Hebrews 12:2
*NIV:fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.*

Jesus is the best role model anyone can ever have. Jesus has laid an example for us to scorn the shame we are passing through in life. Many people may mock you for believing in Jesus and following His ways, however just scorn the shame. Many may laugh at you for obeying God's instructions, just scorn the shame. A lot of people may insult you because you choose to stand for sexual purity, just scorn the shame. To  scorn means to ignore. You know where you are going, you are set for the throne. Don't let the opinions of others stop you from reaching your goal. You have joy set before you. Know that after going through the shame comes the fame. Therefore, scorn the shame!
