*Special Divine Encounter Service*
*Day 4*
*Ministering: Pst. E.A Adeboye*
*Day 4*
*Ministering: Pst. E.A Adeboye*
*Text: 1st Chro 1 vs 11-12*
*Opening Prayer: Father show yourself as the Almighty in the life of my neighbour.*
*Message* .God said to Solomon, I will make you one of a kind. Gen 1vs1. God made the heavens and the earth. God loved the whole world and gave a miracle to the world. If He can do that, there is nothing He cannot give.
*Ways By Which God can give a miracle.*
*1. God can give a miracle to a nation.* Exd 12 vs 1-36, 14 vs 1-28, 17 vs 1-6, 1st Sam 17 vs 1-57. God can also deliver a nation from every terrorist.
*Prayer: Father, come down and give deliverance to my nation*
*2. He can give a miracle to a city.* 2nd kg 2 vs 19-32, He gave victory to different cities like Jericho, Samaria. No matter where you come from, every curse of that city will end in Jesus name. 2nd kg 7 vs. 1-11, 2nd kg 18 vs 17- 2nd kg 19 to the end. God will surely make a way of escape for you as He did for the city of Samaria in Jesus name.
*Prayer: Father, make a way for my city in the name of Jesus.*
*3. God can give a miracle to a family* . 1st kg 17 vs. 8-16, 2nd kg 4 vs 1-7, Mtt 15 vs 21-28, Gen 18 vs 1-14. Whatever the problem in your family, it will end today in Jesus name.
*Prayer: Father, lay your hands on my hands and send a miracle to my family.*
*4. God can give a miracle to an individual (you).* Mk 5 vs 29- 34, Mk 1 vs 23-26. There are many with problems which are covered with beautiful dresses. Problems that you can't tell anybody but only God. God will surely intervene in your situation today in Jesus name. 1st Chro 4 vs 9-10.
*Prayer: Father, send me a personal miracle today* .
*5. God can give a unique miracle.* God said to Solomon, I will give you a unique miracle, one of a kind. Exd 3 vs 1-12. God also gave Moses, Daniel and Mary unique miracles. Dan 6 vs 1-end, Luke 1 vs 26-38. God gives people miracles that have never been repeated and He can still give unique miracle to someone. Miracle that no one has ever had before.
*5. God can give a unique miracle.* God said to Solomon, I will give you a unique miracle, one of a kind. Exd 3 vs 1-12. God also gave Moses, Daniel and Mary unique miracles. Dan 6 vs 1-end, Luke 1 vs 26-38. God gives people miracles that have never been repeated and He can still give unique miracle to someone. Miracle that no one has ever had before.
*Prayer: Father, today give me a unique miracle .*
In closing, Ish 59 vs 1-2, it is only sin that an separate Him from us. It is only sin that can stop all the miracles from flowing. If you know you are still living in sin, all these miracles may not happen. Give your life to Jesus Christ and and stop living in sin. Let Him save your soul.
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