UNE VERTU(See English version below)
Mercredi 6 juin
La Bible dans
une année : Psaumes 10-12
Mémoriser :
Sachant cela, que la tentative de votre foi produit de patience. James 1:3
Read : James
La patience est
une vertu indispensable pour tous les croyants en Christ. En premier lieu, la
race, nous sommes appelés à ne peut être exécutée par le biais de patience car
c'est un marathon. (Hébreux 12:1) Aussi, il n'y a pratiquement aucune promesse
de Dieu qui peut être satisfait dans la vie des croyants sans la combinaison de
la foi et la patience (Hébreux 6:12). Aussi indispensable que la foi est pour
un chrétien, est donc aussi la patience. Pas étonnant que c'est la partie du
fruit de l'esprit-ensorcellement (Galates 5:22). Vous savez que lorsque votre
foi est jugé, Dieu utilise ce procès pour générer la patience en vous (James
1:3) ? Cela implique que plus la période d'essai, le plus votre degré de
patience. Mais, lorsque vous échouez à gérer un procès particulier de la foi de
la façon dont vous devriez, il ne générera pas le niveau de patience qu'il le
devrait. Pour cette raison, ceux qui sont allés à travers des essais et se
plaint tout au long, grommelant contre Dieu, ont vu Dieu comme l'opposition ou
même abandonnés dans leur obéissance personnelle ou leur engagement envers
Dieu, la patience a fini avec peu ou aucune augmentation.
Si vous avez
beaucoup de patience, vous êtes riche. Comme la foi, la patience est nécessaire
dans pratiquement tous les domaines. Après la lecture d'aujourd'hui, la
patience a une tache divine d'accomplir dans nos vies qui nous rendra parfaite.
Il n'y a aucune perfection sans patience et sans perfection vous ne voyez pas
de Dieu. Afin de voir Dieu, vous avez besoin de patience. Patience peut attirer
la miséricorde de Dieu pour être admissible à l'absolu. Nous le voyons dans le
cas de la femme Syropheniciene qui s'est approché du Seigneur pour la
libération de sa fille. Même lorsque le Seigneur l’a ignoré et elle était pratiquement
appelée un « chien », elle a persisté dans la présence de l'Éternel. Enfin, sa
patience lui qualifié pour le miracle que sa démographie avait l’exclu (Mark
7:25-30). Quel degré de patience avez-vous? Certains dirigeants vantaient comment
impatient ils sont sans savoir comment pauvres ceci les rend. Demandez à Dieu
pour la grâce de construire plus de dépôts de patience jusqu'à ce que vous soyez
riche en patience, et elle se montra.
Jusqu'à ce que
la patience a sa plein impact dans votre vie, vous ne peut pas être ce qui vous
étaient destinés à être. Demander que Dieu vous rende parfaite à travers la
Wednesday June 6 2012
Bible in one year: Psalms 10-12
Memorise: Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. James 1:3
Read: James 1:3-4
Patience is an indispensable virtue for all believers in Christ. In the first place, the race we are called into can only be run through patience because it is a marathon. (Hebrew 12:1) Also, there is hardly any promise of God that can be fulfilled in the life of believers without the combination of faith and patience (Hebrew 6:12). As indispensable as faith is to a Christian, so also is patience. No wonder it is part of the fruit of the spirit- longsuffering (Galatians 5:22). Do you know that when your faith is being tried, God uses that trial to generate patience in you (James 1:3)? This implies that the longer the period of trial, the greater your level of patience. But, when you fail to handle a particular trial of faith the way you should, it will not generate the level of patience that it should. For this reason, many who have gone through trials and complained throughout, grumbled against God, saw God as the opposition or even dropped in their personal obedience or commitment to God, ended up with little or no increase in patience.
If you have a lot of patience, you are rich. Like faith, patience is needed in virtually every area. According to today’s reading, patience has a divine assignment to perform in our lives that will make us perfect. There is no perfection without patience and without perfection you cannot see God. So to see God, you need patience. Patience can attract God’s mercy to qualify the unqualified. We see this in the case of the Syrophenician woman who approached the Lord for the deliverance of her daughter. Even when the Lord ignored her and she was virtually called a “dog”, she persisted in the presence of the Lord. At last, her patience qualified her for the miracle her demographics had disqualified her from (Mark 7:25-30). How much patience do you have? Some leaders brag about how impatient they are without knowing how impoverished that makes them. Ask God for the grace to build more deposits of patience until you are rich in patience and it shows.
Until patience has its full impact in your life, you cannot be what you were meant to be. Ask that God will make you perfect through patience.
Wednesday June 6 2012
Bible in one year: Psalms 10-12
Memorise: Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. James 1:3
Read: James 1:3-4
Patience is an indispensable virtue for all believers in Christ. In the first place, the race we are called into can only be run through patience because it is a marathon. (Hebrew 12:1) Also, there is hardly any promise of God that can be fulfilled in the life of believers without the combination of faith and patience (Hebrew 6:12). As indispensable as faith is to a Christian, so also is patience. No wonder it is part of the fruit of the spirit- longsuffering (Galatians 5:22). Do you know that when your faith is being tried, God uses that trial to generate patience in you (James 1:3)? This implies that the longer the period of trial, the greater your level of patience. But, when you fail to handle a particular trial of faith the way you should, it will not generate the level of patience that it should. For this reason, many who have gone through trials and complained throughout, grumbled against God, saw God as the opposition or even dropped in their personal obedience or commitment to God, ended up with little or no increase in patience.
If you have a lot of patience, you are rich. Like faith, patience is needed in virtually every area. According to today’s reading, patience has a divine assignment to perform in our lives that will make us perfect. There is no perfection without patience and without perfection you cannot see God. So to see God, you need patience. Patience can attract God’s mercy to qualify the unqualified. We see this in the case of the Syrophenician woman who approached the Lord for the deliverance of her daughter. Even when the Lord ignored her and she was virtually called a “dog”, she persisted in the presence of the Lord. At last, her patience qualified her for the miracle her demographics had disqualified her from (Mark 7:25-30). How much patience do you have? Some leaders brag about how impatient they are without knowing how impoverished that makes them. Ask God for the grace to build more deposits of patience until you are rich in patience and it shows.
Until patience has its full impact in your life, you cannot be what you were meant to be. Ask that God will make you perfect through patience.
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