of your children in the Name of Jesus, we will not bury  anyone in this zone in the Name of Jesus, more and more the Lord will unite and revive us in the Name of Jesus. The miracle that God has done in everyone's life this afternoon, I decree and declare it is permanent in the Name of Jesus. If it is not yet manifesting now, by the decree of heaven, before the end of this month/year there shall be manifestation in the Name of Jesus. Go in this thy might and flourish in the Name of Jesus. Go in this thy might and make it in life in the Name of Jesus. No power troubles you in the Name of Jesus because you bear in your body now the marks of the Lord Jesus. It is well with you, it is well with your house, it is well with your family, it is well with everything that belongs to you, it is well with your business, it is well with your job. Thank You Father! Blessed be Your Name forever. In Jesus mighty Name we have prayed. AMEN!

Who received that? Shout a loud HALLELUJAH!!!

*God bless you!*
